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Jim's In-Depth Analysis of the New Trailer

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Watching the trailer, there were a lot of things that I noticed, and Imma post them here.


  • This game looks very pretty. The fire and water effects were excellent, the lighting looks great, and the character models are well-rendered.
  • My assumption is that at least the first part of this isn't an FMV trailer like the last one, considering it would run a lot smoother if it was. You can, pretty easily, see some things that wouldn't happen if they were trying to make it look perfect. Like, Sora's first fireball straight-up misses. When he uses fire, he levitates briefly, as if they don't have enough space in the coding to have two separate animations for ground casting and aerial casting. Obviously, this wouldn't be necessary like it was for many spells in BBS, Re:Coded, and 3D. Also, his character model sometimes moves awkwardly from one frame to the next.
  • The HUDs are probably not final and are just pasted over the gameplay that is shown. Notice that the command menu doesn't change to a different sub-menu or quick-menu when Sora casts fire. There is no visible consumption of MP when Sora uses fire. (There is MP consumption, however, when Donald uses fire.)
  • The Rock Titan looks sweet. Also, he looks a heck of a lot bigger than he was in KH1.
  • The last scene with the Rock Titan may be an FMV (strictly in terms of this trailer). The camera cuts and focuses in a way that doesn't seem normal for actual gameplay. It did something similar with the initial trailer released back at E3. 
  • We still don't know what the "EX" gauge is, as it doesn't seem to change at all, no matter what attack Sora used. For all we know, this might not even be part of the HUD in the final game. 
  • The train doesn't seem like it would be mandatory for the Rock Titan battle, seeing as Sora flies out of it in the end. 
  • This isn't as much of an analysis of the trailer, as much as it is something I hope to see in the final game. You can tell that the animations for the character portraits in the HUD are on a short loop. I hope they do what they did in the 2011 Versus XIII trailer, and make the characters' animations change, depending on what they are doing in the battlefield. It seems like it would fit this game pretty well. 

Yeah I'm tired. I just needed to get this off my chest before I went to sleep, haha.

What are you guys thinking about the trailer?

I agree completely. It looks amazing, and its only beta. :D

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The EX reminds me quite a bit of the EX Gauge from Dissidia. The gauge would fill to max and then stay there until you activated EX mode with a successful attack. Perhaps KH3 is using a similar system. which TAKE MY MONEY TAKE MY MONEY NOW if they do it.

The facial animations are an evolution of the portraits of the original games, where the picture would change to a pained expression when dealt damage or in critical health. The animations are probably going to serve the same purpose, only with constant fluid animation. Their faces animating into a pained expression and whatever else they want.

I am 100% convinced that the Train and Boat are summons, or some kind of thing along those lines. They're aren't mandatory events, given that the options on each have one selection that translates to "Get off".

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I think the EX gauge is for the Disney rides. You fill it up by dealing hits. Once filled, you can perform the Disney ride you equip in your menu? o3o I don't know... like you said, this is still a beta trailer so we can't confirm anything yet... though, if they are not going to include the EX gauge in the final part of the game, they would've removed it before this trailer was released >.>

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I think the EX gauge is for the Disney rides. You fill it up by dealing hits. Once filled, you can perform the Disney ride you equip in your menu? o3o I don't know... like you said, this is still a beta trailer so we can't confirm anything yet... though, if they are not going to include the EX gauge in the final part of the game, they would've removed it before this trailer was released >.>

Not necessarily. They had that "Ex Gauge" in Final Fantasy XV / Versus XIII, and that ended up being gone when they showed it again this year. 

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there were few minor glitches but nevertheless the outstanding visuals more then make up for this sora look's absolutely stunning and continues to be my favorite final fantasy character alongside tidus,squall and tidus (kingdom hearts and final fantasy are basically the same thing don't deny this fact) i love the detail they've put into this game the only disappointing news is the fact that sora will be changing his clothes i actually became really attached to his black suit :(

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There is also no consumption when he uses summon.

It is just a concept gameplay.


Did you notice the moving avatars? We are gonna see more of this when the hp bar goes down.

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Not necessarily. They had that "Ex Gauge" in Final Fantasy XV / Versus XIII, and that ended up being gone when they showed it again this year. 

But this is KH3, not FF15... they probably didn't have an idea for that Ex bar so they just scrapped it. I mean look at the beta trailer for KH3D. They kept the Drop system that whole time and didn't remove it. This Ex gauge could be important and probably end up being a big key in combat.

Edited by Moochieh32

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The combo system look kinda disappointing.

So waht, you tihought it was gonna be like HK2 where sora pulls off insane combo's? Nomura is trying to make KH games not so easy that you jus have to mash X and triangle to win all the time.

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So waht, you tihought it was gonna be like HK2 where sora pulls off insane combo's? Nomura is trying to make KH games not so easy that you jus have to mash X and triangle to win all the time.

This. Also, it's still the beta.

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