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college life

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seriously though college life is something serious i just started and i have work to do a lot i understand its gonna help me and stuff but is all that work even necessary seriously i better have some time to play kh every single one of them  :angry:

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It's necessary of you want to pass your classes and get your degree.  Will you need what you learn in your future career?  Depends on what you're studying to become but I feel like only 50% of what you learn in college will serve you later.  What is really important is learning about work ethic and prioritizing your time, which sounds like something you could really benefit from.

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Unless you are one of the very few who are naturally gifted where they can glide through anything or one of the even rarer luckier people who have a photographic or endemic memory then you are going to have to sacrifice some stuff to actually make it through college with a good result.  Or you can piss around and fail and waste all that money you just spent on tuition.  

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Goes to college and writes and behaves like this? Interesting.

Shesh it's the internet, not a term essay.


As for college, Yes you will have to work hard - unless your an English or Physc major. ;)

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The work is necessary as it provides practice for what the course is trying to teach you. Do you just want to have college as an experience, or do you want to actually become proficient at the tasks being taught you in college?Let's see for type of work I have seen.


Reading chapters of your book before the lecture: This is so you can better understand the lecture, and ask more questions that the teacher might know but the book doesn't say.Math problems: these are assigned to make you practice math and if you actually do them, you will get better at thinking mathematically.


Essays: the more essays you write the easier it is to write them. And learning how to write essays helps a lot with organizing your thoughts for reports and presentations.


Research papers: these build off of what you learned with essays but they also add in actually RESEARCHING a topic all while making it so others can verify your research. Making research papers is a very good skill to have, if you are ever going to consider writing news articles or go into ANY field of science.


Presentations/speeches: I lumped both of these together because they are somewhat similar. Anyways practicing this type of thing will be useful if you ever have to present an idea to a group, at work, or actually have to speak in front of a crowd.


Reports/lab reports: Simply these train you for when a job will ask you to give them reports.


Journals: Basically reports of what you learned from the class, and applications of the knowledge. These are annoying, but they make you more appreciative of little things, or at least better at BSing things that sound important. (okay this is the one thing I can't really defend)Quizes: Mini-tests that tell the teacher how the class is doing without harming their grade as much as if they failed a test. If you have to do last minute studying for a few quizes, chances are you will now have to do less last minute studying for a test, thus making it more managable. Basically I am saying it helps the teachers, and it also helps the students keep on task.


Tests: Things designed to "prove" you learned stuff in the class. No other reason for them. They are necessary otherwise you would get certified doctors who don't know half the things they should...

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look i understand that college is what i need to do and i don't mind working hard and making sacrifices i've done it all before im just saying that i wanted to play kh i do have time to play it and i make sure school is first I got that and its always been like that so i promise i will work hard and put everything school first



and thanks for the help everyone

Edited by darkchaser

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