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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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(Thank you very much, Josh. And if you all were confused a bit about Stitches last post, he told me he used his ability which is acceptable from him.)


Kana stood, nodding to Emaralda.

Kurumi turned to Luke, smiling a bit.

"It's okay Luke...we're okay now." She said seriously.

"Kuro, take Luke to your home imminently." Kurumi snapped.

Kuro nodded, letting Luke off his back, the two started heading towards Kuro's house.

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(I'll hang around)

Kageyama realized that the only plan was stealth. He got some weapons from a suitcase. A sniper rifle, 2 pistols with ammo, and dual knifes. He used his focus ability, although his eyes hurt from overuse, and found a good vantage point. He took aim with his rifle, and fired at the chainsaw boy.

(I realized that I suck at being evil,)

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Kageyama felt his eyes burn and cried out in pain.

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Kageyamas eyes seared, his body hurt, and his body ached, these kids were something else.

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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(Can someone capture my character?)

"Kid... You truly are monster... Unlike others that I've killed, you are different..," Kageyama felt weak as he got up. "What say we fight like men?" Kageyama tossed one of his knives over to the kid.

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(I got you covered...just fight me and it'll happen) 


He threw the chainsaw to his side, cracked his knuckles and glared at him with the one purple eye that was showing.

"give all you got bitch!" he shouted.

Edited by Stitches7769

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(Good, as I said, I suck at being evil and fighting, I'm a noob r.p'er)

Kageyama lunged at the boy, throwing precision strikes, and all the tricks in the books.

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(take it a little slower...i can't make anything interesting happen when you don't explain where your hitting)


Dagon was doging the hits, darting either side to side or ducking to do so.

"Is that all you got prick..?" he insulted him and struck him with a big hit in the jaw

Edited by Stitches7769

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Kageyama felt the blow, and stumbled back. Kageyama tried to hit vital places to wound, the kidney, the heart, lungs and neck. These hits were sloppy, his blood loss and eye power the cause of said tiredness.

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Dagon quickly grabbed his neck and pushed him agenst a wall, and started continuously hitting him in the (right) side of the head with the other hand.

"HOW...DOES...THE...PAIN...FEEL?!?!" he shouted and started laughing

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Kageyama grabbed his right arm and smiled. "Feels...good...you want to try?" Kageyama punched the boy in the lungs, causing the hand to let go. He went to a Kick to the face, which caused the boy to stumble over. Kageyama picked up the knife from where he dropped it, and staggered over "bet...you'll have...tons of fun with this.." He went for a stab to the heart while the boy was down.

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Dagon had quickly grabbed his hand

"you mother f**king PUSSY" he shouted and snapped his wrist

"you said LIKE MEN!"  Dagon pulled out his Bowie knife and plunged the whole blade into his stomach (Keep in mind this huge blade is a whole foot of stabbing power)

Edited by Stitches7769

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Kageyama felt the blade plunge in. "Heh..." He passed on the floor.

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Dagon stood up and looked at him...

"you're no man..." he said "What you are is a coward!" he yelled at him

He pulled the blade out of him "Infact..you didn't even deserve the pleasure of being stabbed with this blade..." 

He turned around and moves the bandages from around his mouth and licked the blood off of the knife "Mmmm...tasty..." he said and fixed the bandages

Edited by Stitches7769

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(If you'd kindly capture...)

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( Infinity sorry for my absence, been extremely busy :P )


Emaralda said nothing as Dagon had used his eye powers to create an illusion clone which Emaralda killed quickly. Kana had then nodded to Emaralda understanding her plan before Emaralda's phone started to ring, Emaralda just ignored it as she was in battle. As Luke & Kuro where heading back to his house Luke seemed little light headed still a bit dizzy from the whack on his head from Kageyama "MAAAN, hey Kuro, are you sure we should be running instead of helping out Dagon...hey wait, WHAT ABOUT KURUMI?! we can't let them get Kurumi Kuro!" yelled Luke as he stopped looking back to see if Kurumi was coming with them. Meanwhile Dagon was fighting Kageyama in an insane battle & Emaralda just sat down & let the fight drag out watching their battle style closely, their battle soon come to an end with Kageyama defeated & in the hands of Dagon "Darn it Kageyama...you have failed me" thought Emaralda as she then stood up off the ground.


Emaralda then saw Kurumi in the distance "Grr...She's trying to get Luke & the other boy out of my eye powers reach. Humph...but now she's just made it easier for us to capture her" said Emaralda to herself. Emaralda then started to walk towards Kurumi slowly "Might I have this for a sec?" said Emaralda as she borrowed a dagger from Kana then throwing it towards Dagon holding Kageyama, the dagger was moving at an extreme speed soon passing right through Kageyama & Dagon's bodies badly injuring the both of them "I watched you closely & your illusion powers can't create illusions of others, it only works for yourself & that's your weakness, hee hee" said Emaralda knowing Dagon couldn't disguise his illusion while holding another person. Emaralda didn't even care if that dagger killed Kageyama in the process "Now it's time to come with us Kurumi" said Emaralda as she was getting closer to Kurumi.      

Edited by The Unversed

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Kuro stopped in his tracks.

"Why did we leave her in the first place....?!" Kuro snapped.

He really actually did forget. (I FORGOT. NOT KURO. ME)

"Let's go Luke!!" Kuro said, starting to head back into that direction with Luke.


Kurumi knew what to do, she had a plan. Probably not the best olan. 

"Dagon did a pretty good job for only joining us yesterday..." Kurumi said with a smirk.

She held up her gun to Emaralda.

"But right now, it's just you and me Emaralda." she said seriously.


"WAIT WAIT WAIT!! NO IT IS NOT!" Kuro yelled. 

The two had arrived before anything else had happened.

"What are you guys doing here!! I thought I told you to hide Luke and get out of here not worrying about me!!" Kurumi snapped.

"We just can't leave you Kurumi." Kuro said with a smile. 

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