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Weird part of YouTube

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Ok so i know everybody has been to the weird part of YouTube a few times.What is/was the weirdest thing you came across?

I came up to this freaking kinky crap, with people freaking wallowing in mud and masturbating. O_O Its so firetrucking weird, the kind of interests some people have, i dont even.............Just no. I understand that some people go into like Mud spas, but this is different, in a bad way. Now i tend to stay as far away as possible from the weird part.

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Three videos (not recommended for viewing):


1. Don't Hug me I'm Scared

2. Obey the Walrus

3. Any gameplay video of a PlayStation game named "LSD".

Edited by Varnish

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Three videos (not recommended for viewing):


1. Don't Hug me I'm Scared

2. Obey the Walrus

3. Any gameplay video of a PlayStation game named "LSD".

I should have listened.



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