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What are your 2 favorite Tales of games?

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I made another topic today since yesterday's topic was so bad since i made the topic within a minute when it normally takes 10 minutes for me to think up a good video game topic that isn't news, hopefully this can make up for yesterday's. Anyways what's your favorite tales of game (putting up flame shield)

1.Tales of xillia

2.Tales of the abyss (Every symphonia hardcore fan is like wtf) I do like symphonia but  for me personally tales of  sympohina is between  4 and or 5 on my tales of list. So what's your 2 favorite tales of games I highly see tons of people saying symphonia is their greatest and that's ok though i do wonder does anyone out there actually dislike symphonia since it is so called the holy chalice  of tales of games 

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1 - Phantasia (Gotta love the Time Travel)

2 - Abyss (I love the story)


I want to play Grace F, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2 since I haven't played them yet >_> (And Symphonia on PS3!)

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I haven't played a lot of Tales games,I've played a bit of Symphonia and Abyss,but not enough to judge the game.I'm currently playing Phantasia,but I'm not very far in the game and the only games I've beaten are Graces f and Xillia so for now Tales of Xillia is my favorite.

Edited by Isaix

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Tales of the Abyss is hands down my favorite. I loved the story immensely, and it has what may be my favorite cast of characters. I also found the whole "science" of fonons pretty interesting, but I've seen that its actually turned a few people off of the game as well. The battle system certainly isn't as polished as later games, but I actually liked it more than Vesperia's.


As for second, I'll have to say Vesperia. The story and world weren't as interesting, and I never quite warmed up to some of the characters (like Karol). But it was still really fun to play and had a lot of content. It also looks quite pretty as well. 


Symphonia was alright. It had a better story and more likeable characters than Vesperia, but I found myself getting bored more quickly while playing it than I did with the other games I played.

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