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Kingdom Hearts in Disney Infinity?

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Disney Infinity is being marketed to the same demographic that Skylanders is: 10-year-old boys. Disney would probably stick to well known characters, as more people would buy a Jack Sparrow figurine then a Sora one. But, of course, there are some who'd still buy it for various other reasons.

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Its still nice to see disney accknolage us......dispite some of the childhood reakers of the fandom (which yeah is defenetly no good in the disney universe but doesn't there seem to be a lot LESS of those types of people now, anyways? o-0; ....i sure see no hardcore yaoi fangirls on this forum o.o ^^;; ).

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Okay, this is going to sound bad, but, i dislike little kids who ruin my favortie games and cloud the deep mature stuff in their filfth, with really, really bad fanart.


But...i actually like this idea beacuse disney usually pretends kh has nothing to do with them

Edited by Amelia Luscombe

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Hey, I mean with those characters we can have them visit the other playsets as if they were taking the gummi ship to other worlds. It'd fit perfectly.


Also, I can't stand it when the excuse for not having them in Disney Infinity is that we dun need little kids over running the series. If that's the way it is, then what the hell were we when KH started? I believe I was a kid when Kingdom Hearts came out in 2002 and over the years, I've grown older with the series, but definitely dun mind it that anyone of any age could possibly get into KH.

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It wouldn't be terrible, and here's the reason why:

-advertising and creating new fans....

Disney Infinity is "supposedly" for ten year old boys? Good. I became a fan of Kingdom Hearts when I was around 7.


This was exactly my point. Sure we've grown older with the series, but that doesn't change how old we were when we started on KH. For the majority of us here, we were kids when we started on the series, so why should it be a problem for more children to play it. Not only that, but Disney Infinity hits an audience with many different people of ages 7-late 30s. Some of the younger people between 16-25 at least grew up with the Disney stories featured in both KH and Disney Infinity. Some KH figures for a little bit of fun and curious advertisement wouldn't hurt either franchises.

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This was exactly my point. Sure we've grown older with the series, but that doesn't change how old we were when we started on KH. For the majority of us here, we were kids when we started on the series, so why should it be a problem for more children to play it. Not only that, but Disney Infinity hits an audience with many different people of ages 7-late 30s. Some of the younger people between 16-25 at least grew up with the Disney stories featured in both KH and Disney Infinity. Some KH figures for a little bit of fun and curious advertisement wouldn't hurt either franchises.

Exactly. It would be a great way to grow the fan-base for both Kingdom Hearts and infinity.

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This is a terrible idea. First of all, Kingdom Hearts has never been well-known outside of the gaming community in the West, and so it does not need to be promoted by Disney in this way. Secondly, we do not need a group of impulsive, shallow ten-year-olds becoming interested in a series that is as unique and mature as Kingdom Hearts. Thirdly, I do not think that we need to see the KH characters, objects or landmarks be tarnished by becoming reincarnated in this game.

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This is a terrible idea. First of all, Kingdom Hearts has never been well-known outside of the gaming community in the West, and so it does not need to be promoted by Disney in this way. Secondly, we do not need a group of impulsive, shallow ten-year-olds becoming interested in a series that is as unique and mature as Kingdom Hearts. Thirdly, I do not think that we need to see the KH characters, objects or landmarks be tarnished by becoming reincarnated in this game.


Again with the 10 year olds crap....Look we were little kids when we started playing KH, so it should not be a problem if kids get into KH.Disney Infinity's goal audience was kids, but it seems to have taken a major audience with older gamers and people around 16-25. The whole range of audience ages, however, would be 5-30+. SE could pull in some very valuable customers with KH characters and playsets in Disney Infinity.

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Again with the 10 year olds crap....Look we were little kids when we started playing KH, so it should not be a problem if kids get into KH.Disney Infinity's goal audience was kids, but it seems to have taken a major audience with older gamers and people around 16-25. The whole range of audience ages, however, would be 5-30+. SE could pull in some very valuable customers with KH characters and playsets in Disney Infinity.

Younger children would have no idea what they were getting involved in, though. They would probably not even bother to pay attention to the story of the series, and they would probably not know anything about the main characters beyond their personalities; and even then, the characters would probably be incorrectly portrayed. I really, really do not want to see a cheery Riku any time soon.

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Younger children would have no idea what they were getting involved in, though. They would probably not even bother to pay attention to the story of the series, and they would probably not know anything about the main characters beyond their personalities; and even then, the characters would probably be incorrectly portrayed. I really, really do not want to see a cheery Riku any time soon.


I didn't exactly start understanding KH until Days and BBS came out. Plus now we've got HD collections coming out that could gain audience and give fans a chance to catch up. I have no problem with kids liking the series. Trust me, nothing would actually change, Nomura wouldn't allow his beloved characters to change in such a drastic way.

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