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After Kingdom Hearts 3 is released and the second saga begins, will you look into it, and not?

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Ive heard alot of you who would rather have the series end with KH3, and i can understand that, since chances are if the game gets milked too much, it might start to become worse and more disliked in people's eyes. But i think that it still deserves one more saga, to fully deal with the new villain and the efforts to finally retrieve Kingdom Hearts and restore the worlds as one.


That being said, those of you who want the series to end with KH3, will you still look into the second saga, or not?

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Ofcourse I will. As long as Nomura is the one making it I will definitely play it, no matter the story.

I don't think any of us want the series to end with KH3.

A lot of people on this site have said they want it to end at KH3, and that if there is more they won't bother with it.

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I will as long as the series doesn't turn into crap after KH3 like what happened with Pokémon anime and Naruto/Naruto Shippuden or doesn't become a really long series to the point where the story is no longer interesting.

Edited by Tails

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I hate endings, i don't why people would want kh to end, in fact i don't care about harry potter anymore because it ended.

Actually, now that i think about it, nobody cares about a series anymore if it ends....

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Nah but I hope Sora, Riku, Kairi and the disney crew are the only ones that transfer over to the next saga (with the exception of maybe a few minor cameos) I want them to start fresh with the same characters the series began with.

Edited by JayReaper

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No matter what, I'll always experience the same excitement and joy watching and waiting for KH games. Let the series flow where it wants. If people don't like it after 3 then so be it. That doesn't mean everyone else can't enjoy it. I'm sticking with it until the day I draw my last breath....even then I'll request to have my KH games buried with me xD

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There is NO WAY I will give up on the series after KHIII. Of course I would look into it, no matter what. Nomura already stated in an interview that he's already outlined a plot after the Xehanort saga so I'm looking forward to see what he will cook up.

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As long as the story still focuses on Sora and Riku then I'm fine. I look forward to the series. In fact its kind of a comfort to know 3 won't be the last. Can you imagine everyones faces if it was? I just hope they don't do the whole time travel thing or alternate dimension thing. And they don't stray too far from the original then its good,.

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I think it will be very difficult to develop most of the characters in the current series further, but since Nomura has already hinted (or confirmed, I don't know, I don't care) towards the series continuation after 3, I guess he has another big thing lined up for us fans, and maybe even for new comers to the series. I will certainly keep my eye on the series, but I won't be surprised if I lose all interest after KH3. I do love KH, but my interest in it has began to slowly slip away. I think my interests will be redeemed each time new info on KH3 is announced. It's funny cause I wasn't one of those people who were constantly begging for KH3 before it was announced lol. 

Edited by PublicLibraryx

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