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Who else is enjoying Kingdom Hearts Final mix for the first time?

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I'm loving it especially the triangle reaction command mechanic. Makes everything loads either. Especially that sliding dash ability. *-*

However.. I've been cursing more than I should have at Ursula, Giant Ursula, Giant Oogie Boogie, and trying to not fall off the platforms in hollow bastion but then I get knocked off by heartless. Camera is still bad, and I hate how the artbook is the case for the preordered version of the game. I'd rather an artbook AND a case. >->

And I still have yet to know why Alice is a princess when Ariel clearly is. And since a strong heart needs to be extracted in order to create a nobody, doesn't that mean all of the princess' should have nobodies? I mean daaaamn.


I'm currently playing normal mode. About level 45 or 48 and just cleared hollow bastion. I'm about to do the Hade's cup later today, and I'm currently working for the "no continues" trophy.


What are you guys currently trying to achieve, and how far are you? :3

Edited by Inducing-Nightmare

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I was in bed asleep and my mom just came in with 3 letters and a package for me, and she saw my face light up when I opened it and saw it was my game xD


Haven't started it yet (as said I'm literally just awake), but my first run through would be proud and I'll be trying to get the majority of the trophies on it (bar speedster, and the ones for completing standard and beginner)


I think that Alice is a princess of heart over Ariel because they would have found it difficult to animate Ariel's tail in one of those chambers near the end, or because she was the only "interesting" party member for Atlantica that would be viable.  

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I was in bed asleep and my mom just came in with 3 letters and a package for me, and she saw my face light up when I opened it and saw it was my game xD


Haven't started it yet (as said I'm literally just awake), but my first run through would be proud and I'll be trying to get the majority of the trophies on it (bar speedster, and the ones for completing standard and beginner)


I think that Alice is a princess of heart over Ariel because they would have found it difficult to animate Ariel's tail in one of those chambers near the end, or because she was the only "interesting" party member for Atlantica that would be viable.  

I was on the way to college and just HAD to drop by gamestop to get my copy. I was the happy weird guy bouncing around in my car looking at the artbook. xD

I'm going to play proud next to get it out of the way and try to memorize the world layouts for my speed run on my 3rd playthrough which will be on beginner.

I dunno, Alice was never actually a princess, or at least not in the Disney movie. I think it would have at least made more sense if there was only 6 princess' of heart.



And any idea why all of the princess' hearts were within Sora?

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I love it. Sliding dash is awesome! Honestly I love the book/case scenario. Atleast you can say it is one of the best cases ever. Im currently on proud, lvl 8, Traverse Town. I would be further although I'm always busy and atm I am playing Dishonored, Dragon Age 2, Uncharted 2, and now also KH1.5. Makes things hard.

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Actually this is my second time playing KHFM since my passed cousin(who died three years ago) imported it and gave it to me way back in 2005 and I love him to death because of that


I'm sorry for your loss. > .<

I love it. Sliding dash is awesome! Honestly I love the book/case scenario. Atleast you can say it is one of the best cases ever. Im currently on proud, lvl 8, Traverse Town. I would be further although I'm always busy and atm I am playing Dishonored, Dragon Age 2, Uncharted 2, and now also KH1.5. Makes things hard.

The case idea is original.. But I dunno. I mean it's still cool, and I'm just glad I can add it to my collection. Make space, play one at a time. xD


Don't like the idea of an artbook being the case?


Then go pay another $40 for the standard edition.

Posted Image


've been too busy moving so I didn't even get time to buy a ps3 xD

Plus it'll be kinda difficult to find a copy where i live ;~;

Damn. Try searching for a ps3 on cowboom.com you can find them as cheap as 150 dollars used. Just make sure to check and see if it comes with everything, they come in decent condition if not great. Also, try to buy kh 1.5 off square enix's site. I think they still have special editions on sale. :c

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I have 2 files going right now. Proud and Beginner, beginner only for the speed clear, no changing equipment, and no continues. I am doing everything else on proud right now. I personally don't continue regardless and I don't find proud to be that difficult.

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Kingdom Hearts has stated numerous times that every heart has darkness.. Even if it's just a little.

Actually, KH has stated even more times that the princesses are completely pure of heart. In almost every game. And so many times in DDD that it's countless.

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 Isn't Kairi a princess? = _=  kinda contradicts the whole idea of the princesses having "a  pure heart without darkness". 


Yes. She has no darkness. If you are trying to refer to Namine, she was created due to Kairi's heart being inside Sora (who had darkness in his heart, even though it wasn't much), thus creating Namine. It wasn't because of Kairi's heart, though it played a factor on her appearance, but nothing more.

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And I still have yet to know why Alice is a princess when Ariel clearly is. 

Ya know...Alice in Wonderland is one of my all time favorite Disney Films but Alice is actually a Queen in the Book's Sequel from what I've read not a Princess(though I guess this is the Princesses of Heart so I guess she can qualify for that)

I think it's fairly obvious why Ariel why they chose to not make Ariel a Princess of Heart...and that's becuz she's a Mermaid and can't go to Hollow Bastion(unless King Triton grant her her feet but King Triton is overprotective of Ariel and he wouldn't let her go there) 

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Yes. She has no darkness. If you are trying to refer to Namine, she was created due to Kairi's heart being inside Sora (who had darkness in his heart, even though it wasn't much), thus creating Namine. It wasn't because of Kairi's heart, though it played a factor on her appearance, but nothing more.


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