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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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"Alright." He rushed up to him, and kneed him the stomach. When this worked, he would box ears to disturb equilibrium, trip, then elbow to trachea. Good combo. Would slow him down, at least.

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"ahg!" he yelped for a moment, then he grabbed him by the hair, and punched him in the jaw, he then tripped him, and stomped the back of his head, and backed away from him, to give him space

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"Hmm," he said, focuses on weak points, left leg, skull, right arm. "Good." He said, running at him, tripping the left leg, then twisting his arm around his back as he hit the ground.

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He laughed a bit. "nice move" he said, but he then rolled and grabbed his leg and dragged him down to the ground, Dagon then pinned him, and started punching him in the face repeatedly.

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He hit his right arm, and hit him in the chin with his palm. "Hey, we could be a hit man duo? Kuro and The crazy?"

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Dagon stood on his arm's preventing them from moving anymore.

He then hardly pressed his fist on his adams apple, stoping him from taking any more breaths.

"the...Crazy..?" he asked

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He laughed. "What? You don't like it?" He said through gasping breath.

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"Fine," he said, "I surrender." This kid was above his level.

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He took his hand, and got up. "You too. The offer will still be open."

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(Wow I finally got notifications from this. Good Job)

Luke gave a annoyed look on his face after what Kana said "To think my sister would come to treating her comrades so badly....She never used to think like that" thought Luke. Luke then heard what Kurumi & Kuro said "Kurumi, I know I don't need to protect you as your a strong hearted girl & that's why I love you, haha. But my sister is also a strong hearted girl bend on something I did to her in the past" said Luke as he then just realized he told Kurumi something he was trying to hide "Aaa, anyway! why don't you eat something, you must be hungry right?" said Luke trying to divert her attention away from what he just told her. Luke then heard what Dagon said to him about being a meat shield "Dagon! I don't know what you mean, but maybe you & Kageyama should go outside to spar?" said Luke trying to not let Dagon say anything about what he put his group through with Kurumi in the room. Luke then noticed Kasumi, Yumiko, Alexander and Joshua, Luke quickly remembered he got them to help him save Kurumi & then walked over to them all "Sorry for getting you guys involved into this mess, As I said before I'd make it up to you guys if you help us out & you did, so is there anything I can do for you for helping save Kurumi for me?" said Luke hoping to repay their kind help. Meanwhile at the Azami's new secret base "Hmm...you may be right there Isaac, We will have to capture that kid & see what he's hiding & yes it is...the Azami group takes all new recruits providing they prove useful to me & the Azami's goal which is this" said Emaralda as she revealed within the locked room a strange statue with many missing eyes "This is what the goal of the Azami is Isaac, to give back the eyes to this statue called 'Mekatasuo Den'" said Emaralda.

Kuro lead Kurumj in the kitchen of his house, where she only ate a bit, but the two sat in silence. "We need a new base...." Kurumi finally said. "Where would that be?" Kuro asked. "I have no clue...we can't just stay here." Kurumi said with a sigh.

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(Breaking the 4th wall, are we?)

"The good stuff," he said with a smile. "Hi powers, state of the art weaponry." He smiled. "Specially designed to wipe the floor with you. I underestimated all of you. I didn't use these things."

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("Spar," he said).Isaac remained silent for a few seconds. "...The Mekatsuo Den...insteresting...concept." He examined the statue, still with the single eye he had taken from Kurumi. "And when the statue is complete...does anything...happen?" Isaac asked inquisitively, skimming his hands through two empty slots. "The kid I brought up just now...Emaralda," He smiled, "His eyes belong here too."

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(You have a serious rp block, don't you?)

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(Wow I finally got notifications from this. Good Job)Kuro lead Kurumj in the kitchen of his house, where she only ate a bit, but the two sat in silence."We need a new base...." Kurumi finally said."Where would that be?" Kuro asked."I have no clue...we can't just stay here." Kurumi said with a sigh.

("Spar," he said).Isaac remained silent for a few seconds. "...The Mekatsuo Den...insteresting...concept." He examined the statue, still with the single eye he had taken from Kurumi. "And when the statue is complete...does anything...happen?" Isaac asked inquisitively, skimming his hands through two empty slots. "The kid I brought up just now...Emaralda," He smiled, "His eyes belong here too."


Luke saw Kuro take Kurumi into the kitchen for something to eat, Luke then got up from sitting on the bed walking into the kitchen. Luke come in to the kitchen just in time to over hear Kurumi & Kuro talking about a new base for the group as Emaralda was sure to find them if they stay here. Luke then gave a suggestion "Welllll we could go to my place?, it's not a big place, a apartment really, but I think it could hold everyone. note, i don't have more than 1 room soooo yeah..." said Luke scratching the back of his head. Meanwhile at the new secret base of the Azami, After Isaac asked Emaralda what the statue does once it's complete Emaralda didn't say anything more about the staute, then she spoke "I thought that kids eye's were needed, I could feel my other eye's watching him as I first saw him at our old base..." said Emaralda. Emaralda then removed her shirt (She's wearing a bra of course :P) to reveal that her body had the stolen eye's of those from the Mekakushi Dan that Emaralda took from implanted all around her body & the eye's on her body were all functioning "Issac, I will need you to implant that eye of Kurumi into my body now. Once that's done I'll speak more about the statue. Your new lab is right through this door" said Emaralda as she showed Isaac the door "This lab also here has a lot more tools & other items for you to use than the other base, now then, shell we?" said Emaralda.    

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Luke saw Kuro take Kurumi into the kitchen for something to eat, Luke then got up from sitting on the bed walking into the kitchen. Luke come in to the kitchen just in time to over hear Kurumi & Kuro talking about a new base for the group as Emaralda was sure to find them if they stay here. Luke then gave a suggestion "Welllll we could go to my place?, it's not a big place, a apartment really, but I think it could hold everyone. note, i don't have more than 1 room soooo yeah..." said Luke scratching the back of his head. Meanwhile at the new secret base of the Azami, After Isaac asked Emaralda what the statue does once it's complete Emaralda didn't say anything more about the staute, then she spoke "I thought that kids eye's were needed, I could feel my other eye's watching him as I first saw him at our old base..." said Emaralda. Emaralda then removed her shirt (She's wearing a bra of course :P) to reveal that her body had the stolen eye's of those from the Mekakushi Dan that Emaralda took from implanted all around her body & the eye's on her body were all functioning "Issac, I will need you to implant that eye of Kurumi into my body now. Once that's done I'll speak more about the statue. Your new lab is right through this door" said Emaralda as she showed Isaac the door "This lab also here has a lot more tools & other items for you to use than the other base, now then, shell we?" said Emaralda.    


(That is creepy)


Kurumi looked at Luke with a small smile.

"So its basically my apartment with one less room?" she asked.

"You guys can't just stay here." Kuro said seriously.

Kurumi fell silent for a bit.

"I have an idea, but it involves my father, and my house." she announced.

"You want us to go there?" Kuro asked.

Kurumi nodded slowly.

"Your father hates you though Kurumi. Are you sure about this?" Kuro asked.

Kurumi nodded.

"We are a team now, we have gone through so much. Nothing can stop any of us." she said seriously. 

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(Haha, I thought you'd see it that way Neko)


"haha" laughed Luke to Kurumi's question, as he felt kinda silly for suggesting his place, he felt better when Kurumi got the idea to stay at her fathers house. Luke started to think for a seconded "I wonder if I should tell Kurumi & the others about the truth about our eyes...& that statue?" whispered Luke to himself. Luke brushed the thought aside for the moment & dicided to speak to Kurumi about her idea "She's right Kuro, there's nothing we haven't been through or will go through that could bend our hearts will. We should head out soon though...there's no telling when my sister will strike again" said Luke feeling more energized the before.  

Edited by The Unversed

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