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I need some advice.

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Okay, so a couple of months ago, I went to my best friend's sister's sweet sixteenth where I met her cousin who is 13 and got moved up a grade so that we are both in year 9. So her cousin and I  spent the whole night talking together and the end of the night I gave him my phone number and email address. 


We spent the next couple of months talking a lot on skype and at one point I got depression. He helped me the whole way through my struggle with depression. He did not leave my side for a minute though I didn't see him at all in person we instead spoke on Skype. Only just recently have I come over my depression. He was the only person or only friend I had to support me because my other friends were either going through their own shit or weren't there. He goes to a different school so I don't see him often. 


On Saturday night I had a party at my place and towards the end of the night we got talking and this how it went. 


We started off talking about life and he gave tons of life advice and he even told me how at one point he wanted to kill himself and to hurt himself. The night before he pretty confessed his feelings for me in the most poetic and he told me how whenever we were instant messaging on skype he thought of my eyes. He said that he could tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes.


"When you first met me, what could you tell about me by looking at my eyes?" I asked.


"When I looked into your eyes I saw someone who didn't look like she had problems, someone so beautiful, who I would have never guessed was going through a rough time."


When he said that I started crying and I could see that he was crying too. He then came up and hugged me and just as I was about to walk him out, I started crying, sobbing even. 


"I`m sorry....I`m sorry." I said in between sobs.


"Hey, don't be sorry you have done absolutely nothing wrong." he replies. 


He then pulls me into a hug and I wrap arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shoulder as his fingers run play with my hair. He holds me me there for a while and for the first time in my life I feel safe, I feel like I belong there, I feel at home. 


We part and he starts grazing my arm with his fingers. After awhile he holds my hand tightly. 


" *Insert name here* I really really like you." I confess.


"I feel the same way." he replies. 


"I`m scared." I say.


"Don't be scared." he replies.


"But I am scared." 


"Go, find your light." he suggests.


"But you are my light." I reply.


"And you're mine." 


He pulls me into one last hug.


"I`m going to miss you." I tell him. 


"I`ll miss you too." he replies.




Sorry that took so long but my question is when would be a good age to start dating? I`m 14 and he's 13, we both feel very strongly about each other and my mum is very against the idea of us 'rushing into things.' So could someone please tell me what would be a good age to start dating a boy. You know just going out and be together not having sex or anything. By the way, this is not the first time I've fallen for a boy.


Your fellow teen,


Princess Kari





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Looks like I'm not the only one who can determine a person simply by looking into their eyes. That is by far the cutest and sweetest thing I have ever read :)



On topic: I would love to give advice here, however since this is dealing with romance and on basis of technicality I'm pretty stupid in this (because I have no experience), I'd go on a whim and say... well for your situation I wouldn't really consider it dating. This is more like getting to know each other better, becoming friends and hoping that it would blossom into something much greater than that. 


I wouldn't call it dating until like you're 16-17ish range. But then again, I don't know what it's like to have these emotions of affection reciprocated [big word meaning returned] by someone I have feelings for, so who am I to determine when you two should kick things into a whole new level of affection?


That's my two cents. Hope that helps! [this is too adorable :3]

Edited by Javelin434

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Thank you for your advice but I never considered it dating but I was wondering when it would be a good age to start dating. Thanks for your two cents though.

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Thank you for your advice but I never considered it dating but I was wondering when it would be a good age to start dating. Thanks for your two cents though.

A good age to start dating? 16-18 sounds about appropriate, but if these feelings for each other are genuine, then a exception can be made :3

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I'd say keep talking as friends for awhile get to know each other even more to develop your bond. Right now you guys are still pretty young and young love doesn't always last (doesn't mean it can't happen). I'd say go out with him on dates that aren't to personal and try to keep it simple at first. A good age to start dating is about 16-18 because at that age you have more perspective of the world around you. I wouldn't recommend getting to serious at this age, young teens have a tendency to romanticize things. Lastly never ever care about what other people may think about your relationships; listen to your heart (unless he's abusive then you better listen to your friends.) About your parents take it slow, introduce always and make a good first impression (ex. your bf compliments your parents, pulls a chair out for you, never kiss in front of your parents or his and never be alone in a room) build trust between him and your parents to show off a healthy relationship. Also keep this to yourself, don't mention to your parents or friends but... *ahem* um have a condom on him just in case better safe than sorry. 



14 and 13, that's not to much of a difference. I'm 18 and my GF is 17.

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I say you make it rather innocent. If your relationship lasts as long as mine does with my Eve. Then I say go for it, but it might be best to keep things in almost of a best friend basis, I am not saying this by means of "safe scenario" just to see how you two deal together with other events in life and may time tell if you two shall be in a forever be, boyfriend and girl friend, or best friends. life will tell you.

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Ppl do way worse things at younger ages then that, I lost my virginity at 16, and honestly I'm not going to be up here saying sex is like the worst thing you can do it's really not as long as you guys both respect each other and do it the safe way. I started dating at like 14 and I just started actually liking serious relationships now (I'm 19).


I'm basically saying I don't really know how serious the relationship will be if you're into that type of stuff. When I was that age I remember people getting together saying they love each other and 3 days later breaking up and finding somebody new that they "love".

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