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Tender Hearts and Silver Bullets 1x1 with Corrupted keyblad

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"Its really no problem, I don't really sleep much anyways, it'll be like I'm not even here.  Don't worry my sheets are clean" Jayce laughed eating a bit more.  Jayce then looked at her.  He then smiled when he looked at her.  Jayce was really interested in her.  She seemed so pretty and unique, he wanted to get to know her more than he does now.  Jayce then looked back to his bowl and ate even more.

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"um...alright..." She said hesitantly finishing up her bowl of ramen. She looked around the dorm, it had a bed, and dresser like every other dorm the only difference was the couch by the window. She wondered why he had it but shrugged it off. Chaise realized she should go get something to sleep in, her skirt and jacket would get wrinkled if she slept in them and she was not about to go through the effort of ironing them.

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Jayce then looked over at her.  "You need something to sleep in?  I have shorts and shirts, they'll be long and loose on you if you like that kind of thing to sleep in" Jayce asked.  Then grabbed her bowl and carried them to the sink and then washed them out.  "So whats your plan Chaise?"  Jayce asked finishing the dishes up and putting them on the counter to dry.

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Chaise watched him rinse out their bowls, "I'm sure I'll borrow something... I'll wash it tomorrow! " She said quickly after realizing she had accepted yet another favor from the man. She looked out the window, the sunset was fiery pink and orange, it temporarily distracted her from all the chaos that had been happening around her. She snapped out of it and glanced at the clock. She figured she had an hour before the sun was completely gone.

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Jayce then pulled out a black shirt and black shorts and handed them to her.  He then left the room so she could change.  He tried to listen to the cops but they had no leads.  They found out who the girl was when her sister drove to campus after they talked on the phone,  She was crushed.  She was saying her sister found this town strange like she knew something was gonna happen

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Chaise got changed and folded up her clothes setting them on the bed side table. The shirt was to long she didnt really need the shorts but put them on anyways. She peaked out of the dorm and saw the police walking around, "um you can come back in.." She said feeling embarrased because of the looks the police were giving her.

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Jayce walked in and smiled seeing how big his shirt was on her.  "Well you'll be warm" He laughed as he laid on the couch and faced her.  "So little miss Chaise, tell me about yourself?"  He asked feeling curious and a bit silly after seeing her in his shirt.  Jayce smiled and waited for an answer while switching glances out the window curious about this new werewolf and what the sister was saying.  Maybe its fate that he picked this town.

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Chaise blushed a little and sat on the bed resting her back against the headboard, "well... uh... what is there that you want to know?" She asked looking down at her lap. She wasn't really keen on telling  him about her past schooling experiences, maybe she would just leave the school part out. She watched him look out the window and wondered what he could be thinking about.

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"Well you said you had a problem with your school.   I was just curious to what they were.  You just seem to kind and pretty to have a problem with your school"  Jayce said putting his bright blue eyes on her bright red eyes.   He was so intrigued by them that he just couldn't stop staring  at them but he knew staring was rude so he broke gaze and looked back outside the window.

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Chaise blinked, "pretty and kind....?" She thought to herself in wonder. "i uh um well..." Her gaze dropped to her lap. "Its just um the place I'm from they weren't used to seeing people like me, and um I guess i scared them" She said unintentionally clenching her fists in her lap She hated that she was born that way and wished all the time she could just have normal brown eyes and hair with skin that would actually tan in the sun. She winced at the memory of all her classmates calling her a demon, or satan, or always something of the sort.

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"I hope you don't hate the way you look.  I think you look fine, also don't let people be superficial.  Besides there are much worse things you could look like.  I've seen worse.  But hey you're out of that now and I won't let anyone talk to you like they did in class today, I'm sorry that ass said that to you!"  Jayce said clenching his fist, really wanting to hurt that kid worse than he did in class.

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Chaise looked at him for a minute, "...its not like it was your fault." She said not exactly sure how to react to his rant. "Besides I wouldn't want you to get into trouble again, I would be sad if you got kicked out of the class. She smiled a little then looked up at the ceiling, "I think it would be more fun if you were in it, but I don't want you to get mad over stupid stuff like that... ok?" She looked back over at him.

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Jayce smiled a bit  "Alright.  Its just I know what its like to get bullied and I couldn't stop it then, but now I can.  You're just way to nice to deserve that cruelty" he said looking at her.  "But fine I'll be in class just for you"  Jayce said winking at her for a joke.  Jayce then looked back out the window and saw this bright blue eyes staring at him.  Jayce blinked and they were gone, but he still watched.

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Chaise yawned and stretched a bit, "thats... good.." She rubbed her eyes and layed down ontop of the blanket not wanting to mess up the bed. "Good night.." She said quietly before closing her eyes. The long day had taken a toll on her and she fell asleep quickly.

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Jayce watched her as her eyes shut.  He looked back out the window but he felt he should stay and think before jumping the gun and chasing after the wolf.  Jayce then leaned back and closed his eyes.  He was dreaming about the moon and and hearing other howling, nothing major.  He'd been having this dream since he moved to North Dakota.  Jayce wasn't sure how to feel about them.

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Chaise slept peacefully until morning, when she woke up she found herself staring out of the window. "hm...?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes to help herself wake up, by the shuffling on the other side of the door she guessed the police were still there. "Jeez don't they ever sleep...?" She mumbled falling back onto the bed and looking at the ceiling.

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Jayce's wolf ears heard her mumbling and he grunted due to the time "They're trying to hard.  They aren't looking at the right places.  They only search for what they know, and if its something they don't know.  They're just looking through tunnel vision.  The body looked like an animal attack, they're looking for a person."  Jayce said thinking he said to much out of his tiredness

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"An animal attack? but what would be capable of doing that?? and what animal would crash through a window like that?" She asked seriously doubting Jayce's theory. She looked over at him confused, "besides there are alot of psychopaths out in the world and any number of tools could be used to replicate an animal attack." Chaise looked back up at the ceiling, "I mean... if its a person atleast they can catch them..."

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Jayce looked over at her "They evidence is telling us so much, but everyone is too closed minded.  The window was an exit.  She trusted the attacker whether it was an animal or not."  Jayce said getting and going to his box of pop tarts  "Would you like some pop tarts?" Jayce asked tossing her one.  Jayce then crashed back out on the couch.  "I don't have a class to go to today so you're welcome to stay here and hang out with me if you don't have a class." 

Edited by Corrupted keyblade

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Chaise opened the package and tore off a piece of the pop tart putting it in her mouth, "sure." She smiled and thought about his idea about the window being an escape. She began to wonder if it were an animal, why someone would let something so dangerous in, or how it got into the dorm in the first place. Chaise tore off another piece of pop tart contemplating the issue.

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"Alright do you want to do something today or just sit around here and watch tv."  Jayce asked hearing a loud howl in the back ground.  Jayce quickly ran to the window and saw multiple werewolf eyes peeking through the fog.  Jayce saw them disappear.  They wanted him.  But he didn't know why, or if it were friendly.  Jayce then looked at his pop tart and ate some more of it.

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"I don't know is there anything to d- Hey are you alright? There are bound to be wolves around were in the middle of a forest." She said wondering why he looked so excited about the howls. She realized he was watching the window a lot last night as well. Chaise looked down at the pop tart in her lap, "maybe he is just really into wolves? Sure hwy not." She thought silently to herself before tearing off another piece of her pop tart.

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Jayce then took off his shirt and pulled a shirt out of his dresser and he sprayed his chest with some deodorant and threw on a new shirt.  "Want to go for a walk through the woods."  Jayce asked as he looked out the window.  He then threw his shirt back on.  "I'm gonna go for a walk if you want to go, but you can stay here and wait if you want."  Jayce said walking out the door.

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Chaise blushed and looked away, "Uh sure I'll go on a walk. Its probably not very good to be sitting in here all day...heh" She said nervously staring at the wall. "I can't believe he started to undress right infront of me!" She thought to herself. Chaise then watched him walk out of the room.

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Jayce waited for her outside while she changed. He didn't expect her to go, he didn't think it'd be safe.  But he wasn't going to let anything happen to her.  Her safety was top priority.  Jayce was leaning against the wall waiting.  He was feeling impatient because he was worried about the three sets of eyes he saw.  He didn't trust the new wolves so he didn't know what would happen, he didn't think it was supposed to be good.

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