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Text KH: Hidden world (the next part on Xuffie's story)

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Chapter 6

He woke up in another place, his heart filled with anger and fear, slowly his vision focused. The place looked like an old house. Dust covered all the furniture, an old wooden table was in the centre of the room and stairs leaded to another floor near the door.

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You said that like 50 times today -.- And you could even type my name wrong. Stop saying I'm a good writer, I'm nothing like that, it's just because I was bored in history class (again) so I decided to write.

I'll post the next chapter tomorrow because it's long and I'm too lazy to type it now.

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I'll never never stop saying that because you are a very good writer, for sure!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DThat's why There I tell everybody I'm Omnia fan: Omnia:The first Journey, story that YOU created.

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Chapter 7

"Let me take that out, stop being such a baby." a woman voice was heard by Xuffie while she woke up, she opened her eyes and fastly got up. She was in a completely dark room, a table was in the center, Loui was sitting on a chair, and a woman was near him, on the table lied some medicines and Loui's coat. The woman with long blond hair was holding a piece of cloth with one hand and the other one was ready to pull out the dager on Loui's back. Tristan was on the other side observing. With Xuffie's awekening everyone in the room turned to her "Where am I?" the girl asked in a low tone trying not to attract too much attention "You'll know soon." Loui said looking at her. Using his distraction the woman pulled the dagger out of his back leaving a stain of blood on his white shirt "Everything is alright here, now take them to the superior." she said cleaning the weapon and leaving it on the table "If you were going to do that Marielle,I could've done myself." Loui said while sumoning his keyblade and casting curaga on himself "Come." he said to the two keyblade wielders in the room while leading them to another place of the castle.


"Now it's time for me to finish your mission." Marielle opened a dark corridor and went through disapearing in the darkness.


Odin and Alexander walked through the empty field trying to find somewhere where the nobodys could take Xuffie and Tristan "Where could the be?" Odin said to himself while walking fastly "You won't be able to find them if you continue nervous like you are." Alexander said calmly "I know master, but I just can't concentrate." Odin stopped for a minute listening to the enviroment when he noticed someone behind him, he turned around to face Marielle staring at them "My mission is to eliminate you two, doesn't look that difficult for me." she said sarcastically with a smile "Well, I'd like to see you try." Odin said getting his sword while Alexander summoned his keyblade.


Loui, Tristan and Xuffie arrived in a large dark room where Antruim expected them "Looks like a somebody could work for us after all." he said with irony looking at Loui who stayed in the same place looking down "Well, as we're here and we are not fighting, we could make an agreement, what do you think, Xuffie?" the leader of the nobodys said while the young girl looked down trying to think what to do "I know that like any nobody all you want is a heart. We have a way to get that heart but you'll have to work with us. In order to reach our goal we need a keyblade wielder, we have to destroy this world to summon Kingdom Hearts, but that's not as simple as it looks, every living thing here has a heart, we have to destroy those beings to end with this world. that's why we need your help, you can use your keyblade to release those hearts. So, are you with us or not?"

"I... I'll help you." Xuffie said for the first time showing some emotion "Very good, now take our guest to another room so she can rest before we leave." Antruim said turning around and leaving that place leaving the two somebys and Xuffie alone.

"Who was that woman with you Loui?" Xuffie said trying not to make the enviroment so tense "She was Marielle, one of the few survivor members of this organization, her mission is to destroy those who came with you." Loui said calmly "They're in danger? We have to do something." the boy said nervously "There's nothing we can do, we're stuck here." the nobody said with her emotionless voice "Relax, they'll be fine, I have to go but just wait here." Loui said leaving the room going to talk with the superior about his plans.


I'm sorry that I took so long to write this, I was a bit busy so I'll try to post the next chapters shortly.

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