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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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"Grr, Okay Kana" said Luke not bothering to ague. Luke then turned his head to look back at Kana as he was ran & thought "I knew there was good in you Kana, thank you..." Luke then looked forward "Come on Kuro, Kageyama. LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" yelled Luke as he continued running. Meanwhile Emaralda was blocking Dagon from getting at Isaac "Sorry Dagon but Isaac's still useful to me. The eyes of illusion...A great power but against an opponent that has the weakness of that eye, your just another weakling that never should have had those eyes" said Emaralda as more chimeras surrounded Dagon, Kana, Kasumi & Alexander. Luke soon come across a near by table with strange bits of paper with circle symbol's on them "W-what...no way" said Luke as he stopped to quickly check them out "This is what my sister used to take Kurumi away back at the street, uh!" said Luke as he then saw that all the papers had locations on them indicating every place Kurumi & the rest have been too "She's been on to us the whole time, grr" said Luke as he took a moment to rip them all up except for one which could teleport Luke & Kurumi & the rest back near Kuro's house "HEY GUYS QUICKLY GET OVER HERE & PUT YOUR HAND ON ME & WE CAN ESCAPE USING A TELEPORTER!!" yelled Luke across the hallway in the direction where Dagon, Kana, Kasumi & Alexander are. Emaralda looked at Dagon "Now...give me your eyes or I'll take them from you by painfully" said Emaralda as she then started to walk towards Dagon slowly as did the chimeras.

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He thought for a moment then turned and ran into the crowd of chimera, killing them with his chainsaw ,then he gashed the girl in the arm with his chainsaw, he disappeared, and re appeared running to Luke.

"when we next meet your mine BITCH!" he yelled grabbing onto Luke's back.

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"You act as if I only experiment on other living beings, you f*cking swine...!" Isaac stood up after being paralyzed, his back facing Dagon and a blade erupting along with his spine, interrupting Dagon's massacre of his chimeras. The blade stabbed straight through the handle of the chainsaw, disrupting and breaking much of the mechanics powering the chainsaw. A few of the lesser chimeras of his backed off in fear from Dagon, others came at him still in rage. Kasumi dashed, ignoring much of the pain for a few seconds before stopping near Luke and the teleporter, processing the pain she had taken. Alexander did the same, slicing a chimera in the process. "This is beginning to get droll...." Isaac picked up the gun he had left for Kurumi, now actually placing a bullet inside of it--"STOP...!" Hesitantly, Joshua yelled, having been helpless to the others this entire time. His eyes pierced that of not only Isaac and Emaralda, but Kurumi, Kasumi, Alexander, and every other here. His own eyes were then stricken with fear, but the truth of what everyone's endeavors would yield were felt by them all.

Dagon, feeling the remorseless pain of those he has slaughtered-- both human and inhuman, seemingly endlessly being inflicted upon him. Emaralda, mortal, vulnerable, and for the moment, blind and inhumane in even speech. Kana and Kageyama-- both backstabbed and indecisive. Luke, one eye of his seemingly missing, and to him, the same appears with everyone else. Kuro and Kurumi, whom are both akin to leaders, seeing their two enemies defeated, along with their comrades. Even Isaac, blind and physically stagnant, tears, blood, and other fluids pouring from his eyes, endlessly cursed with the screams of crying and dying animals and humans...but to him...they became...harmonic...melodic...pleasant. If everyone were to go further as to what they had been trying to do, would this all happen? "Don't you all ever stop...? All of this...just...why?" The truth being held lasted shortly for all.Isaac's vision returned soon, he still firmly held the gun as his spinal blade traveled back into his body. He saw hazily, but looked up back to Joshua. Isaac's eyes slowly but surely...cleared. They...cleared. His eyes widened a bit with realization. He...has...?" With a new gained focus, he raised the gun, an arrow striking into his arm. "Run!" Yumiko exclaimed, holding her bow and running to grab Joshua and take him to Luke and the others.

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After Dagon injured her right arm with his chainsaw Emaralda just simply gave a grin "When we next met, not only will I have your eyes but you'll also be under my foot screaming for me to end your life" whispered Emaralda. After Joshua yelled out Emaralda then quickly had activated the distraction of the base with a little button she had with her, Emaralda run to Isaac & grabbed his shoulder "See you later Luke" said Emaralda as she pulled out a teleporting paper she had in her pocket soon warping herself & Isaac away. Luke then had everyone around him ready to escape this collapsing building "ALRIGHT, HERE WE GO!" yelled Luke as he used the teleporting paper warping himself & everyone into Kuro's house. Luke took a moment to remember the look his sister had right before she warped away with Isaac "Is she really going to do what I think she'll do with those eyes" thought Luke as he found a bedroom & quickly put Kurumi down on the bed "KURO! GET THE FIRST AID KIT STUFF FOR KURUMI!" yelled Luke, Luke then stared at the unconscious Kurumi on the bed "Kurumi...this is all my fault, I should have never met you...then none of this would have ever happened to you or the others" said Luke as tears ran down his cheeks. Luke then rubbed the tears away from his face "I'm sorry for not telling the truth to you guys before...& I would understand if you want me to leave & never come back. I just wish I could have changed my sister mind to stop her from completing the plan of the Azami group. Meanwhile in a new secret place Emaralda & Isaac appeared in this place, Emaralda let go off Isaac's shoulder "Not to worry Isaac, the Azami has more than one secret base, but this secret place has something the others don't have. This place holds the secret that will bring the plan of the Azami group to reality, If you want, I can show it to show. Follow me if you wish to see it" said Emaralda as she started to walk off within the new secret base of the Azami group.  

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(Azami is like any antagonist Pokémon team, but ten times worse and with very few members. Anyway, I'm doing a Mimi-time skip.)


By the time night had fallen, Kurumi's eye was covered and so were her other wounds, the odd, forced smile she had see on her face was gone, and she was almost back to normal again. Kurumi awoke eventually, realizing she was back in Kuro's house. Even though she had pain medicine in her system, she still felt weak. She thanked everyone...only to be taken with Kuro's mother. Kurumi questioned and complaint as her best friends mother made her hair even at her shoulders. Once she was done with that, Kurumi was sent back to the bedroom. She didn't notice something earlier.

"Kana." She snapped.

Kana looked at Kurumi.

"I'm with you guys right now." She said seriously.

There was silence for a couple of seconds.

"Um.....what happened when I was knocked out....?" Kurumi finally asked.

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Isaac complied and followed Emaralda, nonchalantly removing the arrow portruding through him. Without any expressed pain, and almost imminently, he stitched the wound closed. His point of concern came to him now— or rather, not a concern, but a mere thought and nothing more. "Emaralda, are you...completely aware of what just happened before we came here...?"

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(Well, I don't know where I am right now, ironc right? (Reference to gods rp.))

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(Ops, forgot to tell you guys I went away for holidays :P , my bad)


As Kurumi questioned what happened Luke waked into the bedroom "We all saved you Kurumi, thats what happened" said Luke with a happy smile on his face as he stood next to Kana. Luke had a little talk with Kuro in private before he had entered the bedroom asking Kuro & the others to keep the truth about Luke's past a secret from Kurumi as Luke wasn't sure if Kurumi would ever trust him again & she might even think to stop loving him. This thought Luke had was driving him crazy & so Luke even decided to cover up with bandages his right eye which holds his sisters left eye now. Luke then looked at Kurumi staring intensely "How are you feeling Kurumi? do you remember anything?" said Luke. Meanwhile in the new secret base of the Azami Emaralda turned her head a little while she was walking "Are you referring to what that boy Joshua did?" said Emaralda before she stopped at a big strange rusty old steel door with a strange looking lock in the middle of it.    

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(It's okay Unversed, just tell us next time.)


"I remember being taken away, and the rest is just blurry." Kurumi said seriously.

"It looks like you did a good job being leader for a couple of hours I'm guessing....and all of you did a good job." she said with a smile.

Kurumi looked back to Luke.

"I'm okay, a bit dizzy, but I'll be fine." she said.

Kurumi suddenly turned serious.

"There are two members of the Azami now and seven of us (If I counted right). They are outnumbered." she said seriously.  

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(Sorry, I was gone for a while too. Actually it worked out well, this is about the moment I was going to bring Kage back in. Just in case I am not clear, she has been to Azami hq before, she met Esmeralda, Kana and Isaac but not Kageyama. She left because it would be easier not to work under anyone else.) Kage looked over the email again. 'Hello Esmeralda, it has been a while. Judging by the group of people with the Mekakushi Dan, the hurry they were were in, that they were headed in your direction, and the time it took them to return, I can assume that you are in need of more members. Fortunately , I need to change locations soon. As such, it is in both of our interests that I offer my services. Sincerely, Kage, Awakening'. She hit the send button. Kage would never have joined the Azami when there were so many of them, for safety reasons, but now... If all of the Azami had been loyal and alive then the car she had seen with the Mekakushi Dan would never have come back.

(Warning, there is a good chance I will not have internet connection from now untill Tuesday.)

Edited by Scattered Dream

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As Emaralda was unlocking the steel door she got an email on her phone which she check it right there & then "Well, well, a new member will be joining us Isaac" said Emaralda as she quickly sent a reply saying 'Kage, I will take you up on your services to the Azami & I have sent you our location of our new secret base. Met me here immediately. Emaralda, the eye's of fear' after Emaralda sent her reply she opened the steel door looking at Isaac "Come on in" said Emaralda as she walked in first. Meanwhile Luke was so relived hear Kurumi say she was fine & that she that she couldn't remember much either "I'm no leader Kurumi, I'm just a simple follower. Your our true leader Kurumi & I won't let anymore harm come to you, from now on I'll be your shield against Emaralda's sword" said Luke. After Luke then heard Kurumi speak about how few members the Azami has left Luke felt uneasy as he then sat down next to Kurumi "Kurumi lets not get to eager to strike them down now that their numbers are low, I mean from what you missed Emaralda seems to be hiding more then what I thought she was hiding & we don't even now were they are anymore as their base is totally destroyed now. Kana,did Emaralda tell you anything that might be helpful to us for finding them?" said Luke.

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Kana shook her head.

"Sadly not." She said seriously.

"I was more of her pet than anything." Kana said, sighing.

"Luke, you don't have to be so protective of me, I know what I'm doing." Kurumi said seriously.

"Well he is right you know, we don't need to strike them down so quickly." Kuro interrupted.

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Dagon looked at Luke "Yeah after that stunt you should be a shield..." he said " A meat shield" he continued and chuckled a bit at his own joke before walking around the house aimlessly, and obviously bored and looking for something to entertain him

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Kageyama looked at Dagon. "Yo." He said "it seems like your bored. Fancy a spar?"

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"Yes, that kid isn't a threat at all but he certainly brings up a point of concern, Emaralda." Isaac stated with a lack of emotion to his...leader. He stopped at the door with her, and glanced around for a few seconds, pondering and waiting. He hesitated, not nervously, but just out of personal inquisition, within his own mind. "...Oh? We are in need of new members. Is it that easy to recruit?" Isaac said darkly, giving a short and meaningless scoff before looking ahead to the locked door before him. In just a few moments, Emaralda unlocked and entered the steel door, Isaac heeding her words and following inside.


Kasumi and Yumiko both sat beside their respective companions-- Alexander and Joshua, both silent-- one of independence and melancholy, the other out of shyness and fear. "Neither of them are exactly simple in their ways," Kasumi began, "One of their spines was a blade." She continued, sighing. She, and the other three with her didn't belong with them...they knew none of them, and none knew them. A mutuality, as their enemy had nothing to do with the four in the first place.

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Luke gave a annoyed look on his face after what Kana said "To think my sister would come to treating her comrades so badly....She never used to think like that" thought Luke. Luke then heard what Kurumi & Kuro said "Kurumi, I know I don't need to protect you as your a strong hearted girl & that's why I love you, haha. But my sister is also a strong hearted girl bend on something I did to her in the past" said Luke as he then just realized he told Kurumi something he was trying to hide "Aaa, anyway! why don't you eat something, you must be hungry right?" said Luke trying to divert her attention away from what he just told her. Luke then heard what Dagon said to him about being a meat shield "Dagon! I don't know what you mean, but maybe you & Kageyama should go outside to spar?" said Luke trying to not let Dagon say anything about what he put his group through with Kurumi in the room. Luke then noticed Kasumi, Yumiko, Alexander and Joshua, Luke quickly remembered he got them to help him save Kurumi & then walked over to them all "Sorry for getting you guys involved into this mess, As I said before I'd make it up to you guys if you help us out & you did, so is there anything I can do for you for helping save Kurumi for me?" said Luke hoping to repay their kind help. Meanwhile at the Azami's new secret base "Hmm...you may be right there Isaac, We will have to capture that kid & see what he's hiding & yes it is...the Azami group takes all new recruits providing they prove useful to me & the Azami's goal which is this" said Emaralda as she revealed within the locked room a strange statue with many missing eyes "This is what the goal of the Azami is Isaac, to give back the eyes to this statue called 'Mekatasuo Den'" said Emaralda.

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"Of course." Said Kageyama, opening the door. "Spare everyone else from his bad jokes."

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"Let's go to his backyard." He said. "Not to be mean, but I don't have a house anymore. Emeralda had funded it, and I betrayed her, but..." He pulled out two suitcases of weaponry. "Snagged some of her specialties, so your welcome."

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"Sure, why not." He said. He turned his his head. "There is two things this kid is destined for. Assassin, or serial killer." He walked to the backyard. "Whenever you're ready, kid."

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Dagon took a minute to take his mask off, and to put his wraps back on.

He then walked to the back yard and looked at him "ready when you are..." he said looking at him.

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