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KH2 Tidus and Wakka in KH2

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For all I know, Final Fantasy X could have taken place at that time without the entire universe collapsing on itself...but since it likely didn't, I'm just going to say that the story didn't really require them for that game. But yeah, I would really REALLY love for them to be in Kingdom Hearts III, as well as having a more important role in the story.

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I'd love to see a Blitzball mini game held in Destiny Islands! (Let me dream) It would be awesome to make Destiny Islands a Mini Game world

Yeah.....they could remove 100 acre woods and make it destiny islands instead :)

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Yeah.....they could remove 100 acre woods and make it destiny islands instead :)

Or they could have both! Kingdom hearts 2 had two mini game areas.

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They haven't appeared because they held no relevance or importance to the plot and it would be deemed a waste of cash to animate and create them just for the sake of having them there.  This is most likely the same reason we didn't see Sora's mother.  Once they actually would bring something to the table, like if we revisit Destiny Islands (playable) and see them grown up hanging around they could provide a tutorial for things to do there or be an NPC, or they just magically appear at the climatic battle all friends do that sort of stuff, then they would pop up.

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hahah naahh, well it would be a waste reanimating the characters for only 1 cutscene since they weren't important in the story plot... But I wouldn't mind seeing them in KH3 how thay have grown, and I dunno see how Destiny Islands have changed since then!

Edited by SoraKH

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