Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 14, 2013 (Its all good! lol)Jaxon drew his lightsabers and the put them away as Eit took them all out. Jaxon kept his guard up and looked over this new face. "So how do you know so much about the attacks." Jaxon said realizing Eit may want to be paid for it he raised his arm and was about to do a mind trick but figured he was too smart for that. He then looked at his ship and his R4 unit came out beeping away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted September 15, 2013 Eit spat the remainder of the toothpick that had been shot out, before turning back to his new friend. "I dunno. I'm smart I guess. Saw the whole thing. Doesn't take much to realize that your clone buddies betrayed because of some order they were given. I'm assuming the Chancellor is involved considering he is the one the clones are supposed to follow right?" Eit explained himself to Jaxon, while taking another toothpick out of his pocket and sticking it in his mouth. He liked to have one there. It was just something that made him comfortable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 15, 2013 Jaxon looked up at him "That all sounds plausible. Never should've trusted the Chancellor. I need to fly to Coruscant, try to save the records if they haven't been taken over already." Jaxon said climbing in his ship. He slipped on his translator to speak to his R4 unit. He then looked back at Eit. "Thanks for the help and the information. I won't forget this" He said sliding in the cockpit preparing to fly off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted September 16, 2013 "Don't mention it." Eit said in reply to Jaxon, as his new friend got into his ship. Eit knew he should just let him go, but for some reason, he felt, almost drawn to the Jedi. 'That's stupid.' He thought to himself. 'You don't do nothing without some credits in return. You shouldn't even have talked to him.' Eit knew all of this, but he still couldn't help himself. "Also, if you ever need some help, throw me a call and some credits, and I'd be glad to. I'm headed to Coruscant myself." Eit called back to Jaxon, while back pedaling towards his own ship. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 16, 2013 "Alright if you want to stick around I'll be going to the Jedi Temple so you know where I'll be' Jaxon informed him as he flew off. Jaxon flew all the way to the Jedi temple and got out to see Anakin walked out of the Jedi Temple. Jaxon then snuck out of his ship and snuck inside. Jaxon saw severed limbs and dead younglings and other Jedi that were at the wrong place at the long time. Jaxon couldn't believe his eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 16, 2013 From behind Jaxon, a heavy booted foot hit the ground. "Hold it, Jedi." A clone said. Rev lowered his blast rifle and held out a hand to Jaxon. "I'm not gonna shoot you. I can help you, if you let me." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 16, 2013 Skylar walked around knowing that he didnt want to work for Vador. He then started planning what he should do, how he should leave this fleet and start his own to become the real ruler of the dark side. "I cant have him knowing what Im going to do, I somehow need a team to fight along side with me." Skylar has been summoned by Darth Vador for another mission. "Skylar, I need you to personally fight in this mission. I want you to go fight those pesky Jedi Knights." Skylar nodded his head before Darth Vador says one more thing. "We have a traitor on this ship, when you get back, I want you to dispose him/her." "Yes Master Vador" Skylar headed out to seek and destroy the Jedi Knights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted September 16, 2013 Cero sat down and stared at the filthy damp ground, "well this is just great..." She looked around the city, there were almost no rebels left. Most have them had been discovered and kicked out of the capital. As the night started to set upon the city and the colder winds blew in between the buildings, Cero pulled her hood up and headed toward the only place she could feel remotely safe. It was an abandoned factory near the edge of the industrial side of town. She found it while running from some clone troopers about 4 months ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 17, 2013 Jaxon had has LIghtsaber pulled out right next to Rev's head. "Do you know how hard it is to trust you?" Jaxon asked pulling Rev's gun out with his force. Jaxon then looked at the trooper. "I need proof of why I can trust you. But doesn't look like I have time. Here is your gun and you stay in front. I don't want you behind me where I can't see you. Do you understand?" Jaxon asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 17, 2013 Rev got his gun back and checked it. "Fine." He said to Jaxon. "Just be ready to hang back if I say. The odds of you finding another Clone willing to help are sadly slim." The Clone Commando went back down the passage he had come, keeping an eye on his HUD for any contacts. "We're heading for the lower levels." Rev said over his shoulder to Jaxon. "There is a senator I know who's making runs." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 17, 2013 Skyler finally got to the world of the Jedi's and walked around until her could find one. He saw one walking and yelled out for him(Jaxon) "You Jedi, you will be the first one I destroy, I have been sent to kill all of you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 17, 2013 "Run!" Rev yelled at Jaxon as he opened fire with his rifle at the dark Jedi. He took cover behind a corner to prevent any of his own blaster bolts from hitting him if deflected. "Move it or lose it, Jedi!" He yelled again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 17, 2013 Skylar heard someone telling at the man about to get attacked and saw gun fire. "What the hell!" Skylar ran to take cover to stay out of the line of fire. "Vador sent me into a death trap" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted September 17, 2013 Eit had made his way to his ship and flown over to Coruscant. He had fibbed a little about needing to go to Coruscant, but he had a feeling that his new friend would be needing some help and would be willing to give up some credits in return. As Eit landed his ship, he heard the sounds of blaster fire. "They started without me!" Eit gasped, clambering out. He ran up the steps of the Jedi temple. The bounty hunter reached the skirmish. He saw a clone trooper in a firefight with a man with a light saber. However, the saber was red, and Eit was pretty positive that meant bad guy. Another indication that the trooper was good was that Jaxon was standing with him. Eit smiled as he walked into everyone's field of view. "Jedi! Clone! Ya should probably get running before I decide that my idea is actually a bad one." Eit called over to Jaxon and his new buddy, as he pulled out his pistols and shot off a few rounds at Mr. Baddie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 17, 2013 Jaxon saw Eit shooting and this whole fire fight. Jaxon had one of his light sabers attached at his hips and he charges at the Sith lord using the force to send multiple pushes to the Sith trying to break his balance. He then reaches out and pulls the columns out in between them. He then started sprinting. "That'll buy us some time. We need to get to the records. Jaxon said sprinting towards the library. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 17, 2013 "Hmm, they don't want to fight, and I'm not going to be chasing them. This was a death trap, I'm heading back." Skylar watched the Jedi knight run away from the battle and headed back to the ship. "Are you kidding me vador, that was a damn death trap, was your deal?" Darth Vador used to force on skylar and pinned him up against the wall. "You are the traitor on this vessel, I will dispose of you." Skylar tried moving around to stop the constriction. "Gah!!! What are you talking about? I'm no traitor." Darth Vador put skylar down. "Then I guess you aren't." Skylar walked back to his cabin to get some rest. "Man that guys is crazy." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 17, 2013 Rev grunted in frustration. He had been hoping that getting this Jedi out would be a simple extraction. "Well, at least he has back up." The Clone Commando thought, glancing at Eit. He fell in behind Jaxon. "There's going to be at least a tech team there." He warned Jaxon. "The Chancellor seemed pretty interested in getting that data." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 18, 2013 "Well I guess we'll prepare. I want you up high" He said pointed at Eit "I know you're a good shot, you'll be a good sniper." He then looked at Rev. "Rev I want you to run in as a distraction. I'll sneak in, gather files and We'll slowly take them out one by one" Jaxon said as he pulled out his sabers and got ready for the plan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 18, 2013 Rev frowned under his helmet, but nodded. "Got it." He acknowledged. "Just don't take too long on those files." He squared his shoulders, then started marching down the corridor like he owned the place. He entered the Library and looked around. There were bodies of Jedi all around and some destroyed file cases. Some Jedi had tried to destroy the data in here and lost their lives trying. "Report!" He bellowed when he spotted a tech sargeant. "Very one, fall in!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo 69 Posted September 18, 2013 Cero noticed a very odd group of men enter the library bearing weapons. "Now why would someone be there...?" She wondered, the library of course was off limits now to anyone who was suspected of treason. She looked at the view clones that stood guard at the library, they seemed like they hadn't seen anyone sneak in. "Hmm maybe it wasn't that big of a deal after all." She waited outside the library staying clear from the troopers but still wanting a full view of the library waiting just in case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted September 20, 2013 "Got it chief!" Eit said to Jaxon after receiving his orders, giving a mock salute. As Eit was heading towards the stairs, he spotted an armory. "Sweet." He muttered to himself, and ducked inside. He grabbed a sniper off the rack, and headed back up the stairs. He reached a balcony which overlooked the library. He deployed the built-in tripod, and laid onto the floor. The gun was a nice model, an excellent scope, custom clip. Also had a nice silence mode. He switched the silencer on, preventing the rifle from making that annoying 'Bzzt' sound when he shot. Eit took aim at the clone Rev had just yelled at, and pulled the trigger. The enemy clone fell on the ground without another sound. Instant-kill. Eit resisted the urge to yell "Headshot!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 23, 2013 (Sorry guys, college homework sucks ) Jaxon was slowly loading his iJED with the knowledge from the Archives. Jaxon got it all loaded when he heard "HEADSHOT" being yelled. Jaxon smirked and quickly sprinted next to Rev and used his force to push the Clones not on his side. He had them up against the wall then slammed them onto the ground hearing their bones just crush against the floor. "Alright we gotta go, any ideas on where?" He yelled out to his team? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 24, 2013 With Eit's head shot, Rev had his blaster rifle out and on rapid fire in a second. He felt a slit pang of guilt at killing some of his fellow clones, but banished it from his mind. They were part of the enemy now. "There are some gunships higher up near the docking bays we could grab." He replied to Jaxon. "Plus, if one of the ships you two came in on is big enough, we could try for those. They shouldn't have been locked down yet." Leaning against the wall next to Skylar's cabin, Lord Oren had his arms crossed and was looking at Skylar. Though his face was hidden behind his helmet, he radiated a smug air. "And how is our newest dark lord of the Sith doing?" He asked. "He hasn't been treating you to badly, has he?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted September 24, 2013 "My ship is a one person cruiser. Lets make a run to the that ship. I can take one of the guns, if you can drive it?" Jaxon said as he looked for Eit to come back down! He then sprinted for one of the ships pushing troops off the platforms making them fall to their deaths. Jaxon jumped into one of the gunner bubbles and started some of the clones trying to stop him from leaving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted September 26, 2013 Rev went slower than Jaxon, trying to provide Eit with cover fire as he needed it. "Hope you're good at flying." He shouted at Eit. "I'm fair, but I'm a commando. We had other clones for the flying." A regular clone trooper charged Rev, knocking the commando's rifle to one side, and brought his rifle up for a clubbing. Rev's right fist shot up to make a contact with the other clone's chin under the helmet. A small, vibro blade extended from his hand armor a few instants before it plunged into the clone's neck. Rev kicked the dying clone away, his blade retracting and he began firing his rifle again. "Come on!" He yelled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites