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Text KH: Hidden world (the next part on Xuffie's story)

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Ok, so I decided to begin a new fanfic, it's still about Xuffie, but this is after the events from org 15 finished.

It was already a month since Xuffie left the org, she didn't know why but she couldn't feel comfortable in the middle of the org members anymore. So she went to live in Radiant Garden her somebody's homeworld. There she used just to think about how she would get her heart back now that she was alone, but she still got hopes.

On that sunny day Xuffie was sitting in the square with her keyblade on hands thoughtful, she never used her org coat again so no one would recognise her. In the middle of her thoughts she had a vision of something, a place filled with pure light and another place of pure darkness, she couldn't recognise the two places but they surely existed. Suddenly someone called Xuffie to reality, there was an old man in front of her, this man had short black hair, black eyes, used a black jacked and a white t-shirt "I've been looking for you." the man said looking at Xuffie that was at the same time surprised and curious about this person.


So this is the intro, is it just a bit good for me to continue?

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You asked and here I go. :)

Chapter 1

Xuffie got up and looked at the man in front of her, she knew him from somewhere, and this same feeling told Xuffie not to trust him "Who are you?" she asked making her keyblade dissapear "I'm Odin, now come with me, there's somebody that wants to see you." he said opening dark corridor "Ok, I'll go with, but you'll have to explain why." Xuffie didn't want to go, she saw something strange with that guy "We don't have time, please come with me, you're a nobody but you can still help us." Odin was waiting Xuffie near the dark corridor impatient "Ok, I'll." she said following Odin into the corridor.

They got out in a dark place, in the centre an old man with a black coat sat on a chair "I thought you wouldn't bring her here Odin." the man said calmly "But I did master Alexander." he said as Xuffie came in "Now can I kow why you brought me here?" she was as impatient as before becoming a nobody "Some nobodys like you opened a portal to a world filled with darkness, we don't know what they wanted there and we can't go in, they sealled the portal and only a keyblade can open it." Alexander said with his voice echoing through the place "Why did you need me after all, there are many keyblade wielders." "There's only one keyblade that can breake the seal, and you're it's chosen one." looking at Xuffie next to Odin, Alexander bowed his head "Summon your keyblade Xuffie." Odin asked showinf how anxious he was, closing her eyes Xuffie summoned her keyblade, while Odin looked at it Alexander closed his eyes "That's it, she has the legendary keyblade."


So, here's another chapter, I'm drawing Xuffie's keyblade and I'll post it later.

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Just if it is for the first time of my life. :)

Chapter 2

The work would start soon once master Alexander had everything ready, in this time Xuffie went to Destiny Islands to relax a bit, she was sitting with her feet in the water, remembering her past, somethings she still couldn't remember but most of the rest were clear to her. "Xuffie! I need to tell you something." Odin said going out of a Dark Corridor "Say whatever you want, I'm listening." Xuffie stayed on the same place waiting for Odin to talk "Well, when I was a kid I used to live in Destiny Islands with my mother and my little sister, she was six years younger them me, when I was 12 our mother got sick, the months passed and nothing could make her better, one day when me and my sister were playing at the beach somebody came to call us home, our mother was dead, I was too angry to listen to someone, my little sister couldn't understand anything, all she wanted was to play, I got nervous with her and sent her away, I thought she would come back, but she didn't, two days later I went to look for her, someway she found a way to get out of our world and dissapear. That little girl that I was looking for all these years was your somebody Xuffie, I see that you don't remember me, so I thought I should bring back some memories." Odin said looking at the beach "I don't remember having any brothers." Xuffie said trying to remember something "You were too young, but you'll remember soon, I'm sure of it." he said opening another dark corridor "Another thing, we're ready to go Xuffie." Odin said going in and dissapearing.

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Guess I'm too impatient to wait and pout the next one tomorrow.

Chapter 3

Xuffie arrived at the place where master Alexander and Odin were "Well, where's this portal of yours?" she asked with her keyblade already on hands "We're right in front of it Xuffie." Alexander pointed a closed door in front of them "I can't believe you made me come here just for this." she said pointing the keyblade at the door, suddenly the door began to glow and light spread everywhere, blinded by the light Xuffie couldn't see what was happening or where the others were, with the same speed the light came it dissapeared in the air leavingjust darkness, after recovering from the surprise Xuffie looked around, no one was there anymore.

Heartless of all types surrounded her, but they didn't attack, they stayed there staring at the young nobody "It was so obvious they would call you to open the portal, we didn't even had to guess." a man with a black coat said walking towards Xuffie "Who are you?" Xuffie said summoning her keyblade

"No one that you should know." the man said summoning a keyblade too "So you have a keyblade? I would be losing my time if I fought with you. Have to find the others first." "Who said I would let you go?" "I said and you won't keep me here." Xuffie tried to open a dark corridor but it wouldn't work "You don't know this place yet Xuffie, and there's no way that you're going back." "You're getting on my nerves, say what you want." "Ok, I would like that you came with me, I have a little job for you to do." "Not interested, sorry." Xuffie said turning around "You won't go for good? So I'll have to make you." the man attacked fastly with his keyblade, but he wasn't fast enough, Xuffie blocked his attack "You'll have to do better then that if you want to take me with you." she said casting firaga on the man who hit with a hock and stayed there "And I thought there would be real oponents here." Xuffie said to herself while walking away.


Alexander and Odin opened their eyes, they were already inside that world of darkness, near something that looked like a village but Xuffie wasn't with them "Where could she have gone?" Odin asked looking around "Well, we'll find her soon, and she knows how to take care of herself." Alexander walked towards the town and Odin followed him. In no time they got to the littole village, some people walked through the streets and a dark energy could be felt everywhere, carefully they went in the village trying to discover which place was that.

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Chapter 4

Some time later the same guy thattried to attack Xuffie woke up, he looked around and saw that the nobody got away "Oh man, this time I really failed." the man said while he took off his hood, reavealing his gray straight hair coming until his shoulders and light blue eyes "You'll never learn, will you Loui?" another hooded man said going out of a dark corridor "It's you Avin, I thought it could be the superior." "I'm not, but you could get in trouble, now lets get back to the job and find her again." the man said opening a dark corridor leading somewhere not far.


Listening to the enviroment around Xuffie noticed someone running towards her, she stoped and tryed to see where the steps came from. Suddenly a boy that looked scared ran through some bushs near and bumped on Xuffie's leg, he looked up with his oriental black eyes that showed fear "Sorry I didn't see you." the boy that looked around 9 or 10 years old said suddenly calming down "No problem, what were you running from?" Xuffie asked paying attention at the boy's humble cloths and messed blond hair "There's no problem." he said looking behind "You sure? Now go hide at those trees, I'll take care of this." Xuffie pushed the boy to some trees and summoned her keyblade to fight the dusks that were after the little boy.

Xuffie fought the dusks and destroyed them one by one. impressed the boy walked to her "I wish I could fight like you." He said observing Xuffie

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Sorry that I took so long, the boy that sits in front of me gave me some trouble because when I was writing he just riped the paper and thrown it away, this is like the 5th time I have to write this chapter, but now I have till chapter 7 ready so I probably won't take long.

Chapter 5

Xuffie ran with Tristan through the crowd, it was difficult to open way, the calm village was now reunited around the place where the fight was occurring. Getting there she found a strange view, master Alexander unconscious lied on the ground and Odin near them, his eyes closed, one of his shoulders bleeding and his hand over it. Antruim lifted his sword ready to end the life of the one who had been on his way for all those years, fastly the blade feel on the direction of Alexander, but it didn

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Yeah, but she isn't really the one in your RP, but the one in Org. 15 but they're almost the same except that one of them is still a somebody and the other one is a nobody.

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When I read The Hidden Apprentice I told you, sis, that you were writing very realisticly. When i read chapter 5, I swear, I could liten to Odin's voice saying

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