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Short interview with Nomura released, regarding new KHIII information

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Fool. Not funny, man. It got me at first. I'm very serious when I say my heart was about to be broken and I was going to cry in front of my roommates. Not cool. I'll probably think it's funny tomorrow though. After these feels.

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Following the Kingdom Hearts presentation at D23 Expo, a representative for the Expo sat down to have a brief conversation with Tetsuya Nomura, director of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III title. (Translation provided by SQEXGURL)


Interviewer: "Thank you for sitting down with us, Nomura-san. It's a pleasure to have you with us."


Nomura: "Pleasures all mine, inteviewer-san." *laughs*


Interviewer: "So, we've just seen the announcement for Kingdom Hearts 2.5, and a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III. Needless to say, we are impressed. I'd just like to ask a few questions about that Kingdom Hearts III trailer, though. First off, we were impressed by having Sora able to use his keyblade as a gun like that. is that just the beginning of the number of transformations that the Keyblade can make?"


Nomura: "Ah... well, I can't release too much information at this point, but I can tell you that that's the main transformation we're focusing on at this point. In fact, we want to increase the amount of time spent in his gun-wielding form. In fact, we're trying to negate his 'hack and slash' keyblade form almost entirely." 


Interviewer: "Oh, so this game is going to have more of a third-person shooter feel than the previous titles?"


Nomura: *laughs* "Goodness, no. I've never aimed for Kingdom Hearts to fall into that genre. We're trying out what we can with a first-person style. I always liked the thought of seeing the world through Sora's eyes."


Interviewer: "Oh, so... you're making it a bit more like Bethesda's Skyrim then?"


Nomura: "Well, something like that." *laughs* "We're actually talking a little with our friends at Activision and EA, and getting some advice from them about what makes a good game. So we want Kingdom Hearts III to feel more akin to a first person shooter." 


Interviewer: "Oh, I can see this now. A first person Kingdom Hearts title, being able to see the Disney worlds through the eyes of Sora himself, Keyblade in hand."


Nomura: "Actually, that's another thing we're trying to shake up with this title too." *laughs* "I'm thinking we're going to exclude most of the Disney worlds, and instead include them in a set of day 1 DLCs for the game. Also, while on this topic, I should also add that we're considering swapping out the Keyblade with different types of guns that Sora can equip." 


Interviewer: "I see what you're saying now. So Sora won't be wielding the Keyblade?"


Nomura: "Well, unless you purchase it in the microtransactions menu, no." *laughs* 


Interviewer: "How do you expect the fanbase to respond to this bit of news?"


Nomura: *laughs* "Oh, I think they will be very happy! Square got some, ah, interesting fan responses concerning the DLC that was implemented into Final Fantasy XIII-2, so we thought we would try some more of that. Please look forward to seeing how Xehanort's story arch ends in the first DLC."


Interviewer: *laughs* "Well, thank you for all of this information, Nomura-san. Do you have one last message for your fans?"


Nomura: "Absolutely. Your support means the world to us. I must ask you to wait just a little bit longer for the next chapter, as we want to make sure that you, the devoted fans, are mildly entertained by it. Please look forward to Kingdom Hearts III, releasing exclusively on the Xbox One."


Interviewer: "Thank you for your time, Nomura-San. We look forward to speaking to you again."


Nomura: "Thank you, interviewer-san."

You know at the start i believed this, but when i hear dabout "Guns being weapons instead of keyblades" and "disney worlds are DLC" thats when i realized it was fake.

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I was outraged when I began reading this, I was considering boycotting this game, I returned to reality when it came to Sora barely wielding the keyblade...you got me!

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firetruck, I fell for that elaborate troll....can't believe I did, ugh....I must be more tired than I thought.

Different types of keyblade-to gun transformations would be neat though *shot

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