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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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With his focus abilities, he was able to avoid most of the bullets. " Have fun guys!" He said to Emeralda and her compatriots, " And remember, any of you want to play 'hero'..." He walked into the crowd, and was soon out of sight,

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Kuro reached his house in no time, dashing threw the door, the first person he knew to go to was Dagon.

"Dagon!!" He called, opening his door.

"Kurumi and Luke are in trouble. There are three members if the Azami." Kuro said urgently.

"They are in town! Come on!" Kuro said.


Kurumi smirked a bit, looking down at Kageyama.

"See, you can't get away." She said darkly.

Kurumi shot Kageyama this time, right in the left side.

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"ok" he said standing "i just need to grab some weapons from home...i'll be there in 5 minutes tops!" he continued running out the door and towards his house. he walked in, picking up his m16, his 1 ft. bladed bowie knife, and his favorite...his personal chainsaw.

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Kageyama screamed in pain. " Goddamit!" He said. He looked at Emeralda " these kids are a pain in the ass, like you said!"

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(Scary Dagon...)


Kurumi stepped back after managing to grab Luke.

Kuro helped Kurumi out by picking up Luke and carrying the boy on his back.

"We'll just let Dagon do all the dirty work." She said with a dark smile.

Nobody steps in the Mekakushi's way.

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(We shall see how long that lasts. :) I am bringing out Kage after this scene and she has a new batch of Mn2 O7. You know, that chemical that combusts on contact with organic materials... That might get in the way.)

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Kurogane aimed his pistol at the chainsaw,used his focus, and fired off a couple of rounds, enough to stop it from working, or explode it all together. He crawled/barrel rolled his way out and kicked the girls gun. " Get your firetrucking brother, or whatever," he screamed at Emeralda, " and let's get out already! Watch out for the scythe guy! He's a pain in the ass!"

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He looked angerly at the man "you son of a bitch..." he said "i'm gonna cut you up like a turkey.." he grinned wildly"and then i'll eat the meat off of your BONES!" he pulled him m16 out and aimed at him.

Edited by Stitches7769

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"Ok..." Said Kurogane "this is gonna sting." He started to run, using his focus to dodge the bullets and dodge the scythe." firetruck my life..." He said whist dodging the scythe and bullets. He went through the alley shortcuts to his house.

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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Kageyama stumbled into his house. He prepared his first order of business.He went into the bathroom to check out the damage. "Not bad," he said,'"been worse." He removed the bullets with a pair of tweezers, and tied a towel around it to stop the bleeding. He locked the doors and windows, as if it would help him. He called his boss on the phone. "Emeralda, do you have another plan? Cause I'm all ears at this point!"

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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Before Luke could say another word to Emaralda he was knocked out cold by Kageyama, then Kageyama tried to get away with Luke but was stopped by some new boy & that new girl showing up on the street. Meanwhile Emaralda had walked over to Kana & using Luke's powers to undo the paralyze effect on her "On your feet Kana, we have much to do here still" said Emaralda. Emaralda had heard all of what Kageyama had said even when he got shot by Kurumi "Kageyama!...speak to me like that again & I'll cut your tongue off & your only mission at this moment is to retrieve Luke. Kana if you don't mind...take out that one who attacked you before as I'm sure you'd like that. As for the rest of these new comers...I'll deal with them myself" said Emaralda as she slowly walked into the middle of the street "My name is Emaralda! & I'm the one who created the Azami group, I will begin by taken down everyone of you Mekakushi Dan members here until you give me Luke & Kurumi!" yelled Emaralda revealing that she is not just an ordinary bad guy.


As Dagon was about to fire his m16 gun at Kageyama, Dagon couldn't help but look towards Emaralda for some reason. Then Dagon was stopped in his tracks & couldn't move his body even to pull the trigger as Emaralda had used Luke's power in her right eye to paralyze him, Emaralda leaped into the air with her katana in hand slashing down at Dagon cutting his m16 gun in half & as she landed Emaralda quickly slashing upwards cutting Dagon across his chest causing a lot of blood to pour out, giving Dagon a very serious injury (But not killing him) as he fell to the ground "One down...hee hee" said Emaralda grinning slightly. Meanwhile Luke was starting to slowly wake up after being knocked out for a while "Wher...where am I?" said Luke a bit confused of what's happening around him. 

Edited by The Unversed

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The body vanashes out of nowhere, followed by Dagon "did you really think i'de be that easy..?" he shouted at her, as he reved up a chsinsaw. "not as easy as you thought..." he said then darkly chuckled at her

Edited by Stitches7769

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(Post in process of editing)

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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"Well, nice of you to wake up..." Said Kageyama "Welcome to my house, don't get comfortable."


(Hey Josh, you need to change ya posts a bit. As you missed this post that Neko-chan did, here's what her post said bellow)


(Kurumi stepped back after managing to grab Luke. 

Kuro helped Kurumi out by picking up Luke and carrying the boy on his back. 

"We'll just let Dagon do all the dirty work." She said with a dark smile. 

Nobody steps in the Mekakushi's way.)

Edited by The Unversed

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(Dammit, I was so in the zone too...*goes to edit posts* )


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