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Things I'd like to see in KHIII.

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There are several things I'd like to see in the next game. Those things being:Billy Zane and Christopher Lee returning. I don't think it's very likely, but I thought that since this game is going to be huge, maybe those VAs would like to voice their characters again. I don't like Corey Burton doing DiZ/Ansem, he sounds exactly like Yen Sid. -_- And Ansem, SoD just sounds meh in every game after Re: Chain of Memories.Drive Forms. I loved the Drive Forms in KH II, it was probably my favorite feature in the game, especially the dual wielding. And I'm assuming since Ven isn't gonna be saved at the very beginning of the game (I've heard some people saying he won't dual wield because he's saving Ventus), it seems somewhat likely. Though it might be replaced by whatever that EX meter is in the teaser trailer...MOAR playable characters. I'd personally like Ven to be playable at some point, but I highly doubt THAT will happen, so maybe have Riku playable. I saw something saying that might happen, so maybe.Mutiplayer, online AND local. Because beating other players is fun.That's all. What do you think? Have anything to add?

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How would online incorporate in the game thought? I love the idea I just don't think it would happen.


Co-op would be awesome :) 


If online is added in KHIII that would mean it would have to be like super smash brothers format, you have a couple of characters to chose from till you unlock others. 


What if they added customization were you could make you're own Character!?


Haha that will never happen.

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How would online incorporate in the game thought? I love the idea I just don't think it would happen.


Co-op would be awesome :)


If online is added in KHIII that would mean it would have to be like super smash brothers format, you have a couple of characters to chose from till you unlock others. 


What if they added customization were you could make you're own Character!?


Haha that will never happen.


Have you played Birth By Sleep? It had a local online mode. You play as Terra, Aqua or Ven in their armor. Multiple people could play as the same character too.

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Have you played Birth By Sleep? It had a local online mode. You play as Terra, Aqua or Ven in their armor. Multiple people could play as the same character too.



Haven't played BBS but that's pretty cool. I'm not even sure how Local works, whenever i've tried to play local on anything nobody ever pops up.

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Haven't played BBS but that's pretty cool. I'm not even sure how Local works, whenever i've tried to play local on anything nobody ever pops up.


It's because you need someone else in the room with a PSP and BBS, unfortunately. A Wi-Fi Online mode would've been better, IMO.

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What I really want is for one of the characters to be gone for good by the end of the game. I believe that Riku, Terra and Lea are the most likely candidates.


Dark. 0_0


There are several things I'd like to see in the next game. Those things being:Billy Zane and Christopher Lee returning. I don't think it's very likely, but I thought that since this game is going to be huge, maybe those VAs would like to voice their characters again. I don't like Corey Burton doing DiZ/Ansem, he sounds exactly like Yen Sid. -_- And Ansem, SoD just sounds meh in every game after Re: Chain of Memories.Drive Forms. I loved the Drive Forms in KH II, it was probably my favorite feature in the game, especially the dual wielding. And I'm assuming since Ven isn't gonna be saved at the very beginning of the game (I've heard some people saying he won't dual wield because he's saving Ventus), it seems somewhat likely. Though it might be replaced by whatever that EX meter is in the teaser trailer...MOAR playable characters. I'd personally like Ven to be playable at some point, but I highly doubt THAT will happen, so maybe have Riku playable. I saw something saying that might happen, so maybe.Mutiplayer, online AND local. Because beating other players is fun.That's all. What do you think? Have anything to add?


I don't mind Corey Burton all that much, but I definitely would love to have Christopher Lee back again, his voice just feels so...so....well let's just say I'll need to change my pants if I hear him again.


I would love to either have Drive Forms return again (maybe even some more newer ones?), OR replace it with something 10 times better. Though the idea of anything better than that is difficult to imagine, that's the beauty of it. Maybe some sort of Armor Form or something, I don't know. Something unique to bring to the table.


Billy Zane was pretty cool, he did have this way of making his voice sound ominous without having to use that DEEP GRUFF SCARY VOICE that Corey Burton uses, sort of like if Lex Luthor discovered a way to use the powers of darkness (Superman, look out!). However, I still like Corey Burton's job as Ansem. Why? Because he has that DEEP GRUFF SCARY VOICE, that's why! There's sounding unnervingly calm, and then there is sounding so godly epic, it's hard for me to decide, so I refuse to. I'm looking forward to hearing Corey's scary voice again try to turn me to Darkness again, but if they somehow did manage to get Billy to come back, I would be mildly confused, but not ungrateful.


Yes, MOAR PLAYABLE CHARACTERS!! MMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean everyone who WAS playable in every game of the series should be playable to some extent (and Kairi!). Sora and Riku are both musts (and Kairi!), Axel- I MEAN, Lee would be awesome to play as, Roxas should be a no-brainer, I miss playing as Terra, Ven, and Aqua, Xion would be awesome, but I would also like her to have a tiny bit more variety in her gameplay than just being a literal clone of both Roxas and Sora (maybe make her gameplay feel more similar to Limit Form or something?). How fun would it be to be able to play as Vanitas!? Though more likely, he'll probably just be another adversary for Sora and co. ....which would be 20% extra levels of all kinds of AWESOMENESS!!! Oh, and in case I haven't made it obvious enough, Kairi. GIVE ME PLAYABLE KAIRI DAMNIT!!! Also, just because this would be a wild card, I'd like to see how they would handle Namine being a playable character. I know that sounds weird and would be the least likely thing to happen, but I'm actually wondering how they could make that work. Would she use cards? Would she be able to use the Keyblade like Kairi does? Would she be able to summon a bunch of freaking light chains from every possible direction to bind her enemies (like a certain Keyblade Master I know...)!? THAT would be freaking awesome! The original Organization members are definitely NOT going to be a playable part of this for obvious story reasons, as well as the fact that it would then be too many playable characters if you take the other ones I've mentioned into account. Also, lastly, it would be nice to be able to play as Donald and Goofy for once. I know we get a taste of it in Days, but I didn't get the feel for their uniqueness. I mean Goofy can apparently summon magic now. Something about that doesn't feel right for me. But my main point is that I would like for their to be a wide selection of playable characters for this game. Days had about 19 playable characters in all, 20 if you count Hooded Roxas as his own separate character. If they could put that many characters in one game, then there is no excuse for them not to have all of the past main heroes playable again in this game in some form. Heck, even if we only get them in a Multiplayer Mode (which would also be both awesome AND a must) and can only play as Sora, Riku, AND Kairi in the main story, that would be awesome. I just want this game to be really, Really, REALLY BIG!


A Multiplayer Mode, as I said before, is a must. It IS fun to beat other people. But it is also just as fun to BE beaten by other people, at least when it comes to a Kingdom Hearts game. And not some lame local multiplayer mode. We're on the PS4 now, a fully online multiplayer connection mode is the only thing to be expected and the only thing that will be accepted, no substitutions!


Also, while this will be a no-brainer anyway, I want a really REALLY good story. Not just Kingdom Hearts good, not just Kingdom Hearts II good, not even Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep good. This game's story has to go above and beyond where it's gone in the last few games. And it needs to feel longer than all of those games too. I don't want a 75 hour experience, I want a whole week at least, 2 weeks at the most. Maybe a sort of middle ground. Like a week or a week and a half to get through the main story line and another week to get through the side quests and then finish the game. This game is supposed to be GOD, so make it GOD!!


Lastly, and this is the most important, NO MORE Final MixES! Just spend that extra time putting everything you want into the game rather than re-releasing it in another country and excluding everyone else for the next 10 years. The whole Japan exclusivity thing has felt really one-sided, like someone is choosing a favorite child (add the UK into the mix, and you get this real convoluted hierarchy of Japan first, North America second, and UK last). Stop picking favorites and GIVE EVERYBODY THE SAME EXACT THING IN THE SAME YEAR. But if you just HAVE to make a Final Mix, at least be decent enough to localize it for the US, UK, and anybody else that falls under the category of NOT JAPAN, so that nobody feels left out. I mean UK didn't get Re:CoM until now. That was a whole game. How does that even happen? So Final Mix or no Final Mix, please Square, no more leaving anybody out. Just give us all the same thing and then start working on the next game! You get more sales that way.


God, I swear these posts I make get longer and longer each time.

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Dark. 0_0



I don't mind Corey Burton all that much, but I definitely would love to have Christopher Lee back again, his voice just feels so...so....well let's just say I'll need to change my pants if I hear him again.


I would love to either have Drive Forms return again (maybe even some more newer ones?), OR replace it with something 10 times better. Though the idea of anything better than that is difficult to imagine, that's the beauty of it. Maybe some sort of Armor Form or something, I don't know. Something unique to bring to the table.


Billy Zane was pretty cool, he did have this way of making his voice sound ominous without having to use that DEEP GRUFF SCARY VOICE that Corey Burton uses, sort of like if Lex Luthor discovered a way to use the powers of darkness (Superman, look out!). However, I still like Corey Burton's job as Ansem. Why? Because he has that DEEP GRUFF SCARY VOICE, that's why! There's sounding unnervingly calm, and then there is sounding so godly epic, it's hard for me to decide, so I refuse to. I'm looking forward to hearing Corey's scary voice again try to turn me to Darkness again, but if they somehow did manage to get Billy to come back, I would be mildly confused, but not ungrateful.


Yes, MOAR PLAYABLE CHARACTERS!! MMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean everyone who WAS playable in every game of the series should be playable to some extent (and Kairi!). Sora and Riku are both musts (and Kairi!), Axel- I MEAN, Lee would be awesome to play as, Roxas should be a no-brainer, I miss playing as Terra, Ven, and Aqua, Xion would be awesome, but I would also like her to have a tiny bit more variety in her gameplay than just being a literal clone of both Roxas and Sora (maybe make her gameplay feel more similar to Limit Form or something?). How fun would it be to be able to play as Vanitas!? Though more likely, he'll probably just be another adversary for Sora and co. ....which would be 20% extra levels of all kinds of AWESOMENESS!!! Oh, and in case I haven't made it obvious enough, Kairi. GIVE ME PLAYABLE KAIRI DAMNIT!!! Also, just because this would be a wild card, I'd like to see how they would handle Namine being a playable character. I know that sounds weird and would be the least likely thing to happen, but I'm actually wondering how they could make that work. Would she use cards? Would she be able to use the Keyblade like Kairi does? Would she be able to summon a bunch of freaking light chains from every possible direction to bind her enemies (like a certain Keyblade Master I know...)!? THAT would be freaking awesome! The original Organization members are definitely NOT going to be a playable part of this for obvious story reasons, as well as the fact that it would then be too many playable characters if you take the other ones I've mentioned into account. Also, lastly, it would be nice to be able to play as Donald and Goofy for once. I know we get a taste of it in Days, but I didn't get the feel for their uniqueness. I mean Goofy can apparently summon magic now. Something about that doesn't feel right for me. But my main point is that I would like for their to be a wide selection of playable characters for this game. Days had about 19 playable characters in all, 20 if you count Hooded Roxas as his own separate character. If they could put that many characters in one game, then there is no excuse for them not to have all of the past main heroes playable again in this game in some form. Heck, even if we only get them in a Multiplayer Mode (which would also be both awesome AND a must) and can only play as Sora, Riku, AND Kairi in the main story, that would be awesome. I just want this game to be really, Really, REALLY BIG!


A Multiplayer Mode, as I said before, is a must. It IS fun to beat other people. But it is also just as fun to BE beaten by other people, at least when it comes to a Kingdom Hearts game. And not some lame local multiplayer mode. We're on the PS4 now, a fully online multiplayer connection mode is the only thing to be expected and the only thing that will be accepted, no substitutions!


Also, while this will be a no-brainer anyway, I want a really REALLY good story. Not just Kingdom Hearts good, not just Kingdom Hearts II good, not even Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep good. This game's story has to go above and beyond where it's gone in the last few games. And it needs to feel longer than all of those games too. I don't want a 75 hour experience, I want a whole week at least, 2 weeks at the most. Maybe a sort of middle ground. Like a week or a week and a half to get through the main story line and another week to get through the side quests and then finish the game. This game is supposed to be GOD, so make it GOD!!


Lastly, and this is the most important, NO MORE Final MixES! Just spend that extra time putting everything you want into the game rather than re-releasing it in another country and excluding everyone else for the next 10 years. The whole Japan exclusivity thing has felt really one-sided, like someone is choosing a favorite child (add the UK into the mix, and you get this real convoluted hierarchy of Japan first, North America second, and UK last). Stop picking favorites and GIVE EVERYBODY THE SAME EXACT THING IN THE SAME YEAR. But if you just HAVE to make a Final Mix, at least be decent enough to localize it for the US, UK, and anybody else that falls under the category of NOT JAPAN, so that nobody feels left out. I mean UK didn't get Re:CoM until now. That was a whole game. How does that even happen? So Final Mix or no Final Mix, please Square, no more leaving anybody out. Just give us all the same thing and then start working on the next game! You get more sales that way.


God, I swear these posts I make get longer and longer each time.


Wow... I agree with basically everything you said, which almost never happens. :O But yeah, Vanitas being playable would be so awesome (he's mah favorite character). Even if he isn't playable, I STILL wanna see him in HD without the helmet. He was my favorite boss in BBS. Remnant was evil though ._.

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Two things I wan... no... NEED to see: 



They NEED an end to their story: the DDD scenes with them hint at something, I'm sure of it. 

There are several things I'd like to see in the next game. Those things being:Billy Zane and Christopher Lee returning. I don't think it's very likely, but I thought that since this game is going to be huge, maybe those VAs would like to voice their characters again. I don't like Corey Burton doing DiZ/Ansem, he sounds exactly like Yen Sid. -_- And Ansem, SoD just sounds meh in every game after Re: Chain of Memories.Drive Forms. I loved the Drive Forms in KH II, it was probably my favorite feature in the game, especially the dual wielding. And I'm assuming since Ven isn't gonna be saved at the very beginning of the game (I've heard some people saying he won't dual wield because he's saving Ventus), it seems somewhat likely. Though it might be replaced by whatever that EX meter is in the teaser trailer...MOAR playable characters. I'd personally like Ven to be playable at some point, but I highly doubt THAT will happen, so maybe have Riku playable. I saw something saying that might happen, so maybe.Mutiplayer, online AND local. Because beating other players is fun.That's all. What do you think? Have anything to add?

Sorry to be a buzzkill, but Christopher Lee passed away.  :

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Two things I wan... no... NEED to see: 



They NEED an end to their story: the DDD scenes with them hint at something, I'm sure of it. 

Sorry to be a buzzkill, but Christopher Lee passed away.  :


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Insert Frotto screaming scene) (I know, wrong character death, but Lee was in that movie anyway, so it felt appropriate)



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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Insert Frotto screaming scene) (I know, wrong character death, but Lee was in that movie anyway, so it felt appropriate)





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Two things I wan... no... NEED to see: 



They NEED an end to their story: the DDD scenes with them hint at something, I'm sure of it. 

Sorry to be a buzzkill, but Christopher Lee passed away.  :

Nooo BuzzkillThe Christopher Lee story was a Hoax, He is Well!!:D

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Two things I wan... no... NEED to see: 



They NEED an end to their story: the DDD scenes with them hint at something, I'm sure of it. 

Sorry to be a buzzkill, but Christopher Lee passed away.  :

don't want Xion, Roxas, or Namine to return or at least return and be important. While I could see them returning (data bodies + their developing hearts = own bodies?), Roxas and Xion seem vehemently against the very idea of returning. Also, their being saved in no way implies they'll

return (though it was heavily suggested). It could mean that they'll be avenged.


Drive Forms. I loved the Drive Forms in KH II, it was probably my favorite feature in the game, especially the dual wielding. And I'm assuming since Ven isn't gonna be saved at the very beginning of the game (I've heard some people saying he won't dual wield because he's saving Ventus), it seems somewhat likely. Though it might be replaced by whatever that EX meter is in the teaser trailer...

 Hopefully drive forms will return. If they do, they'd better be even more useful then in KH2FM. If they don't, hopefully they'll be replaced with something even better.

Edited by SkullMajora

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Nooo BuzzkillThe Christopher Lee story was a Hoax, He is Well!! :D


* goes to picket TMZ for being morons * 

don't want Xion, Roxas, or Namine to return or at least return and be important. While I could see them returning (data bodies + their developing hearts = own bodies?), Roxas and Xion seem vehemently against the very idea of returning. Also, their being saved in no way implies they'll

return (though it was heavily suggested). It could mean that they'll be avenged.


 Hopefully drive forms will return. If they do, they'd better be even more useful then in KH2FM. If they don't, hopefully they'll be replaced with something even better.

That's what I meant: Roxas and Xion becoming real people 

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