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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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Luke's attack had struck Kana as he had hoped but to his surprise she not only wasn't that badly hurt but didn't do anything to stop his attack. Kana spoke saying that killing her didn't mean much as Kurumi might die, almost like she didn't care if she lived or died "Drr...How can you be so stubborn Kana?" yelled Luke a bit annoyied at her. Just then Kana had thrown another dagger at him but Luke managed to dodge it but it grazed his right cheek "What?...I see, Kana threw her dagger at my right side knowing that without my right eye I'll have trouble seeing any attacks from my right side" thought Luke as he then stood his ground. Just then the dagger that Luke had thrown high into the air had come down straight, stabbing Kana's left hand "It seems that you forgot something, So I was just returning it" said Luke all confident like.    

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Kana smirked, activating her ability just as Luke stabbed her. With the eye concealment in effect, Kana ran into the woods, and back to the Azami base.




So Malacoda is now headless?) 

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Dagon had woken up in the middle of the night due to the noise. He'd been hearing gunfire for a while now, and he finally had gotten worried. After getting changed and grabbing his weapons, Dagon walked to the nearby apartments only to find a bloody mess. He looked around, there were many injured kids, and a decapitated head on the ground. Not knowing what to do straight off, Dagon ran beside two boys, Claude and Zed. 
"You guys need some help?" He asked.

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I held up Claude telling Shepherd to help the others as I had Claude. I then saw a man, was he a helper of the other man? I glared, "Who are you?"



I was gasping for breath as my nerves were shutting down.The gash in my stomach wasn't helping me either. I felt very dizzy and on the edge of unconsciousness.  

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(Stitches joined yesterday in replace of Felix if you haven't seen the sign-ups, Wolf-kun.)


Kuro stopped shooting at Malacoda as soon as he head his head decapitated. As soon as Malacoda was dead, Kuro rushed to Zed and Claude, until somebody else arrived there.

"Don't question who he is, he is offering to help you so accept it." Kuro snapped before making his next move.

"I'm going to Kurumi."

Kuro then changed direction, running to find Luke. He stopped in his tracks.

"Luke! Luke!! There is nothing we can do about the Azami now...we need to worry about the Mekakushi." He said seriously.

"Zed...Claude...Yuki....you....and Kurumi!" Kuro said sadly, tears starting to form in his eyes.

He was worried, never worried this much in his life. Kuro has never been though something this tragic.

"Fallow me...!" He yelled, running to where Kurumi was.

Kurumi hesitated, but she opened her eyes.

"Kuro...?" She asked.

Kuro nodded.

"Luke is here too, and he is hurt so don't go to hard on him. Luke, take care of Kurumi. I have to help the others." Kuro said.

"You better be careful you idiot." She muttered.

Kurumi turned to face Luke, even though she couldn't get up by herself because of all the things done to her, she could still face Luke.

"I'm sorry I failed my group Luke....If I do end up dying then you will take over...okay?" She said quietly.



(Poor Kuro....)

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( This is getting to sad : , so this post deserves to be read while playing this music  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKl1mx7UIbE&feature=player_detailpage )


Luke was surprised that Kana had retreated in such a hurry "Darn it, I was to careless" said Luke a bit annoyed at himself. But then Kuro quickly found him & told him that his group needed his help more then he knew, So Luke abandoned his pursuit on Kana & quickly followed Kuro. Luke had followed Kuro to where Kurumi was, after Kuro said to Luke to take care of Kurumi, Luke nodded his head understanding Kuro's wishes. Luke's face saddened with some tears beginning to form in his left eye. As Kurumi spoke to him in a voice that spelled nothing but hopelessness, Luke then keeled down picking Kurumi off the floor holding her in both his arms "No Kurumi, I'm the one who's sorry....so, so sorry" said Luke with tears starting to run down his left cheek "I'm the one who failed you Kurumi, I should have known better then to leave the group. But I'm not gonna let you die on me...I..I wound have it! you hear me Kurumi! You mean a lot to me...and I..I..." said Luke as he blushed a bit.


Luke was trying to hold in his feelings for Kurumi back, not wanting to admit he had feelings for her ever since he saw her, Luke enjoyed his time with Kurumi a lot more than he realized "I..I.., listen to me Kurumi..I knew from the moment I saw you that you where a strong hearted woman, willing to give it your all when it came down to it. I know that you wouldn't let something like this stop you, you CAN pull through Kurumi...And you will.....My heart won't yet you go" said Luke with many tears running down his left cheek "I..I love you Kurumi" whispered Luke quietly hoping that Kurumi didn't hear that last bit he said but at the same time wanting Kurumi to hear it.        

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(*que Keima Kisaragi reverse mode* TARGET CAPTURED)


"You haven't failed anyone Luke, you should know that..." Kurumi muttered.

She faced Luke as soon as she could see his face reddening.

"Luke...listen to me you idiot. If you do 'love me', then what are we still doing here? We need to get to higher ground that allows some of the sarin to loose its effect, and there are antidotes for sarin. Kuro might have some in his house because his mother is a doctor. Those are the only two things I can think of right now. You are going to get up with me and run to Kuro, and we are going to go to his house even though it is rather small. His mother should be able to help us. Hurry." Kurumi snapped.

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"O..Okay, right!" said Luke as his tears soon stopped after hearing Kurumi speak of a solution that could save her. Luke then stood up from keeling still holding Kurumi in his arms. Luke then got a sharp pain in his left shoulder where he got stabbed by one of Kana's daggers "Grr" said Luke trying to just ignore the pain as saving Kurumi was more important. Luke then looked around to see Kuro, Luke quickly ran over to him holding Kurumi tight in his arms "HEY KURO! I need your help to get Kurumi to your house asap. She needs the antidote NOW!!" yelled Luke with a very worried look on his face. 

Edited by The Unversed

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"Don't be so panicked, all of us need the antidote. Your hurt too so don't push yourself." Kurumi snapped.

"I'll grab Yuki, Zed you can walk, and you..." Kuro said, pointing to Dagon.

"You can get Claude." He said seriously before running to go find Yuki.

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Dagon nodded slowly then carefully picked Claude's body off the ground and onto his shoulder. He then turned to the others around him "Where to?" he asked quietly 

Edited by Stitches7769

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"Dagon...have you ever heard of 'Eye Abilities'? Maybe you have actually had some interference yourself....maybe....Illusion....?" Kurumi asked as the group walked on.

Kuro, Yuki, Claude, Dagon, Kurumi, Luke, and Zed together.

Kuro stay silent as they near Kuro's house.

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"maybe...i think i do know what your talking about..." Dagon replied "but if i need to tell you how i got it..." he paused for a brief moment "i cant tell you that...not yet.." he continued speaking, while adjusting the body on my shoulder  

Edited by Stitches7769

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"Listen girl!" he snapped back "i can off your friend Right here, right now if you yell at me again!" Dagon shouted. He looked away from every one. "i have a short temper.." he said calmly "so don't piss me off..." he paused for a moment "i'm sorry...i didn't mean what i said.." he finished

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"You're not going to hurt anyone, Dagon." Kurumi said seriously.

Kuro simply sighed.

"I am Kurumi....leader of the Mekakushi Dan...or the Blindfold Gang. I posses eye concealment." She said seriously.

"Speaking of eye concealment..." She muttered, activating her ability on the Mekakushi Dan.



Dan=Gang )

Edited by Neko-chan

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Dagon looked at Kirumi "Blindfold gang?" he asked "you kids don't look like you belong to a gang" he said then chuckled a little "in fact you look like innocent school kids" he continued

Edited by Stitches7769

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Kurumi laughed, completely ignoring the Gang comment.

"Innocent school kids? I don't even go to school. We are not that innocent. I could shoot you right now if I wanted too." she said with a smirk. .

"Actually no you couldn't Kurumi because I have your gun still." Kuro added.

Kurumi sighed.

"Oh...ya....right...." She muttered.

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