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Kingdom Heart/RPC Character Bio

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l.o.l I mean tell ur role-play character's info. Here's my character [for an example---She's Digimon based SO BEWARE xD]:


Name: Kai Kirosawa

Age: 11 [looks as if 13]

Attitude: Cold, hard to be friends with, sarcastic, can be kind, affectionate, protective over friends/crush, loves fighting, easily angered/irritated, and happy and hyper around her friends and crush only

Crush: Kouji Minamoto [Digimon; Season 4: Frontiers]

Description/Piccy: At avatar, except hair is black with red tips/silver streaks, and wears black jeans with a hole on the right knee, no crown, and the same shirt. And blue bangles [bracelets], necklace, earrings, and eyes.

Likes: Fighting, Kouji, her friends, her katanas, her guns, her digimon/Spirit Evolutions, computer, video games, and exersize. Saving the Digital World.

Digimon: Renamon, Garurumon, and Lobomon [Kouji got OWNED xD]

Spirit Evolutions [in order]: Krisanamon, Kurayamimon, Yamimon, Bladramon

Dislikes: New peoples [sOMETIMES xD], annoying people, and bad Digimon.


There's the example AND MY CHARACTER! xD Enjoy!

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Name: Tori

Age:13(physically 15)

Comes from:Outside of Kingdom Hearts

Crushes:Riku(later boyfriend)and Roxas

Personality:Usually nice,can be angered to a degree,protective of her friends and crush(es),hyper and creative,powerful(duh!),and is able to forgive....later.

Likes:animals,art,magic,sweets,video games,books,ice cream,Riku and Roxas

Hates:scary movies,annoying snobs,villans,and anyone making fun of her name,friends,and or brother

Story:She landed on the Destiny Islands after accepting a slimmer of Kingdom Hearts,then fell in the water.She becomes fast friends with Sora and company and falls in love with Riku(who does the same). She has her own keyblade that was made from her heart,and thus,Heartless r constantly attacking her.After COM,she ends up in the digi Twilight town and falls in love with Roxas.She slowly regains her memory,and finds out that Roxas is Sora's nobody.I n the middle of the game,she meets the mysterious person in the purple cloak that was following her.Lilith(her nobody)intends to destroy her,but changes her mind.They fuse befor the final battle,jsyk.

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i'll only do Momoshiro and Axel's Girlfriend

Name: Momoshiro

Race: Human?

Age: 15

Comes from: a world filled with beautiful people that look 2 times younger than they really are

Crushes: no one

Loves (family wise): Axel, Sora

Personality: Loud, carefree, hyper active; good student, says what she's thinking (no matter how stupid it is)

Likes: Red heads, sweet foods, music, playing around, happiness, fighting, learning(YES, in the dorky way), Fire

Hates: to see people die/suffer, giving stuff, Digimon

Hobbies: learning, eating

Best Reads: Sailor Moon Manga

Fighting Base: Everything dealing with any weapon. (mostly taught to her by Axel and Sora) and the use of Fire (taught to her by u know who)

Weapon of Choice: GINORMOUS Keyblade *5 feet long and 3 feet wide* 0_0

Specail Abiltiy: Can unlock true forms


She is in the story so >:) NO SPOILERS


Name:...why must you mock me<---(in other words i change her name every 5 seconds)

Race: Human

Age: 38

Loves: Axel, Romance Novels, guns, violence, fighting, medetation.

Loves (family wise): Sora

Hates: Getting old, Axel not getting old, children.

Best Read: Icha Icha Paradise (also known as Makeout Paradise)

Personality: meh........kinda like Kyo's <----dont mind the crappy description. she's a hard nut to crack.

Fighting Style: CQC

Weapon of Choice: Handheld firearms



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Name: Lee Kuro

Age: 19

Weapon: Wolf's Keyblade

Power: Controlls shadows

Crush: Axel

Personality: Basically, she's normal. Loves hanging out with people and loves to fight, but can get ticked off really easily. She tends to wear a lot of black, as it matches her power.

Bio: She's a loner; traveling from world to world, looking for a place to fit in. She's recently come across Organization XIII and doesn't know what to think of it...

Occupation: Number 0 in Organization XIII

Outfit: Black sneakers, black jeans, black and silver striped t-shirt under cropped black jacket

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il give this a shot



Name: Jester [real name unknow]

Race: looks human

Age: aging has stoped at 18 [real age unknow]

Comes from: dosent realy know.....

Crushes: no one yet...... keyword YET

Personality: dosent tolk much but when he starts. he dosent stop. also he careing and he naver fails a task

Likes: guns, swords, and DEATH METAL

Hates: people who trys to kill him

Hobbies: dosent have to many hobbies. but it is know he has a good taste of art...

Weapons:Shuanggou, Chicken Sickles, a Desert Eagle, and a Barrett M82

Magic: good with most Magic

Other: has a lot of cars and planes. his fav car is a R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R N

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Name: Wolf was named after her personality real name si brittany!

Race: human

Age: 16 1/2

Comes from: Twilight Town

Crushes: no one yet

Personality: dosent tolk much, but is kind of happy shes an amo!

Likes: peace, animals, and to run! and sleep ^_^'

Hates: annoying noises, war, and people killign stuff

Hobbies: drawing listening to music, and filming animals

Weapons:her fist, kicks, and scythe

Magic: water

Other: she loves to watch animals and, play with them, shes nicknamed wolf, alot, because shes, an expert on animals, and can catch animals with bear hands but deosnt'liekt o do it all the time!

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Name: Pixani

Family: Larxene ( older sister)

Looks: Long blonde hair with purple streaks

Age: 16

Hates: When Larxene is mean too her, Vexen, when Vexen is Happy ( along with sister) , light, too be alone.

Crush:no one yet ( YET)

Loves: Too sing. Art, music, darkness, the color purple&black, people, Larxene ( AS A SISTER BTW) and food

Freinds: everyone but Vexen

Enemies: Vexen

Race: Nobody.

Occpation:Number -1 and is believed too be the Queen.

Personality: Nice most of the time, can be ticked off VERY easily! Unlike her sister she can be very nice. But tick her off and well, you will regret it. She usually welcomes alot of people in, powerfull, loves too put pranks and cause chaos on Vexen and her sister.

Looks: Long blonde hair( down too hips) wear a black and purple (mixed in) miniskirt and Puple tang-top with a black vest. And wears a black bow in hair.

Bio: She joined the organization in hopes too become a stronger person, then later on while in the organization everyone finds out that she was adopted and The Queen of them all. Her, not wanting this, begs Xemnas for her not too be. Larxene then takes her and talks too her, supporting her and making her felll that she can do it, now, she is supreme ruler of Darkness and nobodies!

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looks: medium height with blueish hair and prety green eyes

Age : 14

hates: When people makes her do work, and when people are mean to her and her friends, and Marly

loves: Zexion (as family), reading yaoi >8D, playing with watter, Demyx(as a BF)

crushes: Demyx

Weapon : watter manipulated into various weapons

personality: When she wants she's very talkative and prankish but when the time comes she can work hard on missions which is why she never fails.


outfit: orgy cloak!xD

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Name:Ran Kitsune


Age:12 (she is really 800!)

Comes from:The lost village Mayohiga, now lives in Twilight Town.

Crush:(Envies) Roxas and Xion

Personality:Calm but cunning sometimes(she is a fox anyway).Dangerous if angered.

Likes:Mathematics, sea-salt ice cream, playing video games, watching the sunset with Roxas, Axel and Xion:)

Hates:People who try to use the power of Kingdom Hearts or people who go berserk under the moon.

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Listening to music


Magic:Black Magic

Other:She has to do all the the housework for her lazy master. But when she has freetime she likes to play RPG games (especially Kingdom Hearts!). She has her own shikigami called Chen. Her math is better than anyone (besides her master). She also like Curtain Fire Shooting Games.

History:Grew an extra tail every 100 years, so she has nine now.

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