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Lord Sesshomaru

Our world (Avatar RP)

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Avatar rain currently resides in the water tribe visiting his family.


"Father, I think it's time for me to travel now, I've been missing out on the world, and I'm already used to this place. I also plan on visiting my sister and mother, it would be nice to build a relationship with them." Pyrone gave his father a hug a bowed to him before leaving. "Wait son, I've been waiting for this day, I knew you would want to travel, you use to talk about it all the time as a kid. It's time you have this dragon egg, it's really rare to see dragons anymore, but when it hatches, and grows you can travel with it." Pyrone grabbed the egg, and hugged and bowed to him again. "Thank you father, I will be back soon." Pyrone headed out of the fire nation to pursue his dreams.


Sign ups here http://kh13.com/forum/topic/62766-our-world-avatar-rp-sign-ups/?p=1243108&do=findComment&comment=1243108

Edited by Lord Sesshomaru

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Yuna began her training as a water sage filling up water cauldrons for the wise water benders as she filled all 8 of them. "Must be really hard to fill these up for them." Yuna said almost feeling tired but refuses to give up on her training.

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The inn was busy, being on one of the major trade routes in the Earth Kingdoms, but that was the main reason Sheiko was there. He sat at a table in a corner near the door and watched the people come and go, sipping some green tea. On occasion, someone would sit and talk with Sheiko, but most were too busy. He often tried to piece together a picture of a person from how they acted in the inn or from what he could hear from conversations.

He smiled as he sipped his tea again. This was fun.

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Pyrone continued his travel, he had this thought to send one more message to Yuna and his mother. "Hello Yuna and mother, I am sending one more letter to you guys as I will be traveling finally. I can't wait to see you guys, it will be a long journey ahead but I'm looking forward to it. Please don't worry about my safety, everyone in the fire nation can't believe how great I am at fire bending at such a young age, they tell me that I have the wisdom of a 40 year old fire bender, and the power of a young man, I have not lost a dual between anyone, and I recently beat father. Each town that I visit I will send another message. Again, I can't wait to see you guys, and I love you both." Pyrone clipped the message on the hawk and sent it off. Pyrone sets off, having the dragon egg in his bag to keep it warm.

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Maia was a little sad having left her newly made friends on Kioshi Island but she figured it was time to move on. She breathed in the familiar smells of the earth kingdom market and smiled. It had been way too long. She moved her sack onto her other shoulder and looked around picking up supplies she would need for her travels. Maia collected all her supplies, and then some because who didn't need a treat now and then? She walked into a small tavern and sat at the bar to order a drink before heading off again.

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After hours of training Yuna return home exhausted, and tired that went to her bed, and fell flat on her face wanting to rest as she heard the messenger hawk come to her window room spitting the letter at her head. She began to read the letter, and began to write him back. "Hey Pyrone congrats on going on your journey. I'm doing great despite my training is tiring me out. Can't wait to see you again." Yuna sealed the letter tight, and gives it to the messenger hawk to send the letter to Pyrone.

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"Oh man, I can't wait till my dragon hatches so I can travel faster, and take a load off my legs." He said chuckling. Pyrone walked to the nearest town at the closest bar. "Drink please." As he waited for his drink to come along pyrone heard some commotion going on outside. "I'll be back for it, I want to see what's going on." Pyrone walked outside and 2 fire benders were fighting it out. He heard one man scream I want my money back. Then the other man screams too bad. "Knock it off you guys, seriously. This is a nice town that doesn't need to be burned down." Both of the men looks toward him and says scram. "Alright now guys, you don't want to fight me, it won't end good for you two. I am pyrone." They looked at him and one man backed off and gave the other man his money, he then told him sorry. Pyrone walked back into the bar and gave the man his money for the drink. "Thank you for being patient."

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Saku could be seen walking towards a town in the Fire Nation. It's been a while since he saw his master. However, he can do just fine with redirecting lightning for now. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards a bar. "I'd like a drink please," Saku said as he sat there waiting. He saw a boy rushing out the bar at some commotion outside. "Better to leave things alone before they escalate," Saku said to himself as he started sipping.

Edited by XxUtopiaxX

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Sheiko took notice of an Earth Kingdom girl in a long, green coat come in, order a drink then leave.

"A purpose, perhaps." He thought. "Or maybe just high strung."

He toyed with his tea cup a moment, then drained it. It was time to be moving. Maybe time to make a new friend. He got up and followed the girl out.

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"Aithne! Wake up!" Cyril called, opening her door.

With a small burst of flames, Aithne was out of bed, looking at Cyril with a smile.

"Good Morning Master!" she said, bowing slightly.

"If you give me a second, I'll get dressed and then be outside in a second." Aithne said, looking at Cyril.

Cyril nodded, walking out of Aithne's room and heading outside.

Aithne rather quickly got dressed, tied her hair up in her usual bun, and other things. She headed out of her room and outside. 

"I'm back!" she called.

"Why do you wear that flimsy outfit Aithne?" Cyril asked.

Aithne looked at her master.

"What's wrong with this outfit? It's easy to firebend in!" she exclaimed.

"Then I won't worry about it..." Cyril said.

In the Fire Nation in a city like any other, in a house like any other, Aithne ans Cyril began their practices at 9:00 in the morning. 

"Soooo what are we going to learn today?" she asked Cyril.

"How to redirect lightning." Her master answered bluntly.

"Don't you think thats a bit....advanced?" Aithne asked.

Cyril shook his head.

"No. You are an excellent firebender and if you keep it up, you may end up being able to leave me earlier." Cyril said seriously.

"Awww....I don't wanna leave you immediately Master!" Aithne complaint.

"You still have a year or two, Ai." Cyril stated with a small smile. 

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Maia looked around the village one more time then took to the rode that led out of the village. She wasn't sure where she would go this time, maybe to another kingdom entirely who knew. She whistled happily to herself, it was good to finally have a full pack again. Maia stopped to talk with a merchant for a minute before continueing down the road. She wove in and out of the crowds careful to stay out of the way of the playing children.

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Pyrone was still sitting down enjoying his drink, he noticed someone familiar from the fire nation. He went up to him and said. "Saku, is that you?" As soon as he asked that a messenger hawk came through the bar. "Hold up one second." Pyrone began reading the letter. "Ahh they are both so sweet, I'll write back to them later. I gotta get back to Saku." Pyrone put the letter in his pocket. "Okay, how you been man? It's been awhile."

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"It certainly has been a while Pyrone!" Saku replied surprisingly. He didn't recognize his rival at first because he had changed from since the last time they met. "I've been well! How about you?" Saku asked Pyrone interested as to where his friend had been and how he was doing.

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"That's nice to hear, I've been good, just recently got done training with my father, and I've been doing alot of tournaments too, the leaders of the fire nation tell me they have never seen such wisdom and strength from a fire bender at a young age like me, they were all impressed." Pyrone started thinking about having a dual with a good ol rival. "How about a dual before I head off to the world?"

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"Haha sounds like you're well on your way!" Saku said playfully. When he heard his rival offer up a little duel, he got excited. "Sure lets go outside," Saku replied as he was already making his way out the door.

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"Ahh, I see you're pretty excited to get this thing started." Pyrone walked out with Saku. Pyrone then got in his stance. "It's been awhile since we both fought, I have gotten so much better, and. I have taken my training to the max, I hope you're ready!" Pyrone got in his heavy stance and breathed in.

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"Ha! You're not the only one!" Saku shouted back as he got into his stance. He began looking around for water he could bend. "Lets see. They're flowers over there, drinking water, and a fountain behind him. Not much to bend, but it'll have to do," Saku said to himself as he awaited Pyrone's first strike.

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Sheiko leaned against the wall of the inn and watched the woman he had seen in the inn get on a wagon and kiss the driver. The old Airbender smiled as he spotted some bright decorations in the back of the cart.

"A wedding party." He thought.

As the cart pulled off, Sheiko picked up his pack and staff and started walking down the road. A screeching cry from on high caused Sheiko to stop and look up. A fresh smile spread across his face as he held out a hand and a ravenhawk landed there.

"Norinn!" Sheiko exclaimed. "I didn't think you would be back, my friend."

The Ravenhawk cried and bowed it's head to the Airbending Master.

"Well, it's good to have you back. I was getting lonely."

Sheiko put his hand to his shoulder and Norinn jumped to it. With an old friend, Sheiko started down the road.

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As usual Ruby didn't know where she was. She could only see trees, bushes and and long grass, while she tried to walk forward in this dark forest. "Ylva?" Ruby asked quietly. "Grrrr..." was the answer. "Good. Come here." Ruby replied and turned around. Behind her one of the shadows started to move. It became darker and darker and formed a silhouette for a big, black, wolf. "Did you find it?" Wolf just stared at Ruby with golden eyes. "You didn't? A dead end? Again!" Ruby's hands started to shake and little flames appeared from her fingertips. "No! I have to find it, no matter what. Firebenders stole it!" Ruby almost shouted out those burning words. Her eyes started to glow when she continued. "I will get it back. Let's go to the nearest village. All those firebenders are the same. Gold and money, things that they are interested in. If I cannot find them, I have to lure them out, right?" Ylva growled and laid down so that Ruby was able to climb to the wolf's back. "Okay, Let's go!"

Edited by Newa

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Avatar Rain is now in the fire nation.


Pyrone is never scared to take first strike, he started send jabs of fire balls at Saku. "I can do way more than just jabs too, you better be careful." Pyrone is the type of guy to think ahead, he is always 3 steps ahead of his opponent. Then Pyrone noticed the avatar behind Saku watching the dual.

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Saku calmly dodged some of Pyrone's jabs of fire not noticing the Avatar behind him and collided the rest of the fireballs with a water wall to create steam. "You've certainly got faster. However, I have you beat! Water is everywhere!" Saku called out in a competitive tone as he started to bend steam Pyrone's way to blind him. Saku then bended water from the flowers to make a giant water whip for himself.

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Pyrone used the steam as his advantage and climbed to the top of

The tree while they couldn't see, he quickly jumped off the tree to go behind Saku, then did a flaming kick to trip Saku. Pyrone looked behind him and stared at the avatar, then back at Saku. Pyrone jumped back to separate himself from Saku. "You've gotten smarter, it makes this fun."

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Saku noticed the fire and felt the heat before the actual kick and leaped out of harms way only catching a little fire on his clothes. "You're not bad yourself!" Saku replied as he quenched the fire with water. Saku then flooded the ground with his giant water whip. Saku the shot water blasts at Pyrone. "This ends here however," Saku shouted.

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"Very nice Saku." Pyrone jumped and struck his lightning at the ground. "Yeah maybe this ends for you." Before the lightning hit the ground the avatar grabbed Saku and Pyrone with a water bubble and got us closer to him. "You two bend well for your age, the nations leader was right about you Pyrone." Pyrone looked at the avatar and bowed. "Thank you avatar, that means alot coming from you. But may I ask, why did you stop out dual?" The avatar looked at us. "Because that fight was even and would have never ended."

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"Haha yeah you're right about that!" Saku said as he looked toward his rival. The Avatar must have known that he knew how to redirect lightning. At the same time, he must have known that Pyrone learned something Saku himself didn't know about. Saku then turned to Avatar Rain. "There must be a reason why you have called us to your presence Avatar," Saku gracefully and respectfully bowed to Avatar Rain.

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