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Lu Xun

Do you think game developers pay too much or too little attention to fan feedback?

Do you think game developers pay too much or too little attention to fan feedback?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think game developers pay too much or too little attention to fan feedback?

    • Far too much - They let the most vocal fans dictate their work
    • Too much - The developers know what's best for a game
    • Neither - They pay just enough attention to their fans
    • Too little - They need to pay more attention to what we want
    • Far too little - They forget who they're making the game for

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Developers like CyberConnect need to listen to their fans, they're firetrucking up way to much!

But I think developers lately listen to the fans too much, like people are putting petitions for games that are console only to come to PC , like Tom Clancy's the Divison , it was originally coming out for XOne and PS4 but now it's coming out to PC to >.>

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Square's reason behind this is that Wii U is DirectX10 while PS4 and Xbone are DirectX11 which they're using to create KH3.

Isn't DirectX 11 developed by Microsoft, making it so that it only is for Xbox One? While PS4 and WiiU use OpenGL or something like that. Also, did SE really said that? I keep hearing it came from people believing fan comments, and taking them as SE comments. 



It depends on the developer, but some of them don't really hear fan feedback and if they do, they do the opposite of what fans want.

Edited by tlozbj

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Isn't DirectX 11 developed by Microsoft, making it so that it only is for Xbox One? While PS4 and WiiU use OpenGL or something like that. Also, did SE really said that? I keep hearing it came from people believing fan comments, and taking them as SE comments. 



It depends on the developer, but some of them don't really hear fan feedback and if they do, they do the opposite of what fans want.


It was answered during one of Square's Q&A sessions.http://www.the-magicbox.com/1306/game130611i.shtml

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It's hard to answer this without specific developers being mentioned, but overall I'd say too little. The amount of money these developers could get, if they just listened to the main&most popular requests, is unreal.

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actually there is a indie developer that is making a game for the wii u that runs directx11



Then Square Enix needs to get us that Wii U version! *0*

I dunno why Nomura would suggest that if DirectX11 is gonna be used on Wii U too. I mean hell, if he made both FFXV and KH3 for the Wii U, then I'd just buy the games say no to PS4 and Xbone as those two titles are my only reason for getting either console and I already have a Wii U.

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Well, depends on the developers, but in genreal, I don't think they páy much attention. Just when it's something that the fanbase REALLy wants, unanimously.

But the great ideas are not something everyone has... If Nomura were to read some ideas people have on this very site, we'd have much greater games! i'm not saying they're all great, but it's just they could pay some more attention to it.

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Depends on the company. Nintendo's pretty good about this.


Square on the other hand needs to pay attention to their fanbase a little more if you ask me. -_-


Yeah seriously. I've been playing the FFXIV beta since Phase 3 and Square Enix has a legitimate forum for feedback and has a Character Creation board. We gave feedback for many new features that would be great. I got the Phase 4 beta that started yesterday and guess what changed, nothing...nothing changed. They had a legitimate forum for our own feedback and listened to none of it. What the hell was the point of the forums if Square wasn't gonna pay attention to any of it at all? D:<

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