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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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(Alrigthy!  :P )

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(Thaaannnnkkk yooouuuu)


Kurumi looked at Kageyama as he caught the three again. She had ran into a couple of people so her ability wore off imminently as she did that.

"Who are you? Some type of Stalker?" She snapped.

"We are going home and don't you dare fallow us or there will be consequences." Kurumi said seriously.

"Come on Luke and Kuro!" She yelled.

Kuro slowly stood up, "Yes Kurumi...".

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Kurumi had let Luke & Kuro hit the ground after she stopped running "Ouch, Ouch, OUCH! Hey" said Luke as he rubbed his the side of his face. Luke listened to Kurumi say what her version of fun was & just gave a smile looking at her "HAHA, your version of fun ay, haha. I'm fine with that just got drop us to the ground next time K" said Luke as he got back up. Then Kageyama showed up again "Uh...hey Kurumi, I don't think just cause we happen to run into this guy again means he's some stalker" said Luke feeling like Kurumi was jumping the gun a bit. After Kurumi yelled at both Luke & Kuro to come along Luke shut his mouth not wanting to get the ever so serious Kurumi mad, Luke just gave a jokey smile "Haha, she's gotten kinda scary, but she's cute when she acts like this" thought Luke to himself. But before they when anywhere the stranger wearing the black coat showed up in the middle of the street in front of them "I finally found you all...Thanks for your help Kageyama. Now step aside as I will be the one to witness if they are truly worthy of possessing those eyes of theirs & don't even think about using your powers of concealment to run away Kurumi...I'm sure you wouldn't like what'll happen if you use it" said the strange figure in black as all of a sudden Kuro couldn't help but look at the black figure, then Kuro was frozen on the spot as if he was paralyzed of something.

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"You're welcome," Said Kageyama to the man in black "Always a pleasure to kill these cursed things." . Kageyama drew his pistols "You sure you don't need any help with the..Selection process? "

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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"I think we just found the one who took your eye, Luke." Kurumi's attitude changed imminently, her pulling her gun.

"So how are you going escape this time? Kurumi?" Kana asked, approaching the group.

Kurumi scoffed and turned to Luke.

"We always figure stuff like this out, right Luke?" She asked.

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(Sorry for the late post :P )


Luke stepped back a bit feeling at bit intimidated by the person in black "Darn it...I can't see anyway out of this & with Kuro frozen that makes it 2 on 3. I don't like these numbers....Maybe if i can take on 2 of them then Kurumi won't be in so much danger as she would only be taking on 1 opponent" thought Luke. Luke then heard what kurumi said about figuring out stuff like this, Luke's face then turned all serious "I sure hope so Kurumi, Listen Kurumi, Kuro needs your help to defend himself. I'll try to defeat 2 of them while you take on the other one K?" said Luke. The man in black gave a little laugh "Kageyama if you want to join in Then take out one they called Kuro, That one has no special powers what so ever so he's disposable to us. Now lets fight them Kana!" yelled the man in black as he started to run at Luke, Kurumi & Kuro. Luke then quickly clashed blades with the man in black trying not to look into his eyes. 

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"Well," Kageyama said to the boy called Kuro "I can't fathom why you would want to hang around such wretched beings..." Kageyama ponderd, then lowerd his gun and said "Give me a good reason why, and I won't kill you. You can trust me, I'm a man of my word."

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Kurumi stepped in front of the frozen Kuro.

"I understand, Luke." She said seriously.


Kana started running after Luke.

"That really hurt yesterday, maybe you should understand!" She yelled.


Kurumi glared sharply at Kageyama.

"Kageyama....have you ever had someone you've loved? Have you ever tried doing something nice for them? My mother and Luke are the reason!" She snapped.

She admit it. She did like Luke.

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Kageyama looked at them " Well, I do this because of hate. I hate you creatures, depise you from the center of my soul. Your kind has caused me nothing but grief, time and time again." His face tightend up with anger. " So, that's why I'll give you a head start." He lifted his gun and said "For any of you who can move, you got 20 seconds."

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"You took them away from me!" Kageyama screamed." And now, with this power given unto me, vengeance shall come down on everyone of you!"

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"Shit! " Said Kageyama dodging it. His face was scarred as a result. "This is going to be fun!" He said with a smile. He put out a small smoke pellet, and ran into a crowd, so he could get to a safe distance.

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Kurumi gave a dark laugh.

"Weakling." She snapped.

Kana threw a dagger at Kurumi.

"Don't think you don't have to let your guard down." She said seriously.

The dagger grazed the side of Kurumi's face.

"Nor do you." Kurumi said seriously, shooting Kana's shoulder.

Kana flinched.

"Why do you always aim for the shoulders....?" Kana asked.

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Conflict has ensued amongst Kurumi and the others, Yumiko grabbed Joshua's arm and went to escape the chaos. "Come on, we should get out of here...!" She beckoned, taking him away from everything that went on. Joshua complied without much questioning, but the two didn't get very far.


"I thought you didn't like to be rude to girls, Alex. Ladies first."


A quick blur of black zoomed past the sidelines and into the battlefield as the boy went off and grabbed Yumiko and Joshua's arms. He pulled them away quickly and left them without a word by the time they were a bit further away. He also didn't say anything, given that Yumiko was there ruining his confidence in anything socially, really. When they got to safety, he left, unsheathing a scythe.

The girl speeded intensely through the battle, elbowing Kana directly in the back and holding one of her blades backhand against the front of her neck. "It'd be best for none of you to take this any further," she beckoned Kana, tripping her down to the ground.

The boy came scythe in hand soon, running into the crowd and kicking Kageyama out of it and back into the battlefield.

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Kurumi held her fire.

"I don't know who you guys are....or what you want....but thanks I guess." She said.

Kuro's Paralization wore off, because it doesn't last forever. Twenty minuets at the most.

"Luke! Kuro!" Kurumi called, grabbing the two's hand.

"Come on!" She said, dashing threw the crowd and towards Kuro's house.

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Luke was in battle with the man in black, clashing blades, dodging some of his swings, just managing to evade them "Darn this guy, he's good. But I'm better" thought Luke as he swings his blade for the head as a decoy while he also swings his leg to trip the man in black which worked "Haha" said Luke. Luke then saw Kana coming at him with her daggers yelling at Luke about yesterday, but before Luke could react some girl had taken Kana to the ground, Luke was a bit confused & thought this new person was an assassin or something, then the new girl brought a knife to Kana's neck Luke thought she was gonna kill Kana. After the new girl tripped Kana to the ground Luke stepped in, Kicking this new girl on the side right side of her face sending her flying along the ground "I can't let you kill Kana!" yelled Luke as he stood straight.


Luke knelled down & turned Kana over so she could see his face, Luke quickly used his powers of paralyzing & froze Kana "I know there's good inside you somewhere Kana" said Luke as he stood back up. Then all of a sudden the man in black was standing back up from Luke tripping him, but his hood  had fallen off "Come now Luke was that anyway to treat your dear sister" said the man in black. Luke's face was shocked to see the man in black was no man, but a woman, & his sister Emaralda. Before Luke could say anything Kurumi had grabbed his hand & they were running away from the battlefield, Luke then shook Kurumi's hand away & stopped running "I'm not going with you" said Luke all serious like "I...I have to go back....you guys go without me, I'll catch up with ya later, K" said Luke giving a fake smile as he turned around running back towards the street where the fighting was happening.


Luke was soon face to face with Emaralda, Luke went silent as he starred at her face "It's been a long time Luke" said Emaralda her eye's were glowing, her right eye glowed purple, while her left eye glowed gold as it was Luke's "W..what's with your eyes?" said Luke as the side near her eyes were all veiny like "Humph, so you notice this did you. It's because I can seem to deactivate my eye's powers, but I can fully control your powers, see" said Emaralda as she froze Luke using his own powers against him.  

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"Night night asshole." Kageyama said angrily as he hit Luke on the back of the head, knocking him cold " alright boss, can you hold them off? I'll take him back to your place if you want."

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"Luke....?" Kurumi asked.

She stopped, standing firm.

"Kurumi...." Kuro began, but he was cut off.

"Kuro, I want you to get the others. We're going to need some help." Kurumi said seriously.

Kuro nodded, "Whatever you say, Kurumi".

And with that, the two ran off different directions. Once Kurumi reached her destination, she pulled her gun.

"Leave him alone. The others are coming and once they are here, we are unstoppable." She snapped.

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"I think my trigger finger is faster." He put his gun to Luke's temple and walked away "Phase 1, complete." He turned to Emarelda " meet you at the usual place?"

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