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Doctor Who 50th: Original Role Play

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No cussing 

No innappropriate actions or words, you get the gist

Kisses and hugs are acceptible

YOU must post who you want to be and add an excerpt of dialoguye of how the character would act in the situation of if they get seperated from the Doctor (if a Companion), Seperated from companion (if the Doctor), or any other appropriate situation or first dibs or both in order for you to get the character.




This takes place before the episode Doomsday, so it will be the Tenth Doctor not Ten Two

Definite Characters

Rose Tyler

Tenth Doctor 

11th Doctor

Clara Oswin Oswald


John Hurt Doctor


I will be Clara!


Since nobody has posted except me this is how it will start, but after this, the first person to call dibs on 11  OR portrays him the best will get the part!


Clara banged on the outside of the TARDIS doors. "Doctor I think something is wrong with the TARDIS!" The Doctor barely looked up from the book he was reading. "What do you mean something is wrong?" Clara resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "The words on the outside, they're different!" At this the Doctor gained interest and looked up from his book. "What do they say?" Clara hesitated before continuing; "Bad Wolf."  The World around the Doctor began to slow down as he fell into a flashback.


"Does it need saying?"


The Doctor didn't know what to do. How could this happen?



Edited by KHfan4

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I call the 11th doctor! If I have to portray him, I will!

 Sure you got him. First dibs




First dibs, you got them, plus wonderful dialogue xD


Continue on!


Clara: Doctor? Is everything okay?

Edited by KHfan4

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The doctor looked up at Clara, "Of course everything is okay! Why wouldn't it be?" The doctor said, "Sure the Daleks are approaching and our demise is very well imminent, but hey! For me, this is a pretty average adventure!" The doctor said, flashing a smile.

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Clara followed the Doctor down the halls of the TARDIS before locking themselves in the Cloister Room. As the Doctor shut the door , Clara looked around the Cloister Room and acknowledged the fact, that the TARDIS really was Smaller on the outside and bigger on the inside.


"Doctor, what is this place?" She asked. 

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"Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The TARDIS. Also Sexy. But that's something else entirely." The Doctor said, looking around the room, "And yes...before you ask...It's bigger on the inside." He said, "You wouldn't believe how many people have said that."

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"Doctor, I know it's the TARDIS, but this room. I've never seen it before. Is it some type of temple or s-"


Clara was interupted by the ringing of the Cloister bell and she instantly covered her ears. 


(The Cloister Bell when it is ringing usually is a sign of danger)

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"Mm. That doesn't sound good." The Doctor murmured, "Probably means the ol' TARDIS is being invaded. Or worse. Actually, I like worse. Things are so much more interesting when things get crazy. Besides, who ever heard of an adventure without a challenge?" The Doctor asked, smiling as he patted Clara's shoulder, "No matter! Let's see what we've gotta run away from this time."

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Clara smiled. Although she didn't want to die, she had to admit, Dangerous WAS fun. My gosh she loved Wednesdays. "So what exactly is a Dalek Doctor? A farting alien?" She giggled, but stopped when she noticed his serious face.

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The Doctor walked close to Clara. So close that his face was mere centimeters from her's.

"The Daleks are the scum of the universe; the worst our reality has ever spawned. They are a ruthless, destructive race that views all emotions as weak." He said, his face far more serious than Clara had ever seen, "They are as sneaky as they are clever. They know how powerful they are. And rarely does that arrogance become a flaw."

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The Doctor and Clara hadn't noticed the zaps and screams outside the TARDIS. In fact, they weren't heard. Deep inside the loud, chiming room, the only thing they could hear was the sounds of thuds against the TARDIS doors.   "VESSEL IDENTIFIED AS TYPE 40 TARDIS." The shrill sound of their nearly electronic voices had filled the halls of the Buckingham Palace, inducing fear into the Queens heart. Why had the Doctor left her alone with these creatures? Where was he now? His TARDIS was still here... where did he go?

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(Am I a good Clara? Can you give me some tips?)


"Doctor? Is that what were supposed to be running from?" Clara asked, pointing at the Dalek that had found it's way through the doors.

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"That's a dalek. You know the murderous scum of the universe? That thimble-looking thing is one. And no, that plunger-thingy is not a plunger. It's...a..uh...plunger..thing...of death. Y'know, I'm not really sure what that's for...except plunging stuff...oh, nevermind!" The Doctor rambled, hiding behind a corner. "Okay, phase two. Usually, phase one involves running, and phase two is the 'Doctor gets smart and saves us all' phase."

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"Right Sorry. Doctor, What are we supposed to do? How will we get rid of it? And what's Bad Wolf?" Clara asked. She was so confused. But as she asked him her last question she noticed the lonely gaze that was suddenly piercing through his eyes.


"Doctor, is everything alright?" She asked, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Clara had never seen him so..

lonely. He was always happy and flamboient or sometimes serious and brave. 

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"One question at a time, Clara!" The Doctor said, "Well, let's see..getting rid of the dalek...hrm...hm....mhm...aha! I've got an idea. We need to lead the bugger into the closest airlock, equip you or I with space helmet of sorts, and then flush the air, dalek scum, and you out. Hopefully, even with the helmet, your brains won't get sucked out your ears from the vacuum." He said, smiling. "And I'm feeling quite alright. Just the chipper Doctor. As usual!"

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Clara picked up the first thing she saw ( a hammer) and chucked it at the Dalek. It smashed some part of it's armor. "Hehe. I'm uh. I think I'm going to run now!" She cried, as it began racing forward, waving it's little Exterminator stick all over the place. Clara  began to run but got as far as the 6th corridor when she saw a large door at the end of the hallway. She tried to open it, but the door was locked. "Doctor!" 

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The Daleks continued after the woman, seeking only destruction. Anything strong enough to withstand the Daleks must be a threat, and must be exterminated. The wheels on their hides could only go so fast. The woman had disappeared from the sight of the Daleks, but they persisted.

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