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Silvia Kuroi

Depression Help

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I probably have made a thread about this, but it was a long time ago, and perhaps more people have new and better answers.


Now, some of you know me. Not a whole lot of you really know me very well, and that's fine. However, one thing I'd really just want to go out and say is that I have some form of depression. I've had it for several months now, and it's not something I really like talking about, but it has reached the point where I need to talk about it with a large group of people, to share experiences and obtain advice.


First off, I am seeing a professional for this, so don't say I need to see a doctor. I have been for several months now.


So please, try and give serious answers only. I understand if you want to make a lighthearted joke, but this is meant to be a serious thread for people with experience dealing with or helping those with depression.


Anyways, for me, depression is a feeling that threatens to drag me down everyday. It has made me overly sensitive and worrisome, to the point of crying and terrible thoughts. I've experienced some of the worst things depression can throw at anyone, and it's taken me awhile to really try and reach out for help. So here I am, asking for those on kh13 for any advice or similar experiences that you all have.



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Well.....I'm no expert,but won't saying how you got depression help with people answering?Sorry if this makes it worse.An the other hand I like you avatar from RF4.


The real cause, I think, is irrelevant. At this point, I think the cause was just a breaking point that forced me into the mental illness I am in now.

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well there is many ways to go at this. Depression can be subsided in some ways, but depression is different from person to person.


I personally found that finding something you were truly passionate about and do it whenever you feel depressed, or find someone who loves you.


If you are depressed and you ever feel alone do not let anyone tell you that. You have me and I do not care if you know me or not I am spiritually with you. Even if that means when you get depressed and these come to mind


- when you feel like saying "it is all my fault" You can blame it on me. 

- or "I cannot do anything right" remember You have the choice to make your life the best.

- and even "no one cares if I live or die" I care and do not die on me, you are my KIN and I do not want my brethren to die. 


Depression is one son of bitch to handle, and I may not be able to cure it, but I can try.

Edited by ReikuSSR

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Generic advice won't cut it when it comes to this. It would help if you could voice out the source of the problem, that way you can get a more specialized form of help...

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Generic advice won't cut it when it comes to this. It would help if you could voice out the source of the problem, that way you can get a more specialized form of help...


By source do you mean cause of the depression to begin with? But I can very well give the feelings and emotions that have prolonged all this.

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Find something positive in your life hold on to it. And remember to be thankful for what you have because although things could be alot better they could always be worse so just fill your head with the positives in your life and try not to focus on the negative.

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I've had friends who have helped me more than my doctor has. Maybe I need a new doctor, but I'm still looking for simple advice that could at least help me in the slightest.

Good friend are the best medicine. Period. When I went through depression not my doctor, my therapist, or the shitty pills that made me manic helped me. NOpe. Only my friends, and one specifically who to prevent giving out too much information was my friend D. If it weren't for her and my cat, I would have probably killed myself let's say, 2 years ago?I'm obviously not in your shoes so I can't tell you what to do as everyone has different situations, but depression is not fun. And you'll find comfort in only your best and closest friends.I don't think you and I have ever talked but if you need anything or just want to chat, please feel free to message me on Skype or something (since the message thingy doesn't work on here for me). I may not be able to help you but I can offer a lot of advice and such from personal experiences... Just know that out in the world, there are many people who love you. And if you ever - god forbid - contemplate harming yourself in any way... I can give you many reasons not to.We're here for you brah.

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By source do you mean cause of the depression to begin with? But I can very well give the feelings and emotions that have prolonged all this.

Anything to aid in understanding more of the depression, be it how you feel, what you think is the source, etc.

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Anything to aid in understanding more of the depression, be it how you feel, what you think is the source, etc.


To me, one of the biggest source is self-hate. I really really do not like myself in the slightest. I have trouble producing confidence in myself, and often blame myself and apologize when blame and apologies aren't need. My depression has essentially turned me into an overly-sensitive self hating teen who worries too much. That's the gist of it, but I'm sure I've left out some details on accident.

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my parents are making me go to a therapist once a week for who knows how long because they think I have anger issues, Thats making me more depressed then anything. im sorry i didnt help i just had to get that off my chest 

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Well generally depression doesn´t go out as easily as we want to... however, you need to figure out this:

-Why am i´m feeling like this?

 There must be a reason, family problems, school, job, romance troubles,debts  or even lack of something beloved.... each problem leads to stress and eventually when we don´t know how to get off of it... tada! depression came. Why I´m telling you this? Because figuring out the problem will lead you to the next question.

_What am I doing for myself? 

You are drepressed, that´s what you know, now you know the reason... then what are u doing to get better? People who get depressed would believe life has lost meaning.... however, giving up (Of many things and even in more serious cases, life) would´nt resolve anything. You need to find by yourself the strenght to keep going, even when you believe that is pointless.... we have one life... one long live, to just giving up and sit down on depression street. So ... keep going... maybe that would lead yourself to find the answer that you search...

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To me, one of the biggest source is self-hate. I really really do not like myself in the slightest. I have trouble producing confidence in myself, and often blame myself and apologize when blame and apologies aren't need. My depression has essentially turned me into an overly-sensitive self hating teen who worries too much. That's the gist of it, but I'm sure I've left out some details on accident.

So... what's the reasoning bwhind the mindset? What exactly do you "hate" about yourself?btw, it's good to hear that you're seeking professional help....

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It would help if we knew what you were depressed about (I can understand if it might be too personal and you don't want to post it).


You should find a couple of hobbies that you love and do those things, that's how I always escape from my depression. 


Also, everyone has problems all the time, the same problems you have now won't be with you for forever, they will pass.


Something that also helps me is understanding that i'm not the only one who gets depressed, it's a normal thing everyone does it's just a lot of people hide their emotions.


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As many people here have said, it helps for anyone talking to you about it to know a bit more specifics about it. The important thing here is what specifically is getting to you, that's what we and the rest of your friends can actually address. You talk about self-hate, and while I think we could be of even more help to know more specific things you don't really like in yourself, there's obviously a lot to deal with just in that.


Firstly, and I know this may sound cliche, but it's worth reiterating because it is very true and worth saying; a lot of people have feelings like you, and nearly everyone at least as points in their life where they feel like that. First and foremost- you ain't alone. You might feel you are at times, but you aren't.


Secondly- being sensitive and worrying about you life and possibly the times you've made mistakes and things you believe you've done can be rough. It can very tough to convince yourself that you shouldn't be worrying or to convince yourself that you don't just mess things up. You have to keep believing that you are a great person, or at least a good person, though, and at times try to enjoy the moment as much as possible without worrying. That doesn't always work, though, and so I would say even more-so than believing in yourself find the people you are close to who believe in you. It is their word that may be the thing to convince yourself how amazing you are as a person, and by doing things with them you begin to see a reflection of your own value in the happiness you bring them. I haven't had the chance to know you very closely, but from all the times that we've interacted around here I know how absolutely excellent of a person you are. I'm not just saying that either, I wouldn't be typing all of this up if I somehow thought you deserved such self-critique, but you don't.


Find friends that you are close to, and confide in them, that's what close friendships are for; being able help each other when we're vulnerable, because there hasn't been a single person who hasn't been vulnerable in their life. Talk to them, and I'm sure that they will be there to tell you that your worries are only that. There's no way to simply stop worrying, but if you learn to care about people and let them care about you, then it becomes much easier to see how you  have no reason to dislike yourself. If need be, PM me, I'd be happy to chat with you any time.


As others have said, though, the more you explain the situation, the easier it will be for people here to be able to get more to the point with helping you out.



my parents are making me go to a therapist once a week for who knows how long because they think I have anger issues, Thats making me more depressed then anything. im sorry i didnt help i just had to get that off my chest 

Don't be sorry, man, it's tough to deal with stuff like that. They probably care about you a lot, and I know that being treated differently can definitely sting, but it's coming from an honest place. Think about talking to them about it, be honest. If they don't seem to be addressing your situation right, then explain how you feel to them as well. Also, understand that a lot of people go to therapists and don't have big issues or anything- it's a good way to just be able to talk about stuff. Don't let it get you down too badly man, you've got people that love you a lot, and that is worth a lot. Just be as honest with you can with them and let them try to understand what you're go through.

Edited by MDSVeritas

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As many people here have said, it helps for anyone talking to you about it to know a bit more specifics about it. The important thing here is what specifically is getting to you, that's what we and the rest of your friends can actually address. You talk about self-hate, and while I think we could be of even more help to know more specific things you don't really like in yourself, there's obviously a lot to deal with just in that.


Firstly, and I know this may sound cliche, but it's worth reiterating because it is very true and worth saying; a lot of people have feelings like you, and nearly everyone at least as points in their life where they feel like that. First and foremost- you ain't alone. You might feel you are at times, but you aren't.


Secondly- being sensitive and worrying about you life and possibly the times you've made mistakes and things you believe you've done can be rough. It can very tough to convince yourself that you shouldn't be worrying or to convince yourself that you don't just mess things up. You have to keep believing that you are a great person, or at least a good person, though, and at times try to enjoy the moment as much as possible without worrying. That doesn't always work, though, and so I would say even more-so than believing in yourself find the people you are close to who believe in you. It is their word that may be the thing to convince yourself how amazing you are as a person, and by doing things with them you begin to see a reflection of your own value in the happiness you bring them. I haven't had the chance to know you very closely, but from all the times that we've interacted around here I know how absolutely excellent of a person you are. I'm not just saying that either, I wouldn't be typing all of this up if I somehow thought you deserved such self-critique, but you don't.


Find friends that you are close to, and confide in them, that's what close friendships are for; being able help each other when we're vulnerable, because there hasn't been a single person who hasn't been vulnerable in their life. Talk to them, and I'm sure that they will be there to tell you that your worries are only that. There's no way to simply stop worrying, but if you learn to care about people and let them care about you, then it becomes much easier to see how you  have no reason to dislike yourself. If need be, PM me, I'd be happy to chat with you any time.


As others have said, though, the more you explain the situation, the easier it will be for people here to be able to get more to the point with helping you out.



Don't be sorry, man, it's tough to deal with stuff like that. They probably care about you a lot, and I know that being treated differently can definitely sting, but it's coming from an honest place. Think about talking to them about it, be honest. If they don't seem to be addressing your situation right, then explain how you feel to them as well. Also, understand that a lot of people go to therapists and don't have big issues or anything- it's a good way to just be able to talk about stuff. Don't let it get you down too badly man, you've got people that love you a lot, and that is worth a lot. Just be as honest with you can with them and let them try to understand what you're go through.


I hate myself as a whole. This may sound like a lot of complaints and whines; but this is how I feel about myself. I honestly, truly do no believe I possess any sort of talent or skill. Everyone has something they're good at, and while yes, that takes years; I don't have anything that I can say that I'm good enough at. I hate myself for being depressed, and always I have to put the blame on myself.


As for the cause, I really am not sure. I know it doesn't help, but perhaps it is myself that makes me depressed. Like a dark side to my psyche that brings me down. I may not get depressed everyday, but I can feel that dark side being there, and threatening to ruin my mood and behavior. If there's anything else I should elaborate (or be more specific--I'm not all too good at that), then i will.

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I hate myself as a whole. This may sound like a lot of complaints and whines; but this is how I feel about myself. I honestly, truly do no believe I possess any sort of talent or skill. Everyone has something they're good at, and while yes, that takes years; I don't have anything that I can say that I'm good enough at. I hate myself for being depressed, and always I have to put the blame on myself.


As for the cause, I really am not sure. I know it doesn't help, but perhaps it is myself that makes me depressed. Like a dark side to my psyche that brings me down. I may not get depressed everyday, but I can feel that dark side being there, and threatening to ruin my mood and behavior. If there's anything else I should elaborate (or be more specific--I'm not all too good at that), then i will.

I think I see where you're coming from. Not all depression is caused by an event or conceivable issue. Quite a lot of it can simply be in part of who we are, which sounds similar to how you're explaining it. The important addition to that point though is that regardless of if it is somewhat intrinsic it is not integral to who we are. Stuff like that can also be hard to describe, so I understand you not necessarily being able to do it in specifics.


As for your self-image, that's a tough hand to be played, but it's not insurmountable. Extreme self-critique can be really really rough if you feel the constant need to put blame on yourself. As for your general view on yourself, you gotta understand; people aren't just "good at something". People are usually far more complex than that and very few people ever attain an ability to be truly special at something. The value of a human being doesn't come from that, it comes from their overall self. Try not to beat yourself up for the thought that you aren't very good at anything, firstly I already know from simply talking to you and posting alongside you in RPs that you're quite good at a lot of things, but even if you weren't it doesn't matter- it would be superficial to judge people on things they are simply good at, the value of someone's character comes from more the kind of person they are than their quality in certain facets. I can already honestly tell you that your a good person just from how much I've known you around here.


That lingering worry may stick around in one form or another for a while with you. It's better to acknowledge that as that will hopefully allow you to ignore it more in day to day life. The best way to get rid of it, though, is to take action. Meet up with friends, play new games, have a good conversation with someone or take an interesting trip. If you stay active that should hopefully do several things for your self-image. First, it gives you less time to ruminate on that stuff- thinking about yourself is good at times, but if you have a more serious issue with worrying it's better to simply try to get out and do more, an inclination to worry won't go away, so focus on doing things as that will cause you to not worry much more than you would to lead a more normal life.  Second, by doing more things with people, and acting on the things you've learned to dislike about your past you get a chance to overwrite the issues you have with yourself. Worried about offending someone? Try to talk with them or cheer them up as that will help you prove to yourself that you can do good. Afraid you aren't being a good friend? Doing something about it will be a great start to changing you perceptions.


That same part of you that finds so many faults in yourself is the exact same part of you that can act to change those flaws. It's not easy, but you should certainly feel better for trying, for talking and acting out what you dislike so that you can at least create something better to assuage your fears. If you can recognize issues then you can fix them. It doesn't just instantly get better but you can begin to make a real change by starting a conversation or just focusing on the things you enjoy doing.

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I think I see where you're coming from. Not all depression is caused by an event or conceivable issue. Quite a lot of it can simply be in part of who we are, which sounds similar to how you're explaining it. The important addition to that point though is that regardless of if it is somewhat intrinsic it is not integral to who we are. Stuff like that can also be hard to describe, so I understand you not necessarily being able to do it in specifics.


As for your self-image, that's a tough hand to be played, but it's not insurmountable. Extreme self-critique can be really really rough if you feel the constant need to put blame on yourself. As for your general view on yourself, you gotta understand; people aren't just "good at something". People are usually far more complex than that and very few people ever attain an ability to be truly special at something. The value of a human being doesn't come from that, it comes from their overall self. Try not to beat yourself up for the thought that you aren't very good at anything, firstly I already know from simply talking to you and posting alongside you in RPs that you're quite good at a lot of things, but even if you weren't it doesn't matter- it would be superficial to judge people on things they are simply good at, the value of someone's character comes from more the kind of person they are than their quality in certain facets. I can already honestly tell you that your a good person just from how much I've known you around here.


That lingering worry may stick around in one form or another for a while with you. It's better to acknowledge that as that will hopefully allow you to ignore it more in day to day life. The best way to get rid of it, though, is to take action. Meet up with friends, play new games, have a good conversation with someone or take an interesting trip. If you stay active that should hopefully do several things for your self-image. First, it gives you less time to ruminate on that stuff- thinking about yourself is good at times, but if you have a more serious issue with worrying it's better to simply try to get out and do more, an inclination to worry won't go away, so focus on doing things as that will cause you to not worry much more than you would to lead a more normal life.  Second, by doing more things with people, and acting on the things you've learned to dislike about your past you get a chance to overwrite the issues you have with yourself. Worried about offending someone? Try to talk with them or cheer them up as that will help you prove to yourself that you can do good. Afraid you aren't being a good friend? Doing something about it will be a great start to changing you perceptions.


That same part of you that finds so many faults in yourself is the exact same part of you that can act to change those flaws. It's not easy, but you should certainly feel better for trying, for talking and acting out what you dislike so that you can at least create something better to assuage your fears. If you can recognize issues then you can fix them. It doesn't just instantly get better but you can begin to make a real change by starting a conversation or just focusing on the things you enjoy doing.


Well, thanks. I'll do my best to keep that all in mind. I'm moving for that change, and in recent days I've been a little more open to some people, and am at least seeking more help; both through my own actions and through the actions of others.

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Well, thanks. I'll do my best to keep that all in mind. I'm moving for that change, and in recent days I've been a little more open to some people, and am at least seeking more help; both through my own actions and through the actions of others.

Good for you man, I wish you luck. If you ever need to chat I'll be around.

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I know it's not might place to ask, but have there been any upsetting or traumatic events that have happened recently? Depression can develop without one of these events, but sometimes it's a "spark" if you will. 


If you aren't willing to share with the public forum feel free to send me a private message. 

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I probably have made a thread about this, but it was a long time ago, and perhaps more people have new and better answers.


Now, some of you know me. Not a whole lot of you really know me very well, and that's fine. However, one thing I'd really just want to go out and say is that I have some form of depression. I've had it for several months now, and it's not something I really like talking about, but it has reached the point where I need to talk about it with a large group of people, to share experiences and obtain advice.


First off, I am seeing a professional for this, so don't say I need to see a doctor. I have been for several months now.


So please, try and give serious answers only. I understand if you want to make a lighthearted joke, but this is meant to be a serious thread for people with experience dealing with or helping those with depression.


Anyways, for me, depression is a feeling that threatens to drag me down everyday. It has made me overly sensitive and worrisome, to the point of crying and terrible thoughts. I've experienced some of the worst things depression can throw at anyone, and it's taken me awhile to really try and reach out for help. So here I am, asking for those on kh13 for any advice or similar experiences that you all have.


I'm no pro, but I've experienced the same things before. I can't really type all of it, because I've forgotten some, while others had to do with self pleasure as an outlet.



The main thing is, we need inspiration and motivation. I'll post more later. Feel free to ask.

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I had the same problems with self esteem I'm still like that now but I just took it upon myself to realize that's just how I am. I posted earlier saying once I found some hobbies to get me away from the stuff that would get me depressed I felt a lot better. Boredom can also cause depression.


Also if you have anyone in your life that brings you down all the time just completely erase them from your life, I just started doing this. Don't associate with people who bring you down there are too many people in this world to be hanging around someone who only brings u down. It helps a lot if you're out of HS bc you basically choose who you want to see after that period.


Hope this helps.

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