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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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Emaralda just gave a smile when Kurumi said it's just the two of them now, but Emaralda's smile vanished when Luke & Kuro appeared to help Kurumi out "Like I'd let you do this all by yourself, I don't think so Kurumi, after all...I love you remember" said Luke blushing a bit but serious at the same time. Emaralda turned her attention to Dagon's pain hearing what he had to say about Kageyama "Did you honestly think I was friends with him? I have no need for such weak members in the Azami. He was disposable...just like the rest of the group is. The Azami only cares for our goal...that's all" said Emaralda as she then drew Dagon's attention soon paralyzed him. Emaralda turned her attention to Kurumi, Luke & Kuro "Well, well, if this ain't a site to behold. My little brother in love with my enemy, haha. Luke why don't you come over to our side? join the Azami & we can be together again just like the old days. I'll even promise you that your friends life's will be spared" said Emaralda as she held out her right hand waiting for Luke to take her hand. Luke then began to walked slowly towards Emaralda "Maybe.... this is for the best... to save the ones I care about" though Luke as he continued to walk towards Emaralda not fully sure if his decision is right or wrong yet.  

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"Forget it. They're helpless." The boy sheathed his weapons, as did the girl. They walked back to the two they had taken out of the fray earlier. "You aren't going to help them anymore...?" Joshua asked both of them. The boy responded to him, glancing back at the others still in conflict. "No. I know the gangs they're all apart of and they won't stop until the others lose. I'm not going to be involved in any deaths...." He walked back and sat, at his best to be secluded. "We can help them, Josh--" Yumiko suggested, cut off by the girl, "You shouldn't. I can see that you're both considerate of them...do you know any of them?" She asked, kneeling as Yumi and Joshua sat. "No...but if they die, then I never will."

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Before Luke could walk any further, Kurumi grabbed his sleeve.

"Luke....if you do love me, why would you abandon me and your own group?" She asked.

Kuro nodded, agreeing with Kurumi.

"If you guys want anyone, take me." Kuro said stepping forwards.

"But you have no use to us. You're powerless." Kana spoke up.

Kurumi's attention turned to Kuro.

"No! I won't let you or Luke leave! Kuro you are with my group, and so is Luke. Both of you are apart of the Mekakushi and will stay loyal to the group and if you don't want to stay here, then leave and be killed by the Azami!" Kurumi yelled.

"All we want are you two Kurumi. You, and Luke. Then we will be unstoppable." Kana said with a smirk.

In what seemed a second, out of Kurumi's view, Kana used her ability to quickly grab Kuro and pull him over to Emaralda's and her side.

"If you two join us, we will spare Kuro and Dagon. After all, your group is only made up of only four." Kana said seriously.

She was right. Dagon, Kuro, Kurumi, and Luke. The small Mekakushi Dan.

"Kuro...." Kurumi shook her head.

"I can't just let Kuro be killed...."she thought.

Kurumi let go of Luke's sleeve and looked down. Kana had a dagger to Kuro's chest and could kill him at any second, Dagon was unconscious on the ground, and there was nothing they could do.

"Fine....." She muttered.

Kana let Kuro go, grabbing Kurumi by the collar of her shirt, leaving Emaralda to Luke.

"Drop your weapons." Kana snapped.

Kurumi dropped her gun, looking down.

"Kurumi!!" Kuro yelled.

Quickly, Kana through a dagger at Kuro, stabbing him in the side. Kuro imminently fell to his knees, clutching onto his wound.

"Kuro...I'm sorry...." Kurumi whispered.

"Kurumi....!" Kuro yelled one more time, tears forming in his eyes. Kurumi was his best, and his first friend. This terrified him.

The Mekakushi was falling apart.

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It's been a crazy day for Kurogane. He got up, fighting against the pain. His eyes were slightly better than before. "Emeralda, what happen-" he looked at the body of Kuro. "Boss, we should leave, I'm guessing these guys are even more trouble than thier worth if there pissed off."

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As Kurumi grabbed Luke's telling him why would he abandon them. Luke then spoke out loud "TO SAVE YOU!...from her" said Luke. Then Kuro spoke saying to Kana & Emaralda to take him instead, Emaralda gave a sneer at Kuro's offer. Luke then heard Kurumi go off at him & Kuro, Luke went all silent as he got a bit scared by Kurumi being all demanding like, but Luke knew Kurumi was just look out for them both. Emaralda was most impressed by Kana taking Kuro hostage "So what's it gonna be?" said Emaralda to Kurumi & Luke, Luke was grinding his teeth trying to think of a plan or some way outta this mess. Then Kurumi let go of Luke's sleeve, Luke was then shocked to hear Kurumi agree to go with the Azami "Darn it..there's just gotta be a way to save Kurumi & the rest without giving myself & Kurumi up" thought Luke.


Then Kana told them to drop their weapons, so Luke dropped his sword not wanting Kurumi to be hurt, then Kuro was hurt by Kana's dagger attack "Excellent work Kana" said Emaralda. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER!!" yelled Luke as he ran towards Kurumi to save her but out of the blue Luke was stabbed by Emaralda's katana blade which went straight through his body "I gave you the chance to join us brother..." said Emaralda as she then ripped out her blade from her brother. Luke fell to the ground with his blood starting to create a pool under himself "Your a fool brother...a fool to the very end. There is no love in this world...no hope...no true friends, only ones self" said Emaralda to Luke before walking up to Kana with Kurumi, Emaralda then saw Kurogane speak to her "We got what we needed Kurogane, so we're leaving. lets go now" said Emaralda as she then transported Kurumi, Kana, Kurogane & herself to their secret place (base).


Luke was struggling to keep his breathing calm as his more of his blood come out "N..no way, I..can't believe my own sister stabbed me" thought Luke as he's eyes started to slowly close "I'm I...going to die here?" thought Luke as he moved his left hand over his stab wound trying to stop the bleeding, then coughing up some blood "N..NO! I need to save Kurumi still, & I haven't even asked her how she feels about me yet either. Why Emaralda?...why?" said Luke to himself as he laid there on the ground needing urgent help.

Edited by The Unversed

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(Sorry for the wait 3: But really, inexplicably random eleportation makes things very difficult to respond to *glare*)


The girl smiled to Joshua for a second and knelt down to his height. "We'll help them, then. I'm Kasumi; the guy over there is Alexander." Kasumi gestured to the calm, older boy who sat doing nothing— simply watching back down. Kasumi stood up, calling to Alexander, "Alex! We're going to help them. At least, I will—" she interrupted herself as Alexander nonchalantly looked off into the battlefield. "Where are they?" Yumiko asked after the majority of fighters had teleported away. "What happened...? I can't see!" Joshua complaint. Yumi imminently lifted Joshua against his will above to see what had happened. "Nooo...! Yumi, let me go...!" He complaint more, shyfully but with a bit of disappointment as to what happened. "They're not all gone." Kasumi muttered. In another speeding blur, she dashed once more to Kageyama, kicking him back and slashing at his knees. "Kasumi...." Alexander murmured, jumping down from his place and running to her. He had his scythe ready and kept behind Dagon. "Both of you— enough." Kasumi stated boldly. In the meantime, Yumiko readied her bow and quiver.


"Not even a shred enough of courtesy to let one know before dropping in to the base, Emaralda? I'm disappointed for you to resort to cominf here. In the event they're able to escape...they may know where they really are." The new number six of the Azami came, his voice far from truly threatening, but his presence filled to the brim with an ominous aura. He came to Luke and kicked him aside boringly. "But, why? Surely you weren't having trouble."

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(Luke wasn't taken to the secret place (base) with Kurumi, Emaralda left him on the street injured with Dagon & Kuro. just so everyone knows :P )


Emaralda, Kana, Kurumi & Kurogane had arrived at their secret place. Emaralda then held up a piece of paper with a strange circle symbol in it "Humph, if you were wondering how I teleported us here I used this piece of paper to do so. This piece of paper needs 2 pieces to work, one must be placed where you'd like to be transported to, while the other one you keep on you until you choose to activate it. This special paper was made by a Azami member who I had to dispose of for betraying us" said Emaralda as she then put the piece of paper in her left pocket right before Isaac decided to speak revealing that he was already at the base or was waiting for them to arrive.


After hearing what Isaac had to say Emaralda turned her eyes to him drawing his attention before freezing him on the spot "Listen here Isaac...you may be new here, but one thing you should know is to not piss me off by questioning my actions.... As for Kurumi escaping this place, I'll be leaving that to you Kana" said Emaralda before she then turned to look at Kurumi "Kurumi, you & your group have failed in showing me that you are worthy of possessing those eyes of yours. So I we will be taking them from you & Isaac, I do believe you have good skill in taking eyes right? then please take Kurumi into the lab room where I had my eyes operated on to have her eyes removed" said Emaralda as she sat down on a couch for a moments rest. Meanwhile Luke turned his head to see some new people appear near Dagon & Kageyama "h..hey, HEY YOU GUYS!!" yelled Luke as he started to summon some strength to crawl along the ground of the street heading towards Dagon & the new people "Kuro! get up man, we gotta help Save Dagon from these new people" said Luke thinking that Kasumi & Alexander were apart of the Azami group.  

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"So, what do you plan to do now that you have me?" Said Kageyama. "I suppose you want some insider secrets or something, right?" Kageyama kep a nonchilant behavior. He had been through qure a day. No he was in the hands of these kids. "Goddamit," he mutterd under his breath.

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Kuro slowly stood up, looking at Kasumi and Alexander.

"They are helping Dagon." He said seriously.

Kuro then turned to Luke.

"Luke listen, I know Kurumi just got carried away against her will in order too save you, and that you tried to stop her and all of that. I think Kurumi was a complete idiot for doing that and that we could have just injured them all to scare them off, but now she is gone." Kuro said.

"You hold the power of Meeting Eyes, Luke. Paralization. You were the next in line, and right now, with Kurumi gone like this, you need to step up and be our leader. I know that your sister took your eye from you, but you still have one, right? You can still see. But she may end up loosing both her eyes. Leaving her blind and powerless. We have to stop them." Kuro said seriously.


Kurumi's eyes widen.

"No....NO!" She yelled.

"You're useless without your abilities Kurumi. You're also blind without your eyes." Kana said with a smirk.

Kurumi broke out of Kana's grip, activating her concealment. Kana simply laughed.

"You can get away from everyone else, but you can't get away from me Kurumi." She snapped.

Kurumi looked at Kana, breaking out into a sprint she started running down the halls, trying to find the exit of the base. She soon came too a dead end.

"There you are." Kana smirked, looking at Kurumi.

She aimed her last dagger before throwing it right into Kurumi's side.

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"So, oh fearless leader." Said Kageyama to Luke "what are you going to do with me?"

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Dagon snapped out of the stun and looked at kageyama "uhg...I feel like...what you look like" he said and let out a small chuckle.

He then looked over at Luke "Crap you look injured...don't fear...I went through basic medical training" he said to him, and then crawled to him.

Edited by Stitches7769

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"I'll take her from here, Emaralda, Kana," Isaac began, grimly smiling as he painfully pulled Kana's knife from her side. In the same wound, for no reason but to induce more pain, Isaac calmly and nonchalantly injected anesthesia into her. Before she went into a state of full unconsciousness, Isaac did want to give Kurumi a bit of fear, however. He looked directly at Kana and brought a scalpel to Kurumi's stomach. "Should I start here...? Or the face...? I won't take too long before I get to business with the eyes, but, considering I likely won't be able to dissect her...I may as well have the slightest of ardor with this."

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Dagon got up and looked at him " oh...i'll disect you..." he said running at him with his bowie knife in hand, he then cut the hand with the blade off. He then grabbed her and ran away.

(STITCHES YOU ARE NOT WITH ISAAC YOU ARE STILL WITH THE OTHERS IN THE TOWN) (And too the others who don't know Stitches that well, he is one of my friends and I get to torture him for about three hours of the day. Meaning I can yell at him all I want until Silver stops me)Kurumi struggled in Isaac grip. "Let me go..." She muttered, her vision started to get blurry. "The others will come....won't they? Kuro is my friend, I barely know Dagon....and Luke....I love Luke....I'm glad he feels the same way....but please....if they do this too me....I won't be able to help you guys anymore..." Kurumi thought. "Let me go!" She then yelled, breaking out of Isaac's grip and starting to run again. "There is nowhere to run Kurumi!" Kana yelled. Kurumi shook her head. There wasn't anywhere too run.. Her vision blurred, and soon, Kurumi fell to the ground unconscious. Edited by Neko-chan

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Isaac was easily able to carry the unconscious Kurumi down to his laboratory. Just a simple room, but it was fairly large— under the floors of where they were before. He had Kurumi locked up on a hospital-esque bed, but shackled by her wrists, ankles, and waist. Even though she would awaken soon, Isaac didn't wait. His scalpels and injections were all ready for whatever and whenever he decided to do something. He first had a scalpel and slowly but surely cut skin as if it would widen her mouth. "Smile wide, oh great leader of the Mekaushi Dan." He snickered, "your smile will bring beauty, as it has always brought happiness even to others at the sight...." when the wounds were open, Isaac stitched them together. The stitches kept a forced grotesque smile upon her face. The stitches would eventually close the wound, contradictorily, but as of now they stayed and it wpuld be brutal to remove them.

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Isaac was easily able to carry the unconscious Kurumi down to his laboratory. Just a simple room, but it was fairly large— under the floors of where they were before. He had Kurumi locked up on a hospital-esque bed, but shackled by her wrists, ankles, and waist. Even though she would awaken soon, Isaac didn't wait. His scalpels and injections were all ready for whatever and whenever he decided to do something. He first had a scalpel and slowly but surely cut skin as if it would widen her mouth. "Smile wide, oh great leader of the Mekaushi Dan." He snickered, "your smile will bring beauty, as it has always brought happiness even to others at the sight...." when the wounds were open, Isaac stitched them together. The stitches kept a forced grotesque smile upon her face. The stitches would eventually close the wound, contradictorily, but as of now they stayed and it would be brutal to remove them.


(O_O Isaac is insane. I forgot about how insane he was.)


Kurumi slowly awoken, imminent shock placed upon her. Her eyes widen, and she struggled. Realizing her face was stitched into a disturbing smile, tears started to fall from her eyes.

"No...no no no...I don't want this...what will I do once my eyes are gone. I'll be blind unless Isaac replaces my eyes...and I'll be powerless. Luke will have to be the leader. I have truly failed that Mekakushi Dan...I have failed my Blindfold Gang. They won't be blindfolded anymore...not without concealment. This has too stop..." Kurumi thought.


(Unnnvvveeerrrssseeeddd where are you?) 

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(I'M HERE!! & What on this world?  :blink: NOOOO!!!  :wacko: things just got real didn't they? haha)


As Dagon was fixing Luke up from his injuries in the battle with Emaralda, Luke listened to what Kuro had said about Kurumi & being leader. Luke's face gave an angry look as he punched the ground making his knuckles bleed a bit "DARN IT KURO! JUST SHUT UP WOULD YOU!!" yelled Luke upset with himself for not being strong enough to save Kurumi from being taking. Luke got an idea "W-wait a sec, Emaralda had a mobile phone on her. I know I saw her talking to someone on it at some point. But now that I think about it...that phone looked like mine, it must be the phone I lost at that hotel place were I first met Kana. We can track it using your computer Kuro" said Luke as Dagon finished bandaging Luke's injuries up "Thanks for your help Dagon...hey Dagon if we're gonna find Kurumi we'll need some wheels to get there in a hurry, quickly find us some transport so we can get there, K Dagon?" said Luke looking at Dagon. Just then Kageyama spoke out to Luke asking what they'll do with him, Luke looked at him for a moment "I WAS gonna just kill you on the spot after what you guys have done...but now I think we'll use you as a guide into where ever my sister is keeping Kurumi just so we don't get lost" said Luke as he got up from off the ground.


Luke then looked at Kasumi & Alexander "I'm sorry for thinking you guys were the enemy...But If you guys help us save Kurumi, I'll make it up to you somehow. I promise that much" said Luke as he gave them a thumbs up with his right hand before turning to face Kuro, Luke walked over to Kuro putting his arm over Kuro's shoulder "Kuro...I know just what how much danger Kurumi is in & I we will save her, but you must promise me this one thing. Should it come to the fact that they took Kurumi's eyes from her...I want you to take my left eye & give it to Kurumi so she will be able to see even if I die, take my left eye for Kurumi. Kuro I will also need you to put explosives all around their base some time while we're at their base, K, I have a plan to defeat Emaralda but..." said Luke as he just stopped talking "KURO! HURRY WITH GETTING YOUR COMPUTER!" yelled Luke making Kuro run back to his house to get his computer. Luke's face looked sad as he whispered to himself "But this plan might very well kill me & Emaralda".

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Dagon nodded at luke and ran off for about 11 minutes.

at that time he drove back to were everyone was in a armored swat van "the cops left me a present on the street" he said and chuckled, "c'mon...I dont think they'll take there time with her!" he shouted to everyone

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"Kuro...I know just what how much danger Kurumi is in & I we will save her, but you must promise me this one thing. Should it come to the fact that they took Kurumi's eyes from her...I want you to take my left eye & give it to Kurumi so she will be able to see even if I die, take my left eye for Kurumi. Kuro I will also need you to put explosives all around their base some time while we're at their base, K, I have a plan to defeat Emaralda but..." said Luke as he just stopped talking.


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"Ok..." Said kageyama. "You get in, then you kill me, let's face it, you are. Then you have a plan to stop a chick that can steal your eyes?" He paused for a second "why the hell not? I do owe you vermin something, I guess." He sat down. "But first things first. I need my weapons."

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Kuro was knocked back a bit by Luke pinching him, Kuro simply sighing. He'd get payback for that. But then Luke came over again to him. Telling him that if Luke does end up getting killed, he needs to give Kurumi one of his eyes. Kuro looked at Luke.

"Give her your eye....if you die?!" Kuro asked.

"That's insane Luke! You're not going to die! You better not! If you love a girl, and she loves you back, would you truly die for her? You two haven't even spent a lot of time together yet!" Kuro snapped.

"I'll go and get my laptop..." He sighed, starting to run over to his house.

It took him about ten minuets, but he came back running with his laptop in hand.

"Here you go, Leader." Kuro said with a small smile.

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