Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) Welcome to the Halloween Pokémon Tournament! This tournament will consist of Pokémon that is either deemed scary, creepy, Halloween appropriate surrounding popular scary fanfiction, visually, and cannon information. Also it's the perfect time to use dirty tricks against your opponents! You will be using this site to create your team, and battle other competitors in this tournament in "Custom Match". The Tournament has ended already! The winner is Joku760! Congratulations to Joku760 and thank you for participating and/or spectating the tournament! Hope to see you next month. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Rule and Restrictions~ - MUST be a Pokémon surrounding the list of Pokémon given below. You can suggest a Pokémon and I will determine if I shall allow it. Giving a reason would give me a reason to put the Pokémon. - If the opponent doesn't show up and doesn't battle till a certain Round deadline, then you will be promoted to the next round. - You can use only 2 legendaries per team. If you pick Arceus, you have to have the plate that represents its type. For example, if your Arceus is a Water type, then your Arceus better be holding a Splash Plate. Trust me, I know if your Arceus isn't having its respective plate. - We will use "Custom Match" when we battle in the tournament due to the restrictions in "OU", but you can use "OU" or "Ubers" to practice against other strangers on the site. - Be sure to tell me whether you can't battle ASAP and don't wait it out till the very end to tell me, if you do we then have to disqualify you and promote your opponent. If you are able to battle a bit after the deadline, and depending on how the tournament is going, then I will allow you to still battle. - If you are in the final round and you cannot battle with your opponent, you can hire a proxy to battle for you. This goes for the opponent as well, as both of you should have a substitute for both of you. For example, imagine Person A can't battle Person B due to work/time zones/etc., he/she AND his/her opponent must choose someone else to battle for them. - You must fill out the sign out sheet if you are new. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sign up Sheet~ Username (Your account on Pokémon Showdown): Time Zone: Days Available in October (The date when to start and end the tournament is undecided until we get enough people for the tournament): Your favourite Scary Pokémon! (Optional): Questions (Optional): Only 16 participants are allowed. We have 16 so far, so we need 0 more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Pokémon Mono Type Competitors (KH13 Account/Pkmn Showdown Account/Time Zone/Days Available)~ 1) Shana09 (Amelia Pond) (EST) (Any day) 2) Metal Snake (Metal Snake KH13) (AST) (Any day) 3) AlphArt (AlphArt) (UTC: 10:00) (Any day) 4) Isaix (Isaix) (EST) (Any day) 5) Newa (Newa) (UTC+3) (Any day) 6) Kuriboh (BITTRIPNANO) (Central) (Any day 4 PM - 7 PM) 7) Black Star (VIIIAxel) (Mountain) (Any day) 8) OmegaForte (OmegaForte) (EST) (Any day but XY break) 9) Ajexmi (Ajexmi) (GMT) (Any day) 10) OthersiderME (OthersiderME) (PST) (Any day) 11) Vexoria (Vexoria) (EST) (Any day) 12) teppo223 (teppo223) (UTC+3) (Any day) 13) Megaman X (Xaon) (Central) (Any day) 14) Joku760 (joku760) (UTC+3) (15:00 AND probably even earlier on the weekends) 15) AT-LOW Kihara (Jude-kun) (CST) (Any day) 16) Hei (HeiTheChamp) (EST) (Any day) Time Zone Legend: AST = Arabian Standard Time (The person in this tournament are Arabian or East African) UTC = Universal Standard Time (The time in any part of the world. Like UTC+3 would be in some region in the globe) GMT = Greenwich Mean Time (The person in this tournament are possibly European or African) Central/CST = Central Standard Time (The person in this tournament are American or Canadian) PST = Pacific Standard Time (This person is on the west coast of North America) EST = Eastern Standard Time (This person is on the east coast of North America and the north west coast of South America) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brackets: This will be updated once we have a full set of participants and a few days before the tournament starts. Once it does, please talk to your opponent about when to battle. If you don't battle for the a lot of days and the round's due date is coming, I have to intervene. Tournament Schedule: First Round: October 2nd - October 7th. Second Round: October 8th - October 12th. * XY Break: October 12th - October 19th. ** Semifinals: October 20th - October 22th Finals: October 23th - October 24th.*** * = This round will overlap with the XY break. Same goes for any round at all, you can battle during the XY break. ** = XY break is for those who want to spend a week just to play Pokémon X and Y when it is released. I understand this your hype, so have fun! *** = This battle can be on October 31st if you want it to be more suitable since it's Halloween. NOTE: If you finish your First Round match and your next opponent who you are going to battle in the Second Round has too and the deadline hasn't passed, you can battle him/her early on. This applies to ALL rounds, so if you finish early you can battle early. There are going to be due dates, you can start whenever you want. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Pokémon to be Used: All = All Forms Family = All evolutionary stages Beedrill Arbok (family) Crobat (family) Muk (family) Gengar (family) Victreebel (family) Hypno (family) Vileplume Marowak (family) Weezing (family) Ditto Parasect (family) Umbreon Mismagius (family) Weavile (family) Houndoom (family) Mightyena (family) Shiftry (family) Sableye Cacturne Seviper Banette (family) Dusknoir (family) Absol Shedinja Deoxys (all) Luxray Bastiodon Drifblim (family) Glalie Honchkrow (family) Skuntank (family) Bronzong (family) Spiritomb Froslass Drapion (family) Toxicroak (family) Giratina (all) Darkrai Liepard (family) Krookodile (family) Scrafty (family) Sigilyph Frillish Jellicent Cofriendrigus (family) Zoroark (family) Chandelure (family) Hydreigon (family) Mandibuzz (family) Zekrom Kyurem (all) XY Pokémon NOTE: These Pokémon have a lot of information missing such as moves and they are pretty buggy in battle. So I advise you not use them, but if you want to use it since they have enough information to be able to put up some kind of a fight then you can use them. Meowstic (Family) Aegislash (Family) Trevenant (Family) Gourgeist (Family) Yveltal NOTE: Due to XY being released this month, if Pokémon Showdown updates with the new Pokémon you can be able to use them. The Tournament, due to XY release date, will go into the first week of November unless we finish earlier. There will be a one week break after XY so we all can enjoy it but you can always battle during that week if you want to. NOTE 2: You can suggest Pokémon but that doesn't mean they can just enter. Give me a reason why it should enter and I'll think about it. Also if you have a question why a certain Pokémon is there then ask me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokémon Showdown Battle Recordings: Round One: Isaix vs. Megaman X Shana09 vs. Hei OmegaForte vs. Ajexmi Newa vs. teppo223 Metal Snake vs. AT-LOW Kihara Black Star vs. OthersiderME AlphArt vs. Joku760 Kuriboh vs. Vexoria Disqualification - No match Round Two: Shana09 vs. OmegaForte Isaix vs. teppo223 Metal Snake vs. Black Star Joku760 vs. Vexoria Disqualification - No Match ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Semifinals: OmegaForte vs. teppo223 Black Star vs. Joku760 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Finals: teppo223 vs. Joku760 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Personal Tips~ - Stuck on the fact that your team might be good or downright terrible? You can go down two routes! Ask a friend who is participating in the tournament or someone you know who is good at Pokémon and battle him under "Custom Match"! You should battle different teams rather than just the same one to conclude whether your team is good or not. The other route is to challenge strangers, but this could not work at all since there might be a time where OU/Ubers/etc. might not allow your Pokémon team to battle because one Pokémon has an ability unreleased or is not allowed in that tier. You do NOT have to change your Pokémon, you can just follow Route A, but just know that you could probably give your team away to your possible future opponent. Also if your team beats a good amount of opponents with different teams but lose to some others, its up to you to decide whether the team needs some tweaking or not. Remember, not every team is perfect, there are going to be walls so have some Pokémon that can take down those walls while the other Pokémon use whatever strategy you are using. - Strategy has a good chance at winning. Sometimes it can even triumph over people who just put a team together for no reason. But also know that your Pokémon must be qualified for the Pokémon listed above and make sure they are strong and resilient. Strategy can come from parahaxers (Toxic/Paralysis/Flinching/Etc.), walls (People who can take many hits), Speedy Sweepers (People who are born to kill). Even Pokémon with Item-Ability combos (Toxic Orb + Poison Heal = Large amount of healing per turn), Move-Ability combos (Fire Punch + Iron Fist = Boosted Fire Punch), or even Surroundings-Ability combos (Rain + Swift Swim = Doubled Speed). - If you want to go for boosting your stats but your Pokémon can't take any hits, apply Focus Sash with it. Focus Sash, if your Pokémon has full health, makes the opponents attack make your health go to 1 instead of 0. Imagine you use Shell Smash and then the opponent attacks and makes your health go to 1. You will get so much Speed, Attack, and Special Attack from that move than you'll be to sweep and attack every Pokémon. But it is all up to you! - Type disadvantage and advantage is very useful, it will work. - PRACTICE! It works like a charm! Sometimes you can get ahead with luck, but practice has a more of a chance of actually letting you win! I didn't get much practice last tournament due to some difficulties but I can assure you it will work. Sometimes luck has its ways, but if you want to win rather than getting past the first round, then practice. - You can have up to 4 teams, due to we have 4 rounds. First Round, Second Round, Semifinals and Finals. - Switch out and make smart predictions! - Don't get angry that you lose, sure you can be like "Dammit I lost" but don't take it personal and ruin it for everyone else. You can joke around, but if you are serious about it then you can't join future tournaments. - Unlike last tournament, you have a wider choice of types to use. But it's still not that spread out, a lot of the Pokémon are Poison, Dark or Ghost types. Only a few others are other types. So be wary of easy threats like Sucker Punch, Mach Punch and more. Hope you enjoy the tournament! Any questions and tips and I will happily help you through this thread OR PM! And Happy Halloween! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited October 28, 2013 by Shana09 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) Count me in Same Time Zone Same everything Name is: Metal Snake KH13 Question:Can't we add little Nuptup(Yes,it's a Projared reference if you watched his Nuzlocke run) is ready to kick ass Edited October 1, 2013 by Metal Snake 1 Shana09 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alph Art 32 Posted October 1, 2013 I'm good to go, same information as the previous tournaments. 1 Shana09 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 Count me in Same Time Zone Same everything Name is: Metal Snake KH13 Question:Can't we add little Nuptup(Yes,it's a Projared reference if you watched his Nuzlocke run) is ready to kick ass Is there in any way Vileplume can be deemed scary, creepy or even halloween orientated? I'm good to go, same information as the previous tournaments. Thank you both for joining! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isaix 924 Posted October 1, 2013 count me in User name: Isaix Time zone:EST Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Newa 13 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) Yay~! Halloween! Count me in too! Same information as the previous tournaments. ^_^ Edited October 1, 2013 by Newa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) As for suggestion to Pokemon. I suggest Ninetales,Vileplume Ninetales can boost FireSolarbeam based teams with drought so Pokemon like Houndoom,Cacturne and Chandelure would benefit from it Besides,it's shiny sprite is kinda creepy and reminds me of the tailed monsters from Naruto As for Vileplume,he's GrassPoison and have a decent moveset that can benefit you if you used it wisely And........ Edited October 1, 2013 by Metal Snake 1 Newa reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 As for suggestion to Pokemon. I suggest Ninetales,Vileplume Ninetales can boost FireSolarbeam based teams with drought so Pokemon like Houndoom,Cacturne and Chandelure would benefit from it Besides,it's shiny sprite is kinda creepy and reminds me of the tailed monsters from Naruto As for Vileplume,he's GrassPoison and have a decent moveset that can benefit you if you used it wisely And........ 1) The Pokémon aren't chosen by if they will be useful. If that was the case, Beedrill wouldn't even be there. 2) Ninetales isn't that creepy, it looks more beautiful if anything. So no. 3) Vileplume has the red eyes going on (the minute you mentioned it I thought of its eyes). But it looks really adorable. But it is not something someone would just use a lot so I will allow him to be part of the list. I will also be adding Mandibuzz to the list, since the whole skull-vulture thing it's going for. Yay~! Halloween! Count me in too! Same information as the previous tournaments. ^_^ count me in User name: Isaix Time zone:EST Thank you both for joining! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 1, 2013 Question,do any Pokemon in this list has the ability drought ?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 Question,do any Pokemon in this list has the ability drought ?? Only Groudon and Ninetales (also technically Mega-Charizard but it's not out yet) know Drought, so nope. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bit 944 Posted October 1, 2013 THE CHAMPION HAS RETURNED, THE KING OF KINGS, POKEMON MASTER OF ALL POKEMON MASTERS! (Jk but really, count me in) Username (Your account on Pokémon Showdown): BITTRIPNANO Time Zone: Central Days Available in August (The date when to start and end the tournament is undecided until we get enough people for the tournament): Any day (4:00PM -7:00PM) Your favourite Scary Pokémon! (Optional): Duskull 1 Shana09 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 1, 2013 Count me in, same information as the Summer tournament. I can't really do my whole signup since I'm on mobile... 1 Shana09 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OmegaForte 1,674 Posted October 1, 2013 inb4haxedtodeath Username: OmegaForte Time Zone: EST Days Available in August (The date when to start and end the tournament is undecided until we get enough people for the tournament): So this takes place next year? 0_o I know, typo. Any day besides XY release days Your favourite Scary Pokémon! (Optional): Darkrai (The dude gives you nightmares that hurt you, nuff said) Questions (Optional): Y U NO PUT FROSLASS? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 1, 2013 Count me in, same information as the Summer tournament. I can't really do my whole signup since I'm on mobile... You have to call one of your Pokemon Tsubaki ^_^ 1 Shulk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 inb4haxedtodeath Username: OmegaForte Time Zone: EST Days Available in August (The date when to start and end the tournament is undecided until we get enough people for the tournament): So this takes place next year? 0_o I know, typo. Any day besides XY release days Your favourite Scary Pokémon! (Optional): Darkrai (The dude gives you nightmares that hurt you, nuff said) Questions (Optional): Y U NO PUT FROSLASS? WOW my bad. Fixed the date. Also remember you have October 12 - October 18th technically off. You can battle if you want during that time but it's free time for everyone. I'll put Froslass, forgot. 1 OmegaForte reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) How about Shedinja,Frillish,Jellicent,Parasect,Victreebill and Glaile many of them have creepy Pokedex entries Glaile likes to eat it's victims in a leisurely fashion Shedinja will steal your soul if you look at it's back Frillish drags people to the bottom of the sea Jellicent sinks ships Victreebill has acid in it's mouth and it uses it to melt it's preys(Poor James) Parasect is basically a zombie,when Paras becomes Parasect,the mushroom above it's head assume control of the body Edited October 1, 2013 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajexmi 446 Posted October 1, 2013 (edited) I'm in. I reckon Scizor should DEFFO be in there. it's got intimidating markings and was partnered with Sneasel in the Iron Mask Marauder's team in Pokemon 4 Ever - On that note, so should Tyranitar, but I care more for Scizor. Oh, and GMT Edited October 1, 2013 by Ajexmi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 1, 2013 How about Shedinja,Frillish,Jellicent,Parasect,Victreebill and Glaile many of them have creepy Pokedex entries Glaile likes to eat it's victims in a leisurely fashion Shedinja will steal your soul if you look at it's back Frillish drags people to the bottom of the sea Jellicent sinks ships Victreebill has acid in it's mouth and it uses it to melt it's preys(Poor James) Parasect is basically a zombie,when Paras becomes Parasect,the mushroom above it's head assume control of the body Alright I'll think about those. But now I gotta go do work. I'm in. I reckon Scizor should DEFFO be in there. it's got intimidating markings and was partnered with Sneasel in the Iron Mask Marauder's team in Pokemon 4 Ever - On that note, so should Tyranitar, but I care more for Scizor. Oh, and GMT Scizor and Tyranitar aren't going to be there, they both aren't scary nor creepy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OthersiderME 614 Posted October 1, 2013 The former champ has arrived and sure why not enter this one, maybe I'll do well. Same info as always. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 2, 2013 You have to call one of your Pokemon Tsubaki ^_^ Good idea, I'll do that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Shears 2,144 Posted October 2, 2013 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMsure Username: Jilly Shears Time Zone: CST Days Available: Any time, preferably 2PM - 5PM Your favourite Scary Pokémon!: firetrucking Drifloon I swear to god he's so cute but drags kids to hell like seriously what the firetruck Questions: Is there a reason Rotom isn't included? He's not very disturbing, but I figure him possessing things and the whole Old Chateau thing in DPP would justify him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 2, 2013 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMsure Username: Jilly Shears Time Zone: CST Days Available: Any time, preferably 2PM - 5PM Your favourite Scary Pokémon!: firetrucking Drifloon I swear to god he's so cute but drags kids to hell like seriously what the firetruck Questions: Is there a reason Rotom isn't included? He's not very disturbing, but I figure him possessing things and the whole Old Chateau thing in DPP would justify him. I didn't find him scary nor disturbing, and I did consider putting him because he is a possessing kind of guy but then again how many Pokémon have we got that has to do with possessing something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joku760 72 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) I'll be entering too. The same information as always, UTC+3 and I'll be online starting from 15:00 and probably earlier on weekends. This time I could answer the question: My favourite scary Pokémon is probably Darkrai or Gengar. Oh and I just noticed that Xaon got banned few days ago. Will he be entering this tournament at all? P.S. Speaking of scary Pokémon... Edited October 2, 2013 by joku760 1 Dio Brando reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted October 2, 2013 I've learned something from a training session I did yesterday DEOXYS(All Forms) SUCKS ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) I'll be entering too. The same information as always, UTC+3 and I'll be online starting from 15:00 and probably earlier on weekends. This time I could answer the question: My favourite scary Pokémon is probably Darkrai or Gengar. Oh and I just noticed that Xaon got banned few days ago. Will he be entering this tournament at all? P.S. Speaking of scary Pokémon... Wait why did Xaon get banned?! NVM figured out how and why. It really depends, I hope the ban goes off soon so we have space for him available. Edited October 2, 2013 by Shana09 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites