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Me again with a question. Actually, it is one that bugs me since I don't know when. Or just since I played KHII... whatever. Or it's just something I wondered about.


Why does Xemnas talk like he's not himself?


I'm by far no expert when it comes to Kingdom Hearts, but I still know my stuff. I know he's a special Nobody like Roxas. But I noticed Xemnas and Roxas are completely different. While Roxas wants to be his own person, with his own memories and feelings, Xemnas doesn't make the impression like he thinks of himself as his own person at all. And I noticed this behavior especially when he talked with Ansem the Wise near the end of KHII. It wouldn't be odd if he talked about it from third person perspective. But no, he talked as if he actually was Ansem's apprentice himself. 


While thinking of this, a part of one specific quote came to my mind: "... or maybe I'm all there ever was." 


So is he thinking of himself as all there is, including that he thinks of himself as the actual Xehanort (apprentice in this case) and not that he is his own person which would be Xemnas? Or is he even thinking that HE is the real thing and pushes the real Xehanort (still apprentice) out of the picture. I think you could interpret it both ways. Of course it could be interpreted in different ways, which I didn't think about, too. Though the latter wouldn't go along well with what's up in KH3D, so I'm still sticking to the first interpretion. In fact, that part of Xemnas' conversation with Roxas could be interpreted in that way, as he is actually asked for his name, which he doesn't tell and after Roxas asked more directly he said his name were of no importance. Maybe he did mean it how he said it. 


Again, I rather seek thoughts than answers. Maybe I'm just too dumb to get what goes on in Xemnas' godly brain, but it just seemed odd to me. All his actions seem all topsy-turvy to me anyways. Maybe someone understands him better than I and knows what's up with him.



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I think it's the fact that Xemnas likely did not grow a heart like most of the other nobodies.  He is the living embodiment of what it means to be a nobody, emotionless.  I think this is because Xemnas accepted what he was, he knew he was just a pawn in Master Xehanort's (His true self) grand scheme, he had no reason to try and emulate emotions and friendships in order to feel like a real person like Axel, Roxas, and Xion did.  He was just playing his part.


What I find very interesting though is that when the vague memories of Aqua and Ventus surface because of Terra's influence, he seems to act differently, like Terra's memories are causing him to experience some emotions he can't feel under Xehanort's influence.

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Maybe, like you said, since he knows Xehanorts plan he accepts that he is Xehanort and therefore had no desire to become his own person because his and the originals goals were aligned, whereas Roxas fought every step of the way, with every fiber of his being, not to be his former self, ("I am ME! Nobody else!") right up until he met his original form and finally decided, "Maybe it's okay to go back"

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Well, still Xemnas seems like a huge maze to me. You can choose whatever path you want, you won't ever reach the exit (conclusion). Sometimes you could think he knows exactly what's up, while other times he seems to be lost. I mean, that he maybe doesn't know who exactly he is. Yet, it varies all the time. "Enigmatic Man" really describes him well. You have no idea what's going on in him at all. I hate and love characters like that... I guess that happens when you're influenced by two totally different beings + amnesia. 

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Maybe it was Terra talking (I don't know, it came to my mind). Remember, just like Roxas, he's a nobody made up of two hearts, Xehanort and Terra.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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