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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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As Kyouji was in the Kitchen,he was approached by a girl known as Kana."Hey,my name's Kyouji,and yeah,i'm new around here.I think i can expect all of you guys are having a 'Special Abilites',i presume?"Kyouji said as he guessing while eating some bread that has been putting a peanut butter on it...

Edited by Hazimie

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(Hazimie, you need to fix your post too.And Stitches, if the post isn't fixed by fourth block, I'm yelling at you.)

(Fixed.Sorry,i was in the middle of depression..)

Edited by Hazimie

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"Alright, lets hurry Kuro!" said Luke with fire in his eyes. Luke grabbed Kuro's right hand & ran outside taking Kuro with him. They both were running down the street until Luke soon realized that he had no idea where he was going "Ah Kuro...where is Kurumi's old house anyway?" said Luke feeling a bit stupid for having basically dragged Kuro half way down the street for nothing. Luke then looked at Kuro as he just thought of something "Hey, Kuro...Why is it that Kurumi's dad thinks shes dead anyways?" said Luke feeling a bit curious about Kurumi's past.


Meanwhile somewhere in a secret place, While Kana was introducing herself to Kyouji as well as chatting a bit. Kana's mobile phone started to ring.

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"We'll have to walk a bit..." Kuro said with a small laugh.

He then quickly turned serious.

"I've been in school with Kurumi since we were very small...." He began.

"After her mother died when we started kindergarten, Kurumi's father started being abusive towards her and ignorant. I remember through all of Elementary School, she used to stay at my house and other friends houses a lot. It wasn't until middle school I figured out of her concealment. After middle school....and the first year of high school....she left school, and her father. I knew she was still around. But she always stayed at that Apartment and played games online and stuff. By leaving her father....he thought she was dead." Kuro said.

They approached a rather normal looking house, Kurumi catching Luke's and Kuro's eye. She gave a small smile before fussing to Luke's side.

"You guys found me...?" She asked with a smile.

Kuro nodded.

"We need to get away from this place...why were you over here anyway?" Kuro asked.

"I got me some clothes and I burned Dagon's mask." She said with a smirk, holding up a small bag of her belongings.

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"Kurumi...." thought Luke trying to understand Kurumi's feelings better "Hmm....Kurumi's had a rough time growing up, she's trying to get away from what hurts her...were as for me..I'm trying to find what hurts my heart" said Luke to Kuro before they found Kurumi at her old house. Luke gave a little smile seeing that Kurumi is alright "Of course we found you Kurumi, we can't leave our dear leader behind, haha" said Luke giving a little laugh. After Kurumi said that she had burned Dagon's mask Luke's face dropped in shock "Ahhh, Kurumi.....Oh man Dagon's gonna be so angry at this....Oh well, lets just hope he'll forgive ya OR maybe if you made up some random story to how it got burned he'll let it slide" said Luke "Okay we better get going" said Luke as he put his hand on Kurumi's head giving a smile.

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Dagon was looking around in the kitchen for something to eat. "There's nothing to eat in this house..." he said and sighed as he walked back to his room and layed back down onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

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Kurumi smirked.

"That is the fun of it. Even though I AM a leader, I can have some fun...right?" she asked.

"Everyone needs to have fun. This is my version of it." Kurumi said shortly after.

Kuro sighed.

"You're right Kurumi....but it is a bit harsh, right?" he asked.

"No way!" she snapped.

"Here is my story on why it was burned: I don't like people keeping secrets from me." Kurumi said after a few seconds of silence.

"Anyway, lets go." Kuro announced and the three were on their way back. 

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Kageyama saw them. Cursed users. he thought. he would kill them, even if he was one. But he did not forget the plan..he 'bumped' into 

the one they called kurimi. "Sorry," He said in a friendly manner. "You seem upset...Sorry, its one of my business is it?" 


He remembered being with the Azami members a couple hours ago, wondering who these people are that recruited him...

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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(Haven't roleplayed with you before. Nice job for adding a tiny twist as you came in.)


Kurumi stumbled back a bit.

"S-sorry!!" She apologized.

"E-eh...? N-no! I'm okay! You don't need to worry about me..I mean...I don't really know you....I know your being nice....I'm sorry...." She stuttered.

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"The names Kageyama, but you can call me  Ka, or Yama..." He said. It wont matter, though. He thought ​You miserable pieces of trash..

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"W-Wait!" he said "Miss, id like to ask you a question!". Kageyama  then said "I-I'm a reporter of sorts." He sighed "I work for a Paranormal news paper, sent to investigate strange happenings in this town. I don't believe in the stuff, but it pays bills!" he laughed "I'm here as a tourist, and you seem like local people. mind showing me around?"

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"Paranormal newspaper, huh?" Kurumi asked before getting a sly grin on her face.

"Then what if I told you we are ghost." she snapped before activating her eye ability. 

The three were hidden from Kageyama's sight, and he could no longer hear them, or sense them at all. 

Kurumi lost it, she just started laughing.

"That is the best joke I've played in a long time..." she sighed.

Kurumi grabbed Luke's, then Kuro's hands and started dragging them along with her as she almost ran. 

"Hurry up!" she snapped. 

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"User- I mean Ghosts!?" Said Kageyama. Dammit, I let the excitement get ahead of me! He slowly reached for his pistol, just in case they recognized what he said, and if it went south.

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He walked away and slowly looked around. Coast clear...  He turned on his cell and called his leader "Yea... Lost them...Well, what was I supposed to do? They went ghost! Thier names? They called one Kurumi, probably the ghoster, since she initiated the prank. Her looks? Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, the generic girl body. I should still go on with the plan?  Ok then. Good bye." he hung up the phone.  Back to 'base' then.... after lunch of course.

he stopped to get some food from the local shop, then went his house

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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As Kurumi, Kuro & Luke were about to head ack to Kuro's house Kurumi bumped into some stranger called Kageyama "Hmm...what a weird dude" thought Luke as he stared at him as he talked to Kurumi. Soon Kageyama told them that he was a reporter for paranormal stuff & then Kurumi pulled out a little prank on him, soon Kurumi was running with Luke & Kuro, Luke turned his head to Kuro "Ahh...Hey Kuro...I think Kurumi's gone a little bit crazy. Has she been eating cat nip or something, haha" said Luke jokingly. Meanwhile After Kageyama left to go get some food someone was watching them all the hole time. It was the stranger wearing the black coat with his hood covering up his face, this stranger was just beside the building of Kurumi's old house watching them, listening to them "Hmm... who is that Kageyama person? I sense something from him, He must be one of the late recruits for the Azami. humph" said the stranger in black as he soon faded away into a dark area.

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Kageyama went into his house sat on his chair, and to get some much needed sleeep. Paranormal investigator... What the hell was I thinking? And  why the hell did I go along with it?

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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(Cat nip is amazing.)


"It's impossible for a human to eat catnip Luke." Kurumi butted in.

Kuro laughed a bit.

"I don't know what's wrong with the ever so serious Kurumi." He said with a smile.

Kurumi looked at Kuro and Luke and let go of both of them. Due to her dragging them around and all the laws of gravity and stuff, the two would fall completely down.

"Ouccchh! Hey what was that for Kurumi!?" Kuro snapped.

"I can have a little bit of fun, right Kuro? This is MY version of fun." She snapped.

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After seeing no one of interest to talk to and his employer not even there (He supposed that he/she was off doing other things), he decided too continue his  mission.With a pistol on him for good measure, he went onto a roof top to survey them. It would be an impossible to find them for a normal person, but with his focus, it would be no problem at all. I wont  kill them... He said, looking at his hidden pistol Not yet He went down to 'accidentally' bum into these 'ghost children'.

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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(The Azami is not a place to work. Think of it as an organization without missions. There are no missions in the Azami. You do what you want to do, but you don't go around killing people unless you're a rebel like Kana. And if you DO plan on attacking the Mekakushi, you cannot godmod whatsoever.)

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(The Azami is not a place to work. Think of it as an organization without missions. There are no missions in the Azami. You do what you want to do, but you don't go around killing people unless you're a rebel like Kana. And if you DO plan on attacking the Mekakushi, you cannot godmod whatsoever.)

(Thanks edited some of the posts, and, as I said, not planning on killing them yet..) 


Kageyama saw the group on the strets once again on his patrol through the town a couple minutes later. He decided to make his presence known after all, he was going with his plan I need this to work, he thought I need to know their powers and formulate a plan. "Ahh!" he said in a scared scream "W-what-W-why are you here?"

Edited by DEADACCOUNT2333

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