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So since I got my tonsils removed a couple weeks ago and have been out of work I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time browsing the KingdomHearts wikia in anticipation for KH1.5HD.  I was doing a lot of research on the chambers of repose and waking and I have a feeling that the chamber of repose is going to have some major part in the KH3 plot, since it holds Aqua's armor and is basicly the counterpart to the room where Ventus is sleeping.  I think it could possibly be used as some kind of portal to Aqua's location in the Realm of Darkness, or maybe there will be a major battle in this room with Xemnas where he ends up struggling to keep Terra's memories out of his head and this is where they finally free Terra.  I think it would be kind of cool since we have only seen it in cutscenes.  What do you guys think?

Edited by JayReaper

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Don't they mention them in 358/2 Days?



Was Org. 13 looking for Ventus to control Sora's heart more directly?


:blink:  :blink:  :blink:

I haven't played 358/2 Days but yes they do mention it, Xemnas sends Axel to Castle Oblivion in order to find the Chamber of Waking.  As to why Xemnas wants to find Ventus I am not sure, but it is most likely due to the fact that Terra still has some minor influence over Xemnas (His body)Could also be for the reason you stated.  Like I said, haven't played Days.

Edited by JayReaper

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I haven't played 358/2 Days but yes they do mention it, Xemnas sends Axel to Castle Oblivion in order to find the Chamber of Waking.  As to why Xemnas wants to find Ventus I am not sure, but it is most likely due to the fact that Terra still has some minor influence over Xemnas (His body)


KH just got dark..... AGAIN.

You start thinking about the KH mytho's, and it's actually pretty dark.

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KH just got dark..... AGAIN.

You start thinking about the KH mytho's, and it's actually pretty dark.

Yeah some parts of the series can get pretty dark.  Then you have scenes like the end of 3D when Sora is having a tea party with a talking duck and a talking dog.... So I'd say it's pretty balanced haha.

Edited by JayReaper

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 I'd be disappointed if they weren't ! But yeah they definitely have importance . Also for those who want to see :


4-Q12: Why is Xemnas searching for The Chamber of Awakening?

A: To find Ventus.The Chamber of Awakening is the room where Aqua leaves Ventus sleeping in Last Episode, and is a part of Castle Oblivion. As you can see from Xemnas calling Aqua�s armor �friend�, it seems Xemnas has Terra�s memories and so is searching for Ventus, and is making the other Organization members look for The Chamber of Awakening.

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I haven't played 358/2 Days but yes they do mention it, Xemnas sends Axel to Castle Oblivion in order to find the Chamber of Waking.  As to why Xemnas wants to find Ventus I am not sure, but it is most likely due to the fact that Terra still has some minor influence over Xemnas (His body)Could also be for the reason you stated.  Like I said, haven't played Days.

We know that Xemnas wanted to find Ventus but this raises the question as to HOW he knows that he is there. Aqua put him in the Chamber of Waking specifically and sealed it so that nobody (xD) would be able to find him.

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We know that Xemnas wanted to find Ventus but this raises the question as to HOW he knows that he is there. Aqua put him in the Chamber of Waking specifically and sealed it so that nobody (xD) would be able to find him.



BBS explains that Keyblade masters are entitled to certain information. Aqua became privy to the way to seal off Land of Departure (turning it into Castle Oblivion) when she became a master.... a master like.... Eraqus.... or even MASTER XEHANORT = Xemnas' somebody

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