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Strategy Guide delayed again!

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The stategey guide that was originally supposed to come out around the games release & then delayed until October 15th (today) has been delayed, yet again. I was expecting it today, but I checked my email to find out that it has been delayed until October 21st! It's a firetrucking book, what could possibly be delaying it so long!? At this point, I've already got the platinum for KHFM & I'm kinda close to getting the platinum for Re:CoM. I just want the guide as a collectors item, but it still makes me mad. It's just a damn book, give me what I paid for!!! It doesn't even make sense to release a guide after the game is released, let alone over a month later. It's pretty stupid.


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Don't bother about the guide why do you need one.

You can find tutorials and walkthroughs on internet and here on kh13.

We are not living in the past.


Besides if you really want it you can mayby download it.

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I personally don't mind, only KH strategy guide I have is a Days one my friend gave me cause he got it, beat the game, and said he no longer needs it so thought I might want it.  I cut the back pictures out and stuck them up on my wall.  


id rather wait out the week thank pay $50 for a book. the game was only 40


While it looks like it's more expensive, as most things including food and stuff in Australia are, the average Australian gets paid a lot more for the same job comparing so there's really no difference in price if you actually lived in Australia.  

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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Ah. So it's not just me.


I have a feeling the guide book is going to be canceled if they keep delaying it like this... Let's hope not.

Don't bother about the guide why do you need one.

You can find tutorials and walkthroughs on internet and here on kh13.

We are not living in the past.


Besides if you really want it you can mayby download it.

Some people prefer physical things rather than things on the internet. I like to collect things, so I want the guide not so much because I need help, but because I want to put it with the rest of my Kingdom Hearts things. I also like BIG strategy guides so I can look through them and appreciate all the colorful details and information. FAQs are boring.

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Don't bother about the guide why do you need one.You can find tutorials and walkthroughs on internet and here on kh13.We are not living in the past. Besides if you really want it you can mayby download it.

Maybe you didn't read my post. I want it as a collectors item. I have the platinum for KHFM & I'm close to getting the platinum for Re:CoM.

The only reason why it's delayed is because the government is shut down

.....That's funny, because I see mail trucks & UPS trucks almost everyday. The government has nothing to do with it.

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I still have my Brady Games Walkthrough for KH, yeah there are a few differences between KH and KHFM but the guide still helps, the differences will just be a challenge. Although I have only noticed two so far, the Heartless have a different color scheme and the Giant White Mushroom's where not in the original.

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My guide was supposed to ship this morning along with the pokemon x/y guide but I received and email saying the KH guide was delayed, again?

But I looked around on sites and it doesn't really seem that way to me. [i ordered from barnes and noble.]



ugh It's just me nevermind.. apparently everyone else's books have shipped out.

Don't know why i ever ordered from barnes and noble.

Edited by GreeNuu

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