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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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I leaned at the doorway of the room Luke was in frowning. He now lost his eye when already he has already lost something more important... I see that he thinks a lot about her. I turned and walked away going to Shepherd who was being petted by Claude, Smell anything?

No, the scent is blocked by a another scent and I can't get through it.

That's okay. I patted his head.

Claude looked at me and asked, "Find anything?"
I shook my head.



It was getting late and I didn't get much more information but I bought the books. Saying goodbye to Mrs. Yuvy and Mr.Yuvy. I waved goodbye and walked out side seeing how dark it was. Then I called George, "Madam?"

"I've told you to drop that name just call me by my actual name."

"Okay Slica, where will I be picking you up?"

"The book store."
"I'll be there soon Slica."
I hung up and waited looking at the warm colored sky.

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In Luke's dream he could see someone in black in front of him as the darkness around him slowly consumes his vision, Luke then awakened in a sudden shock, opening his left eye to see Kurumi "Wha..what happened?..where am I? said Luke slowly trying to intake his surroundings.


(Short post sorry :P )

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"Your right eye was ripped out and now you're in the apartment you were in, you will stay here for the night and if you don't then I'm not afraid to rip out your other eye. An Azami did this too you." Kurumi made clear.

"Drink this. I'm not treating you like a child." she said, handing Luke the vail Zed gave her. 

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( Play this sad song to feel this post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ug070QK674 )

( Hey Keko-chan you forgot to post Kana's part to my other post :P )


"That's right..I remember now" said Luke as he slowly sat up from lying on the bed, after Kurumi told him he was to stay here the night or she'd rip out his other eye Luke gave a goofy fake smile as he was now a bit scared of Kurumi. But Luke soon realized that she was probably just worried about him "Heh, I guess I'll stay then" said Luke. Kurumi then handed him Zed's vail to drink, Luke then started drinking it, Luke finished drinking the vail & was feeling much better. Luke put down the vail on the small table next to the bed, Luke's left eye soon lower'd in sadness as well as his smile. Luke looked at his hands in his lap saying "I am sorry...Kurumi, I'm so useless, All I am is a problem to our group...I should have been able to defend myself. But it looks like I can't protect anyone...not even my sister, I think I should leave the Mekakushi Dan group.." Luke's left eye started to show some tears building up in his eye as he felt really bad & getting all depressed.  

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(Maybe Kana didn't wanna say anything. A silent agreement.)


"You shouldn't leave Luke. You're not useless, you just are not that strong yet. You can't fight well yet." Kurumi said, her attitude changing instantly.

"Your ability of Paralization is an ability that the Mekakusuki needs." She snapped.

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I walked into the room a little after I could hear Luke talking. Shepherd followed me as well as Claude. "Luke! You're up!" Claude jumped in the air fist pumping.

I felt a little more relieved that the little pills helped him. Then Shepherd could smell the blood now knowing it was Luke's blood he was smelling and only could track down the hooded character a little more. It was too late by now though.



A long black limousine parked in front of me and out came George, my butler. "Slica. The limo awaits you."

He says waiting for me to follow him, "Thank you George."

"It is my duty Slica. You don't have to thank an old man like me.""I can still thank you." He chuckled a little opening the door for me. "Thank you George." I said sitting in the limo."Your welcome." He closed the door and walked to the driver's seat. Through the blackened windows I could see people looking at the car in amazement. We were in the middle class area...but I smiled to myself as a little boy said one day he'll build a car just like this one. Kids, they were so imaginative believing in that dreams come true. I wish I still had a mind of a kid... George started driving, "So Slica what did you do in this part of town?"

"I got some books from the little book store here.""I see you're still reading a lot."


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"For what purposes is our powers?, Why should I fight for anything anymore if I can't protect anything?...And these new friends I've made..Kurumi, Slica, the others, not as much for that Kana girl though. Do they really need me as much as they say?" thought Luke to himself.  As Luke was about to answer Kurumi, Zed, Claude & a dog named Shepherd entered the room. Luke looked to see them enter and as Luke saw the dog Shepherd his face was lifted into a big smile changing his depression into confidence "WOW! a dog, I love dogs" said Luke in happiness. Thanks to Shepherd appearing Luke was feeling better than ever, Luke felt so good that he got up out of bed and walked over to the dog and started patting it "Hello there little guy, whats your name?" said Luke paying more attention to the dog an anyone else. :P    

Edited by The Unversed

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"So it's the little things that cheer him up...he should know why he should stay with the Mekakusuki Dan. Luke is special here....he helps our attacks the most. Luke has Paralyzation....the best eye ability there is." Kurumi thought, looking at Luke and Shepherd.

This was good for him.

"Don't strain yourself Luke, you just had your eye ripped out. I don't want your bandages coming loose." Kurumi snapped.

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I grinned to myself, "His name is Shepherd." I answered him. Shepherd wagged his tail furiously before brushing his head against Luke's hand. It was obvious he liked Luke which wasn't surprising to me since he loved everyone except certain people... 

This boy is nice.

I know but don't do anything that will make him require energy he needs to rest.

No problem!



"I didn't know you liked dogs so much Luke! But then again Shepherd is a totally nice dog!" I smiled looking at the friendliness Shepherd was showing.

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(Yay!!! :) ) Kage sat on the roof of her foster parents house. They were ok, really. Giving her so much free time and not asking questions. She turned the page of Odessey. She admired Odyssius for his perserverance, but the guy simply couldn't get stuff done on his own. Her thoughts were inturrupted by the sound of a shutting door. Looking up, Kage noticed a girl with short purple hair walked out. She looked familiar... Yep, Kage recognized her as the girl who had bumped into one of the Mekakushi Dan members and then gone into building two with him. She was well dressed, and when a limo pulled up there was no mistaking that she came from the upper-class area. There was a quiet empty road in between the two places. She quickly climbed down from the roof, taking a short cut to the road. Once she was alone she altered her hair to short and red, changed her height, and altered her face shape. The car came around the corner, and she quickly felled a tree into its path on the road using her shoe blades.

Edited by Scattered Dream

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As Luke was patting the dog feeling so happy Zed told Luke his name was Shepherd "So your names Shepherd...that's a great name for such a good doggy" said Luke smiling at Shepherd. Luke then heard what Claude said to him "Oh yeah, I love dogs, their so much fun and they are way better than cats. Also they are really loyal animals too, which makes them the best friend ever hahaha" said Luke laughing. Kurumi told Luke to not stain himself & to not do anything that could loosen his bandages "yeah, yeah, I'll be fine Kurumi. I'm part of the Mekakusuki Dan group after all, hehe" said Luke giving half a smile as well as a wink at Kurumi letting her know that his answer is he'll stay. Luke then stopped patting Shepherd and spoke to all in the room "You guys are really something else...I first didn't think much when I saw you all, and that this group you put us in was just a means of filling a hole inside our hearts. But after what you've all done for me..you all helped me when I really needed it, even though we barly know each other and you STILL decided to help me out and that makes you all friends in my book. So I'll help you guys out for sure" said Luke as he lightly punched his chest with his fist.

Edited by The Unversed

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Kurumi smiled slightly.

"It's getting late. Are you all staying here? Luke has to stay here." She said seriously, looking at Claude, then Zed, then Luke.

"I have to stay here is Luke is here. This is my apartment anyway." Kurumi quietly said.

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I nodded at Kurumi and Shepherd walked over to me. I knew what he wanted, so I reached into the backpack. "Luke you want to feed him?" I asked knowing the boy enjoyed the company of my furry friend. Taking out a bag with a certain amount of dog food. Specially for Shepherd.



"Yep!" I said stretching my arms, "Man it's like a sleepover!"



I felt the car come to a harsh stop and heard George go, "AH!" 

I moved forward due to the sudden stop of the car but stopped myself. "George! What happened?"

"Madam Slica a tree has fallen down in front of us!""What?" I looked out the window and sure enough there was a tree. But...this feeling... a person with an eye ability was around... 

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Kage waited patiently behind the tree to see if the girl would get out. No? She thought, well then I shall encourage her. With that Kage rolled behind another tree, to quickly for any details to show. Just a blur. This tree was taller, and when she knocked it over, it fell down towards the car. Kage moved about five trees over and closer to the road, staying carefully out of sight. Hopefully the unknown girl would have been confused enough by the impact so as not to have a clue where she had gone.

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"George get out right now!" I yelled as I got out and took George away then the tree hit the car. I then looked at George, "Please George get away from here."

"But madam.""No! This is an order. You know what I mean."

"Yes madam..." He left.

I looked around I knew that the person was targeting me... I held my book close to me. This will be a long time to get home...wait...what about... I felt the paper on which Luke gave me his number... I clenched it within my hand. No I can't... But...no not now. I looked around again and at the trees. This was clearly a work of blades... If the other tree just fell not just long ago. The person must still be around... within the trees most likely. 

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Kage smiled as the purple-haired girl looked around. She was obviously upperclass, what with the "madam" and all. Judging by the books and class she was also quite educated, so she probably wouldn't come charging into the woods where an unknown danger lay unless it was a last resort. Kage felled the tree in front of her while using a backwards roll to duck back two trees in the cover of the falling tree.

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I watched the tree fall in front of me grinning. I fixed my glasses theres only two reasons to let the tree fall in front of me. One to frighten me or two block my line of sight. It became more clear to me that the person targeting me wanted me to fall into a trap maybe... Hm... They were trying to close my options. I chucked a little bottle at the woods it broke and I readied another bottle. I started walking away...

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Kage watched the bottle hit the tree next to her. Breaking cover even in disguise was a bad play at this point in the game. On the other hand it would be hard not to with her target moving. She clearly needed a diversion, something big enough to look like a main attack to distract the girls attention and get her off guard. Or at least a bit off guard. She could always kill her... But then of course there was the risk of escape, and she wouldn't be able to send the desired message as a corpse. Kage frowned at herself. Obviously she wasn't going to kill them all off first before playing with them. That was one of the many reasons she hadn't joined Kana. She started working, breaking down a branch and cutting that tree, then rolling back three, doing the same and rolling to the side under the cover of the branches. If she was unlucky the girl might catch s glimps of her, but no defining features. Kage quickly sharpened the two branches into spears and threw the first, quickly follows by the second. The first passed the girls face by inches, instinctively she would watch it pass, which is what Kage wanted, because then the second one would hit the ground by her feet. In that time Kage would manage to roll behind the tree on the car.

Edited by Scattered Dream

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I wondered to myself, "Hm....the chemical should have spread by now." The bottle contained ammonia and bleach a harmful chemical. Something you wouldn't want to breathe in. I would have no intention of walking towards the forest at all. I looked around and saw that George had evacuated the people around here. No wonder it was so quiet, well the fumes spread fast at least the chemical I made. I then saw the sharpened stake I didn't flinch only knowing to take out my knife and swing at the second stake to block it. Even though my knife was small, the stake fell to the ground. So what will be your next move. 

Edited by SolarFlare12

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Kage felt her throat begin to burn. She recognized the distinctive acrid scent of ammonia. Quickly she ran through her options. Her backpack had a water bottle in it and a large sample of cesium. She changed her eye color to light green and stepped quickly out from behind the tree. Placing the cesium in the water, she threw it at the purple haired girls feet, clicked out her shoe blades, and ran towards the target.

Edited by Scattered Dream

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Hm cesium and water a good choice not good enough. Shorting my options I have a quick glance at everything around me. A basket something that could help delay time for a little bit. I used my feet kicking the basket at the incoming bomb. I tried to cover myself as much as I could. It exploded and I only got minor scratches. Then I took out my bottle of sugar and sodium chlorate. I had two other bottles one with Hydrazine and the other with Nitric acid. Then took out my other bottle of sulfuric acid. I waited for the attack with my knife in my left hand. 

Edited by SolarFlare12

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