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Why wii u?

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Because there's been KH games for Nintendo handhelds and if the Xbox One is getting the KH3 treatment, then why can't the home Nintendo consoles get the same love?


KurtHugoSchneider in your signature? :DDDD

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Because there's been KH games for Nintendo handhelds and if the Xbox One is getting the KH3 treatment, then why can't the home Nintendo consoles get the same love?


Ever considered that some people might prefer Nintendo over the other companies, such as myself? I wasn't going to get a PS4 until KHIII was shown, if KHIII came to Wii U, I'd save a TON of money. KH also has a huge following thanks to Nintendo, it's unfair that they're leaving out the Nintendo supporters.


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Ever considered that some people might prefer Nintendo over the other companies, such as myself? I wasn't going to get a PS4 until KHIII was shown, if KHIII came to Wii U, I'd save a TON of money. KH also has a huge following thanks to Nintendo, it's unfair that they're leaving out the Nintendo supporters.

If it weren't for CoM having been for the Game Boy Advance I proably wouldn't have played or heard of Kingdom Hearts as I only played Nintendo handhelds when I was younger (and still do...but that's mostly because I lack the money to buy a Vita and Ps 4).


I sure hope that the spin off after KH III will be available for a Nintendo console or handheld to make up for Kh III not being for Wii U (it can also be for Ps 4, Xbox One, or Vita, doesn't need to be exclusive).

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If it weren't for CoM having been for the Game Boy Advance I proably wouldn't have played or heard of Kingdom Hearts as I only played Nintendo handhelds when I was younger (and still do...but that's mostly because I lack the money to buy a Vita and Ps 4).


I sure hope that the spin off after KH III will be available for a Nintendo console or handheld to make up for Kh III not being for Wii U (it can also be for Ps 4, Xbox One, or Vita, doesn't need to be exclusive).

I really want KHIII to be on Wii U also ("not on same engine blah blah" Square Enix has completely redone games in the past, they could do it again if they deemed it profitable), I'm not sure if I want any KH games exclusive to any Nintendo home consoles though. Even though I like Nintendo the most, it'd seem a little strange for whatever reason. I'm fine with the handheld exclusives though, since those work well. :D I do also hope that Nintendo will compensate for no KHIII on Wii U, though...

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Why WiiU and no PS4?

Simple cause it is much cheaper and I always want to play Pokemon Wii games and some other old nintendo titles.


They need mayby to find more out the power of the WiiU in the future games.

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Because it's not fair that PS gamers and now Xbox gamers only have to pay $50 or so for the game, but Nintendo gamers have to buy a whole new console in order to play the game.

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Simple, same reason people wanted it on the Xbox.  It was the console they personally were going to buy for themselves and they don't want to buy another for the sake of one game, and people think enough moaning will get what they want done, but life doesn't work that way where your wants equate a good net profit.  


Ultimately, SE obviously doesn't think it would be worth it financially to recreate the same game just for a system that can't run the first edition when they've already expanded their client base opening it up to Microsoft.  


That's just the way life works.  People need to realize that writing the freaking code for a game (or anything) is long and laborious process that costs a lot of money, which SE doesn't believe it will get back from Wii U versions of the game.


Now I'm not hating on Nintendo, I'm buying a Wii U before I get a PS4, but people need to stop thinking with their personal desires over business sense, cause in the end, Square Enix is a business looking to make money.

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