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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy 2!: Theatrhythm FF Curtain Call for 3DS, coming out in spring 2014.

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The latest issue of Jump Magazine has the latest scoop on a new Square Enix title for 3DS ahead of Tokyo Game Show – Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call.

Details are slim for now, but the title is a brand new sequel – said to contain over 200 music tracks, more than 60 characters and an all new Versus Battle Mode.

New characters noted in the magazine scans floating around are:

Ace (Final Fantasy Type-0)Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII)Y’shtola (Final Fantasy XIV)Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics)Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2)Benjamin (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)

Additionally it appears new enemies such as FFVI’s magitek armor will show up at some point as well as music from Final Fantasy XIV and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The game is expected to launch in Japan by Spring 2014.




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I really hope this one won't have a ton of DLC like the last one, they should just include it all in the game this time. If they do use DLC, they should use song packs instead of having the songs for $1 each separately, though. Also, I want all of the characters from the iOS version to be included too. There were some really cool characters that us 3DS users missed out on.

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I really hope this one won't have a ton of DLC like the last one, they should just include it all in the game this time. If they do use DLC, they should use song packs instead of having the songs for $1 each separately, though. Also, I want all of the characters from the iOS version to be included too. There were some really cool characters that us 3DS users missed out on.

Like which characters? THe only character from IOS that the 3DS version missed out on was Serah in my opinion.

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Like which characters? THe only character from IOS that the 3DS version missed out on was Serah in my opinion.

Celes was a huge one, at least for me. Tifa, Garnet, Auron, and Ramza are all cool characters, too. :/

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My Most-Wanted Character From Each FF Game:


FFI- White Mage. When it comes to the first Final Fantasy, we're kinda restricted on potential characters. When it comes to the most iconic, the fighter's already playable, and Vivi looks just like the Black Mage. The next character to come to mind for me would be the White Mage. I know there are a lot of Healers in Theatrhythm, but let's face it, every class from FFI has been used in Theatrhythm already.


FFII- Leon. Leon seems to be the best choice for Theatrhythm. Guy seemed like more of a brawler to me, Maria's a mage, but we don't have a Dark Knight in Theatrhythm yet.


FFIII- Aria Benett. Once again, it's tough to choose a character for FFIII. Any of the support characters would be the best options, so I've decided to choose Aria. I know, another White Mage, but she stood out the most to me when it comes to supports.


FFIV- Edge. Unless I'm forgetting something, there aren't many ninjas in Theatrhythm. I think that Edge could make for a decent ninja, especially with his Ninjutsu abilities from FFIV.


FFV- Gilgamesh. Okay, before anyone tries to pull the argument that he can't be playable since he's an enemy, Sephiroth was an enemy in the first Theatrhythm, and he was still playable. Anyway, come on. Gilgamesh made it into Dissidia through fan support, I'm sure a lot of fans want him in this one, too! If not him, I'd say Lenna should be playable.


FFVI- Mog. A playable Moogle? Heck yeah! He could use the song abilities from the first game, or have his own dances return from FFVI. I think that playing as Mog would be really cool!


FFVII- Yuffie. Once again, more ninjas would be cool. Yuffie was my favorite party member from VII, so why not her? Barret would also be a cool character, but Yuffie would fit in pretty well.


FFVIII- Laguna Loire. The protagonist of FFVIII's second story. Why not add him in? He'd be the first gunner in the game, unless I'm forgetting someone. His gameplay style would be really cool to see.


FFIX- Steiner. Zidane, Vivi, and Garnet were all in the original Theatrhythm. Steiner's the last member of the original FFIX party to be included, so why not finish that off? I wonder if they'd find some way to make him and Vivi work together like they did in the original game...


FFX- Wakka. His Blitzball-based combat would be a completely new fighting style, and it would be interesting to see how they'd pull it off. It would fit a light-hearted game like Theatrhythm, too.


FFXI- Custom Character. I've never played FFXI, and barely know anything about it, so it was tough to come up with someone for it. So, why not just let us create a character like we could in XI? It wouldn't need to be too complex of a system, but imagine using your own custom-made character to team up with your favorite FF characters!


FFXII- Basch. Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca was probably the most major character in the game, along with Princess Asche, who's already in the game. Basch should get the Theatrhythm treatment next.


FFXIII- Serah (XIII-2). Seeing as how Serah's the main protagonist of the sequel to XIII, it seems obvious that she'd be the next character for that one.


FFXIV- Miquo'te. I haven't played XIV yet either, and once again don't know too much about it. I dunno why, but the Miquo'te seemed like a major race in it...


FFXV- Noctis. I don't know if they'll use a character from a game still in development, but now that we've gotten more news on XV, I think it'd be kinda cool to see Noctis in action. It could also give us a better idea of how he battles.


Crisis Core- Cissnei. When it comes to new characters from CC, we have Zack, Angeal, Genesis, and Cissnei. Zack's already in Theatrhythm 2, and Angeal would probably be too similar to Zack. I think that Cissnei should get a shot. We never saw too much of her in CC, but playing as one of the Turks could be enjoyable for some fans.


FF Tactics- Delita Heiral. Delita seemed like the secondary protagonist of Tactics, and with Ramza confirmed to be in, he should be the secondary character for Tactics.

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Wow I forgot about these types of games.  Kind off topic but hopefully they don't use a game like this as the "Kingdom Hearts game for the year" game to delay KH3 another year.

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I played the demo of the first one and was hoping to get it this year for Christmas and now I will have another great game with Lightning in it to get.

From the looks of it, this is the first game with a ton of bonus content. I'd recommend just skipping to this one, unless you really can't wait to play it.

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