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Gaming Supporting Children

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I know this isn't exactly on topic and if it gets deleted, I understand. But I wanted to bring this to the attention of as many gamers as possible. A charity livestream/giveaway is going to be held now, Oct 16, till 6am ET on twitch for the Child's Play organization. They work to improve the lives of kids in hospitals by bringing them games and general entertainment to take them away from an otherwise grim situation. 


Here is their website: http://www.childsplaycharity.org/


Now, the livestream/giveaway I and my friends on Youtube are promoting is run by ColtesGaming. He is going to be hosting the livestream on twitch and offering a giveaway of some really good prizes to anyone who donates $1 or more. 50% of what is donated goes to the charity, 25% goes to a lucky donator as a giveaway prize, and 25% goes to Colte to help fund it. Check out the video in the link below and, if you can, stop in and drop a dollar in the hat for him. Not only will you be giving to a charity that believes in the power of gaming as a source of joy and enrichment, but you'll also be given a chance to win some awesome prizes. Thanks and I'm fully ready to take any flak on posting this in a Kingdom Hearts forum. Tell him soramstr sent you.Link to twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/coltesgaming

Edited by soramstr

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