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KH13 October Halloween Pokémon Tournament

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I have made the brackets of the current participants BUT I will not post it until we get a full set.


So far, some of the participants could already battle such as:


OmegaForte vs. Ajexmi

Black Star vs. OthersiderME

Kuriboh vs. Jilly Shears


Good luck! 

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I also want to to participate in!


Alright! You are going to be battling Newa! 


:D Okayy! Our battle will be amazing. Good luck, Teppo!  :P

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Username (Your account on Pokémon Showdown):Jude-kun

Time Zone: CST

Days Available in October (The date when to start and end the tournament is undecided until we get enough people for the tournament):Any day.


I have nothing to do so I guess I'll give this a shot.

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i enter...I ENTER XAON TADA! he can't but hes not gonna miss this i mean or else whos gonna show ya how its NOT done, am i right? xD


but seriously

"[5:29:13 PM] Lord Megaman X: and tell sally

[5:29:16 PM] Lord Megaman X: that i may be banned
[5:29:23 PM] Lord Megaman X: but that wont stop me from whooping her ass"

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Can I suggest Tentacruel???


If you want a reason.....watch this episode




Not a good enough reason. 


i enter...I ENTER XAON TADA! he can't but hes not gonna miss this i mean or else whos gonna show ya how its NOT done, am i right? xD


but seriously

"[5:29:13 PM] Lord Megaman X: and tell sally

[5:29:16 PM] Lord Megaman X: that i may be banned
[5:29:23 PM] Lord Megaman X: but that wont stop me from whooping her ass"





Jk I will let you in, BUT that means XYLEK has to join as well.

The deed is done you can't back out now.


Edited by Shana09

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Username: HeiTheChamp

Timezone: EST

Days available: Any day


favorite scary pokemon is exeggutor becuase it has creepy egg faces lool



taking xylek down







The Tournament shall begin right now! If you have your teams ready then get ready to battle. If you don't, don't worry! You have a few days to get ready so have fun and I hope you enjoy the battles!



1) PM your opponent about what time you want to battle.

2) If there are problems let me know straight away through a private message. Skip this if there is none.

3) Obviously, battle when the time comes and you both are free and ready.

4) Post the replay on this thread so everyone can see your victory and shame!


Tournament Schedule: 

First Round: October 2nd - October 7th.

Second Round: October 8th - October 12th. *

XY Break: October 12th - October 19th. **

Semifinals: October 20th - October 22th

Finals: October 23th - October 24th.***


* = This round will overlap with the XY break. Same goes for any round at all, you can battle during the XY break.

** = XY break is for those who want to spend a week just to play Pokémon X and Y when it is released. I understand this your hype, so have fun!

*** = This battle can be on October 31st if you want it to be more suitable since it's Halloween.




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Edited by Shana09

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Wow, totally missed this due to the amount of time I no longer have for anything. xD





Awww. Well it's alright. xD

This tournament got participants faster than expected, it's like as each month goes by we get participants way earlier. If someone drops out, you can take their place. 


totally different 


Fine, how about if the subject involved a quickie, except it's not like you wouldn't deliver one to a guy. 

Edited by Shana09

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Awww. Well it's alright. xD

This tournament got participants faster than expected, it's like as each month goes by we get participants way earlier. If someone drops out, you can take their place. 



Fine, how about if the subject involved a quickie, except it's not like you wouldn't deliver one to a guy. 


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