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Final Fantasy noob

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Hey guys I'm a huge KH fan but I've never really looked into the FF series, I just got done watching some gameplay of FF13 on YouTube and what can I say...the game looks awesome! I plan on buying a couple of the games but I just have a few questions about it:


Is the game hard like The KH series?


Does it have a storyline for all the games combined our is it different characters and story for each game?


What's so different between it and KH?




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The FINAL FANTASY series is more challenging than the Kingdom Hearts series. I personally find Kingdom Hearts games easy.


The stories in FINAL FANTASY games are amazing but they are separate with each number however some numbers have prequels and sequels eg. VII, X and XIII.


FINAL FANTASY is Square Enix's biggest franchise and it's longest running. It is much more mature than Kingdom Hearts. If it wasn't for FINAL FANTASY, Square Enix would not exist and neither would Kingdom Hearts.

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Final Fantasy is more challenging than KH.


Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are very different,they both have complex storylines,but they really don't play the same.Final Fantasy is turn-base and Kingdom Hearts is more like and Action RPG

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- If u see that KH is hard then I would say that FF is harder, it is more challenging, u may find it open more than KH and also u may find many side quests and optional bosses.- Each Final Fantasy game got its own story, u may sometimes find that a numbered game got some other titles like for example: Final Fantasy XIII got two more titles to complete its story: Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII but in the end they all share the ((XIII)) and they all share the same story.

- The differences on first that FF is a RPG game but KH is an Action RPG. If u play KH u can freely fight and hit anytime u want, but in FF u might need to wait sometime until u hit. These are the differences and of course the comparison I made above for ur first question.Hope that helped :)

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