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william cleared his throat and sighed." miss you don't belong here and you shouldn't flirt with students now please exit the office and go hom-chontelle you were fired by the boss why are you here" william asked as the student he just took blood from left.nano and alex had come back and watched as william talked to krystal." charlie come on before the teacher lady can hit on you more we'll wait until she leaves for you to go back to get your blood checked" nano whispered.alex nodded and glared at krystal." i have a bad feeling about this lady so we should wait till she leaves to have your blood tested" alex whispered.william looked at the two kids and sighed." charlie will you please go back to class i'll get you once this woman leaves seeing as she is hitting on you and doesn't belong here at all" he said glaring at krystal.

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After what William said about being fired to Krystal, she soon started to realise that the word 'Fired' meant that you weren't aloud to be within the school or on it's grounds at all, is what Krystal thinks the word mean't anyway. Krystal was then asked by the scientist William why she was here "Ahhh, I thought you needed some help but I guess you have it all under control" said Krystal, William soon asks Krystal to leave the nurses office "I'll be taking my leave now Mister William" said Krystal. As Krystal walked outside the nurses office she looked at two students that caught her eye, those students were Nano & Alex "Hmm...those to have a strange look in their eyes, I wonder if they have anything nice to steal, hehe" thought Krystal as she walked off, out of sight from all the students.


Krystal soon wondered into the girls bathroom thinking on how to remain within the school since the woman she was transformed into (Chontelle) was fired from the school "Darn it all! this chontelle person seems to be nothing but trouble for me, buuut I did manage to steal some blood samples from those silly students without illiam knowing, hehehe" said Krystal has she pulled out one blood sample test tube just to look at, Krystal then put the tube of blood back into her left pocket then she thought to herself "I need a new person to be, but i didn't see anyone pretty enough to be. Hmm...what to do, what to do, hmm...." she washed her hands in the girls bathroom sink. Soon a young girl student wondered into the girls bathroom, the student girl was in the same classroom as Chihiro was in. Krystal then found her answer "That's it, I'll possess this student. Then I can talk with the students and maybe steal something shiny or eatable, hehehe" thought Krystal. Moments later Krystal had walked out of the girls bathroom possessing the student girls body, The girl Krystal was within was named Anna (Girls Krystal possess's show signs of fox like personality, eating with only their mouths, a strange obsession with fish & bouncy balls)  & Krystal had everything she stole hidden in her pockets "Now on to the classroom to see my fellow classmates" said Krystal.      

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nano waved and quickly went after krystal keeping a eye on her.nano knew what she was and was going to confront her about it." stupid freaking foxes always coming here to mess with students and teachers" she whispered as krystal left the bathroom and started walking to a classroom." hey anna what class do you have next" nano asked. anna had already memorized her schedule and didn't need the paper anymore." also can we talk alone after lunch " nano asked.alex waved at william who waved back and got a needle quickly getting some blood from chrlie and sending him on his way." dude charlie why was that lady hitting on you" alex asked as he pratically dragged charlie downt he hall.

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Hope smiled at Naida.

"Hey, I was hoping for some white roses." Hope explained, fabricating a reason to be therein the spot.

It was a talent some of the older wolves had taught her. One was good enough to come up with reasonable explanations about why he had been found in a hen house with half a raw chicken in his mouth.

"Got any?"


Charlie had been a little stunned at Krystal's question, so wasn't able to answer her before she had gone. He had been wondering about that when Alex grabbed him.

"I guess so." He stammered. "But.."

He shook his head.

"Whatever. So, what's this whole blood test thing about?"

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alex shrugged." i dunno thats what i wanted to talk to you about" alex said passing by nano.he couldn't remember which one of his friends liked this type of stuff so he'd ask nano later when they had art together.william smiled at the last kid and got his blood.he packed up his stuff and told the nurse he had to leave.she nodded and told him to go ahead and sign out at the office and she would tell the princible.william thanked her and signed out heading back to the lab.nano grabed krystals hand and led her to anna's locker." i don't mean to be rude but i don't like foxes around here i'll let it slide happily as long as you don't mess with charlie and alex okay little kitsune" nano whispered.she grinned showing off one of her small fangs and stepped away." and don't try to say you don't get what i mean i'm a snake i can smell the fox on you right now" she whispered walking away.

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Naida felt something was off but decided to ignore it,

"yeah sure!". She made her way through the store toward the roses,

"how many would you like?" Naida asked still confused as to who this girl might be. She couldn't for the life of her remember meeting her or seeing her in town before.


Flora looked at the time and sighed putting away her project, "he is late... what is taking him so long...". She took out the file he had given her the week before, it was a study on varying DNA in the body but she had a feeling it was something more than that. "I'll have to talk to him about it when he gets back...." She watched the little fish swim around in a bowl on her desk deep in thought.

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I'm just doing William for now so yeah


He quickly drove to the lab still obeying the rules of the road and pulled into the labs parking lot. William walked inside and to Flora's office. " sorry flora I had to deal with a few mire kids then I expected. Anyways here's the blood samples" he said placing the container of tubes down. He grabbed nanos and put a drop on a small plastic card layed a piece of plastic on it and put it under a microscope. He looked at it and smiled. " look at this one and tell me this person isn't a monster" William said. In the blood there seemed to be little snakes and stuff in the blood.

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Chihiro was writing that report when he felt something hit his head.After he reach from the back of his light-brown hair,he found a little ball of paper.Then suddenly another one hit him.And another one.Even thought he didn't turn back,he knew by the laughing who was teasing him."I guess I'll just ignore them"he thought as he cleaned himself even thought he felt slight anger.He sat and contiuned his work.But the banging didn't stop.More and more balls of paper gathered in his hair.The bullies' laugh became louder and some others voices joined"What a loser!He's gonna burst in tears in any minute!Aren't you gonna react,shithead?"The teacher wasn't in the classroom,so Chihiro was pretty much hopeless.He tried to remain calm.He only hoped it will stop in any minute.But it didn't.5 minutes later everyone's laughing.He was close to tears and also one of the bullies was walking toward his desk.He was so dead.So,so dead.When suddenly,the noise stopped.The big guy retrieved to his desk like a cheetah when he saw the door open.It was the teacher.Chihiro sighed as he releaved.The teacher looked at the students suspisuosly because could feel something odd."Does anybody other wants to go to the nurse's office?"Chihiro raised his hand.After he was given permission,he packed because later it was art class.He left the classroom without saying anything.


On his way there he cleaned himself from paper bullets and unreleased tears.In the hallway he saw Alex and he gave him a smile."Is Nano still at the nurse's office?"

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Meanwhile Krystal possessing a girl named Anna was just starting to head towards her classroom but was stopped by Nano, Krystal was a bit surprised to see that Nano had tailed her. Nano asked what class she had next, Krystal replied by saying "Whatever's next silly, haha" Nano then asked if they could talk alone after lunch. Krystal jumped a bit when Nano said the word lunch because it reminded Krystal that she hadn't eaten anything since she come here "Lunch! Hmm....I don't know...I might talk with you if you give me some fish for lunch, you get the fish and meet me behind the school grounds, then we'll talk, K" said Krystal hopping to get some food out of it. But right after that Nano grabbed Anna's hand & led her to her locker and then forcefully tolled Krystal to stay away from Charlie & Alex & that Nano know's that Anna is either a kitsune herself or a girl possessed by a kitsune.


After Nano walked away Krystal yelled out "ARE WE STILL ON FOR LUNCH!!" Krystal gave a hungry look, But then Krystal thought to herself "I know your name is Nano.. girl. Nano, Nano, Nano, I thought there was more to you when i saw your eyes & you may have found me out but you haven't done your history on me much, hehehe. You'll need more than big talk to stop my plans with the boys, Hmm...maybe I can make a deal with Nano to stop. I'd like to talk more with you Nano, but I'm....I'm..." Krystal then was holding her stomach with one hand "I'm to hungryyyy" whined Krystal as she opened Anna's locker to find a planner with Anna's class time table in it "Aha! this will help me out, Now lets see here...what class does Anna have next...An art class??? I think art are those pictures people draw or something like that anyway. Oh & Lunch is on after art class too. Better head off before I run into any more weird students then" whispered Krystal. As Krystal made her way to the arts classroom she thought "I think I'll wear that locket I stole from that Flora mistress, hehe" Krystal then wore it around Anna's neck like a necklace. 

Edited by The Unversed

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" sure" nano yelled back rushing to her locker to grab her pastels nd stuff. hurrying to art class she sighed.alex followed quickly after and took his seat next to nano.anna ws suppose to sit next to alex but nano was not going to let her hit on her best friend since pre-school.nano poked alex's shoulder and smiled." if anna starts flirting with you ignore her okay' nano said. alex frowned and huffed." but she's cute" alex complained.nano gave him a stern look and alex nodded." okay mrs. Snavok" alex joked as a few more students came in.

Edited by demy1077

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It took a while of searching around the school for the arts classroom but Krystal had managed to find it "I..I made it, FINALLY!" shouted Krystal. Krystal then opened the door to the arts classroom and walked through seeing both Nano & Alex sitting near one another. The arts teacher spoke to Krystal saying "Your late Anna, hurry and take your seat next to Alex" As Krystal took her seat next to Alex the teacher gave a sigh saying "And it looks like two other students are running late as well...and those two are Charlie & Chihiro" Krystal gave a dagger look at Nano thinking to herself "She better remember the fish for my lunch or I'll be forced to eat something or someone else for lunch instead" After that Krystal looked at Alex with a cute smile getting his attention, then charmingly saying "Well helloooo there cutie, Have you anything shiny with you, or maybe something interesting to talk about with me, Liiiike maybe where the schools time capsule is buried? Hmm..." Krystal leaned closer to Alex waiting for him to give her an answer.

Edited by The Unversed

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"Two please." Hope answered.

She looked out of the front of the flower shop and eyed the high school.

"I know this is a weird question, but what's the high school like? Good place to work?"

As she looked at the school, she could feel her wolf growl in her head. There was something she didn't like in there. She looked back at Naida and smiled.

"How badly would a new history teacher be taken apart in there?"


Daniel scooted into the art class and grabbed the first available seat. His theorizing on what the blood tests were for distracted him from keeping an eye on the time. He kept quite got out a note book, pencil and pushed his glasses back up his nose.

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alex blushed and shook his head." he's taken anna" nano said.alex blushed more and punched her arm.nano rubbed her arm and sighed." remember maria you two never did break up" nano said making alex face desk.she pat his back and grabed his phone texting maria." now he's up for grabs" nano said giving him the phone back.william looked at flora and sighed." well flora" he said.

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Flora watched him walk in and quickly put the other sample away before the cells died, "what you actually found one?". She walked over and looked into the microscope, "i wouldn't get too exited, she should rule out the possibility of a disease before exploding to the conclusion of a monster on our hands don't you think?" She asked looking over at him. She was about to fidget with her locket she expected to be around her neck but when she was left with an empty hand she remembered the girl. "Did you happen to see that scientist that was fired a couple a weeks ago? She walked in here this afternoon like she owned the place, then stole my mother's locket"



Naida nodded and placed two roses in a small plastic bag, "A history teacher huh...." She thought about it while taking the roses over to the cash register. "Well i know they lost a teacher a little while ago but I graduated last year so i dont know exactly what is going on with the history department. I'm sure if you applied you could get the job, the teacher i had was so boring!" She sighed and added up the costs of the roses. "$10.68 please" Naida handed the lay her roses.

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Anna gave a pouty frown and growled a little bit like a fox after Nano interfered with her talk with Alex "Hey, butt out Nano!" said krystal with a bit of a raised voice "We were just having a niiiice little talk & you had to ruin it, didn't you. Right hun?" said Krystal has she grabbed Alex's arm leaning her head on his shoulder trying to get Alex to side with her against Nano. Krystal then started to think "I must see my secret plans through by any means necessary, with or without Nano's help...I wish it was lunch time already" whined Krystal as she fidget a bit with Flora's locket around her neck. 

Edited by The Unversed

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nano who had started sketching broke her pencil." well excuse me princess but i'm not going to sit here and let you rule over me like a i'm stupid patheitc joker.sorry though but i won't let it happen besides i was just informing my friend that he was taken at the moment so you need to shut your mouth before you piss some one and make them tear out your hair like the idiotic doll you are" nano said taking a breath after every sentance.alex raised his hand and asked if he could move for a few days in which the teacher said yes." sorry but until you guys knock this off i'm going to sit in the back" alex whispered grabbing his stuff and going to the back.william sighed." lets hold hers to the side long with any other wierd ones i'll go back and ask the nurse if nano has any illnesses that may have caused this then we'll study it some more i guess. also she was at the school flirting with a boy" he said messing with the microscope.

Edited by demy1077

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While Nano was totally flipping out on Anna the teacher could hear Nano's voice raising at Anna "Hey! you two, Anna & Nano. Keep your voices down or I'll send you both to the principal's office, ok" said the arts teacher and that's when Alex asked him if he could move away from both Nano & Anna. As Alex moved away to another seat Krystal looked at Nano with dagger eyes and whispered to her "Look what you did Nano, Now I'm stuck with no one next to me. This is all right fault, grrr, I'm gonna start my art work now. We'll discuses our matters at lunch time behind the school grounds" After that Krystal started her art work hopping that lunch time would hurry up and get here already.

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nano stood up and walked out the teacher not saying a word.she always did that when she started getting mad so she wouldn't hit the person that is pissing her off.alex stood up and walked to anna sitting down." anna i don't care what going on between you two but knock it off unless you want end up like mike who got his nose boken for pissing her off" alex whispered.he knew nano since they were in pre-k he knew her like a open book.william sat down and started testing certain bloods setting aside all the wierd unhuman like ones." flora could you help me out so we can wrap this up and get home soon" william asked checking charlie's blood.

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Anna looked at Alex with happy look "Oh don't worry about us handsome, I was just play fighting with her to get her pissed, I knew she'd walk out sooner or later & the reason for that is I wanted a word with you alone. Now tell me...where can I find the schools time capsule? & you better have an answer to this question hun" whispered Anna as her eyes slowly glowed yellow for bit while looking at Alex.    

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Charlie glanced over his shoulder at the confrintation between Anna and Nano, then Nano storming out. He had seen what Nano could do when she got mad. He hoped Alex could calm her down. And what was up with Anna?


Hope gave the high school another look before moving to the register.

"I hope nothing bad happened to the old teacher." She said, fishing slightly for information of strange happenings around the school.

She dug in her back pocket for a bill fold. When she wasn't doing a lot of shifting, she'd carry a purse, but it was easier to keep ahold of things when you didn't have to rely on the wolf to remember human things. She pulled out 15 dollars, made up with a ten and a five. She handed it out to Naida then paused. She was getting use to the smells of the flowers and could now tell that some of the unknown smells were coming from Naida.

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alex looked at her and took a deep breath." it's buried infront of the oak tree in the back of the school" alex said as nano walked back in.his eyes had a light yellow tint before he fell over passed out.nano hissed lightly so no one heard and grabed alex." sir me and anna are going to take alex to the nurse" nano said giving a fake smile to the teacher.the teacher nodded and gave them a pass.william looked at anna's and sighed." nothing at all. so there were only three kids who ahd wierd blood samples" william thought.he finished the last student and stretched." i'm going to go to a doctor with the wierd blood smaples and see if he can explain anything" william said writing down the three names.

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As Alex passed out Anna gave a little grin, Then Krystal thought to herself "Hmm.... so it buried in front of the old oak tree ay. At the back of the school...That's perfect, hehehe. Now I just need to get out of here" Soon after that Nano come back inside the arts classroom grabbing Alex and getting permission for both herself & Anna to take Alex to the nurses office. Anna looked at Alex thinking "Thank you for your help hun, I'll reward you later" Then Anna grabbed Alex's left arm putting it over her shoulder while Nano did the same with his right arm.


As Anna & Nano where leaving the arts classroom with Alex Anna looked back and saw a few students looking suspicious about them, Anna saw that one student was more curious then the rest and that student was Charile. Anna also saw that the arts classrooms clock said it was about 5 minutes to lunch time. After that both Nano & Anna where now walking to the nurses office with Alex, Krystal spoke to Nano while they carried Alex "That student looked to interested about what just happened with us Nano. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and besides...after we take Alex to the nurses office it'll be lunch time for us and I'm really getting hungry here. Hmm... I hope we don't run into any sciency people, like that mistress Flora or that William dude" Anna gave a little laugh to herself. Anna then spoke to Nano again "I'm not sure but I think I have a teacher named Flora for my next class after lunch...that's what it says on this girls planner anyway. I wonder if it's the same Flora miss that I stole from, hehe. Oh, forget i said that last part"  

Edited by The Unversed

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nano growled." what did you to alex" nano asked a slight growl at the end.she didn't care what she had to say that kitsune hurt her best friend and she was going to get answers from her.alex woke up and freaked out blushing." nano anna i'm awake you can let go of me now" alex said flipping the firetruck out.nano let go of alex and growled." me and anna need to talk right now don't we anna. alex could you get my lunch from my locker so we can talk it's really urgent" nano said.alex nodded and walked away.he was startled at the fact his friend had growled and didn't wnat to get lunch from the school." what the heck is up with her and anna" he thought walking past his locker to nano's.

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