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Kingdom Hearts: The Bullshit Chronicles

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Another Wednesday, another episode filled with bullshit. Here we are once again for the Bullshit Chronicles. I'm really liking how this series is going along. Anyways, let's get right to it.


-- EPISODE 4: Unexpected Breakthrough


And we're back, folks, for the thrilling conclusion of this exciting battle! Let's see how the combatants are doing so far. Sora and Riku?


(S&R being swarmed by fangirls)








Looks like they're doing good. And Kairi?


Kairi: I'm gonna pee my pants!


Great! Now then, on with the torture!


SRK: On with the what?!


Uh, I mean competition. (sits back on chair)


Godzilla: (looking at Kairi like a piece of chicken)


Kairi: (thinking) What do I do? What do I do? I... I could try seducing him... wait! I'm not a giant lizard with boobs! Crap!


Godzilla: (shoots ice at Kairi)


Kairi: (tenses)


???: Kairi! (jumps in front of Kairi, blocks ice with Firaga blast)


Kairi: Sora? Riku?


S&R: (standing in front of Kairi, Keyblades drawn, clothes ripped and covered with lipstick)


Riku: This isn't lipstick...


Ooh, damn.


Sora: Don't worry, Kairi. We're here for ya.


Riku: Just leave it to us. (thinking) Like you always do.


Kairi: ... (looks at Sora and Riku with sad eyes, grips handle of Destiny's Embrace) No! (Runs in front of Sora and Riku) This time, I'll protect you!


Heh, nice reference. (chews on popcorn)


Riku: Kairi, do you really think you take this monster?


Godzilla: (roars and swishes tail around)


Kairi: Yes... yes I can. I just need to reach deep down inside myself... and find the great power that's hidden inside me! ... (belly rumbles) Oh...


Sora: Huh?


Kairi: (Holds stomach) Oh, man... I hope those cupcakes didn't go down the wrong tube...


Riku: What the hell?


Kairi: Ugh... (turns around) I think... I think I'm gonna...


Godzilla: (roars and charges at the three)


S&R: Kairi, look out!


Kairi: (looks back for a second and ducks head) Ah! (farts, a giant rainbow shoots out of Kairi's ass) AHHHHH!


Riku: Holy shit! 


Sora: Holy peanut butter cups!


Godzilla: (gets hit by beam, holds him back as it weakens him)


Sora: K-Kairi! I think it's working!


Kairi: Really?! (farts louder) Agh, well, it hurts like nobody's business, but--


Riku: Just keep doing what you're doing! Me and Sora will finish him off!


Kairi: Uh, okay! (closes eyes, farts harder, the beam intensifies)


Godzilla: (roars in pain and anger as it is being pushed back by the beam)


(Sora and Riku circle around the beast) 


Sora: Just a little more... come on Kairi!


Kairi: (strains) Geez, this is worse than the Nyan Cat!


Godzilla: (beam spills into Godzilla's mouth, filling his eyeballs with colors and his stomach to bloat up) RAAGGGGH!


(Gozilla falls over on his side, eyes leaking out and stomach weighing him down)


Riku: Sora, now! Aim for the stomach.


Sora: Right! One Belly Buster coming up!


(Sora and Riku give out a battle cry as they both jump in the air and hit Godzilla's stomach with a Strike Raid, the impact causing Godzilla's belly to explode, rainbow going everywhere, killing Godzilla as his now colorful eyes roll back into his skull)


S&R: (land back on the ground, pants)


Riku: Whew... we did it...


Sora: Yeah... heh... Go us! (throws arms in the air) Whoo... goodnight. (falls on his back, smiling)


Kairi: Guys! Are you okay! (runs over, legs slightly covered with the aftermath of her rainbow attack)


S&R: Yeah.. we're fine.


Riku: I'm more concerned about you, actually.


Kairi: Why? Because you thought that I couldn't handle myself? (crosses arms)


Riku: N-no, that's not it...  I mean, you did great out there. I think you're really making progress, Kairi. Keep this up, and you wont need to rely on me or Sora anymore. You'll be your own protection.


Kairi: (smiles) Thanks, Riku.


Sora: (laughs)


Kairi: Okay, so what is it that you were concerned with?


Riku: Oh, well, I was wondering how your, uh, behind was able to unload all that rainbow...


Kairi: Ah... well, um, I don't really know. Maybe Firaga can explain it?


That I can. You see, Kairi, I have granted you with a special gift...


(Sora, Riku, and Kairi all look up at me)


It is a gift that will give you a great advantage in battle. Like Riku said, you are well on your way to becoming a fighter that can protect herself. I hope you can use it well. You will need to.


Kairi: Okay. I will, Firaga Sensei.


Also because the other cooler options were voted out by the audience.


Kairi: Don't remind me, please...


Riku: Hey, at least you have a power that fits your personality.


Sora: What, what happens when you fart after, like, eating a burrito?


Kairi: ... I don't wanna know to be honest. (laughs)


Sora and Riku: (joins Kairi in laughing)


And now that all is said and done, its time for the next step in these three heroes wild adventure.


Sora: (kips up, brushes himself off) Okay, guys. Now that that's done, we need to go back on the hunt for Aladdin and Jasmine. (casts Curaga on both Kairi and Riku)


Riku: (straightens up and stretches) That we do.


Kairi: Let's go! (runs off)


Sora & Riku: Yeah! (follow her)




SRK: (stops)


Sora: Wait... where are going?


Yes. The journey continues. However, what new challenges await these young heroes on their only so long quest? Well, we'll all find out sooner or later, but for know, it's time for YOU, the fans, to decide the actions of the Keyblade Trio.


What will Sora, Riku, and Kairi go to find their friends?


A} The Cave Of Wonders


B} The Palace


C} Aladdin's House


Welp, here's the options, folks! Sorry there are a little boring this time around, but hey, it'll get more exciting when we actually choose a scenario, I promise. Remember to vote, kiddies! ALLONS-Y! (straps on a jetpack and flies out)


Now we're getting somewhere. Kairi has a new power, which means she'll be able to be more useful in battle until we can figure out the Keyblade situation, and by that, I mean, until she can get some actual abilities... which means Kingdom Hearts 3. lol Naw, I;m kidding. I might be tempted to throw in some actual cool looking moves for her. But until then, rainbow ass powers for the win! Btw, if you guys want, do you think you can come up with a cool name for that attack? If you can, post it in the comments and I might use it as its official name. :)

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I say we should go with C, for I think Aladin and Jazmine may be having the funtimes and that would be hilariously scarring for Sora.

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I choose A. Hmmm rainbow fart name......how about Farting Over the Rainbow....or Fart Resonance....or Colors of the Wind (I have a twisted mind)?


I legit couldn't stop laughing at this last chapter. Good thing no one else was in the room xD

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I say we should go with C, for I think Aladin and Jazmine may be having the funtimes and that would be hilariously scarring for Sora.

I was thinking that too, knowing Firaga... I'm trying to go on the safe side though. xD

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I was thinking that too, knowing Firaga... I'm trying to go on the safe side though. xD


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Yes, yes, back again for ano--OH GOD, THIS IS KILLING ME! Look, at the moment, I am waiting to go get my copy of 1.5, so this chapter is going to shorter than usual. Sorry, but if I have to wait longer than I have to for that game, I'm Sanji kicking another hole in my wall. 


-- EPISODE 5: Friends In SERIOUS Need


So after their first challenge on their glorious adventure, Sora, Riku, and Kairi are now headed to the one place that they believe Aladdin and Jasmine might be: The Cave Of Wonders. At this time, their friend Carpet has decided to help them again, giving them a ride to the Cave, and landing right near the entrance.


(Sora, Riku, and Kairi hop off Carpet)


Sora: Thanks, Carpet! See you soon!


Carpet: (Thinking) Good luck, dumbasses(Waves tassel innocently, flies away)


Sora: Heh. Carpet's such a cool guy.


Riku: But didn't he buck us off after he gave us a ride the last time?


Sora: What? I don't remember that.


Riku: Of course not...


(holds memory wipe bottle behind self) What? I didn't do nothing! (throws bottle to the side) Um, anyways, the trio now make their way to the Entrance.


(Sora, Riku, and Kairi walk to front of entrance)

Cave Of Wonders Guardian: Halt! Who goes there?!


Riku: Oh, we're doing this?


Sora: Wow, I didn't know it could talk. Hey, um, Mr. Tiger Head? We need to go... uh... inside you.


(Wakko-esque voice) GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!


Kairi: Huh? What was that? 


Oh, I forgot to mention. At certain times in the story, there's going to be certain calls that play in certain situations, like say, if there's an innuendo.


Riku: As if this couldn't get any stupider...


Sora: So, Mr. Guardian, do you think you can hold us all in your mouth?




Riku And Kairi: Sora, knock it off!


Sora: Sorry...


CoW Guardian: Only those who are worthy may enter this cave. You must first undergo a test.


Riku: What kind of test?


(ground begins to rumble, CoW's mouth closes and eyes go dark)


Sora: Oh geez... I think I know what's coming...


(Horde of over a thousand Heartless appear, surrounding the three)


Riku: Oh no! (summons Keyblade)


Sora: And I thought the Mark Of Mastery would be tough! (also summons Keyblade)


Kairi: (gulps, summons Keyblade last) P-please don't kill me...


(Heartless close in on three)

Sora: Hey, wait, guys! I got an idea!

Riku: What is it?


Sora: Um, well.... (quickly goes over to Riku and whispers in his ear)


Riku: I see... well, in this kind of situation, I guess we don't have a choice.


Kairi: What? What are you two doing?


Sora: Just hold still Kairi! (Sora and RIku grab Kairi and hold her by the stomach, her butt facing forward)


Kairi: Hey! What's going on?!


Riku: Just sit tight and use your rainbow butt powers!


Kairi: What?!


Sora: The Heartless are getting closer!


Riku: Grr, dammit, how did you use that power before?


Kairi: I don't know! It just happened!


Sora: Firaga, can you help us out here?


Alright then. Take these (tosses a pouch to Sora)


Sora: (catches pouch) What's in here?

In that bag is an endless supply of Rainbow Fruit. It's the "ammo" for Kairi's Rainbow Runs Gun.


Riku: (holds back a giggle) Rainbow Runs?


Kairi: Aw come on!


(Heartless are about to pounce)


Sora: No time! (takes out a fruit and shoves it in Kairi's mouth, puts pouch in back pocket) Chew and swallow!


Kairi: (chews and swallows fruit, stomach starts to rumble) Ok... here it comes...


Riku: Ready!


Sora: Aim!


(Sora and Riku point Kairi's butt at the Heartless)




(Kairi yells and shoots her Rainbow Runs Gun, the beams hitting right in the center of the horde)

Sora: Keep firing! 


(Sora and Riku hold off the Heartless a little more, blasting the beams in all directions)


(Heartless keep coming)


Riku: Dammit, there's too many!


(Giant Shadow appears behind them and slashes at them, knocking them back)


All: AHH!


(SRK land five feet away from their last location, Kairi's butt now depleted of her beams)


Sora: (sitting up) Quick, Kairi, you need to eat another Rainbow Fruit.


Kairi: Agh... my stomach can only take so much of that at a time. Another one and I think my insides will explode. (clutches stomach in pain)


Riku: No... They're still coming! (points at horde of Heartless running for them)


(SRK close their eyes and wait to be killed)




(Krillin-esque voice) DEUS EX MACHINA!


(??? attack Heartless horde with a shield type weapon and uses Curaga on SRK while stopping most of the horde with a giant Thundaga spell)


Sora: What... (gasp) Donald! Goofy!


(Donald and Goofy appear in front of SRK)


Kairi: Oh thank goodness!


Riku: Heh. What a suprise.


Sora: Donald, Goofy, what are you doing here?


Donald: (turning back) Apparantly, saving your behinds.


Goofy: (turning back as well) Plus, when we heard you guys went off by yourselves, we got worried.


Donald: His Majesty suggested we should go look for you.


Goofy: Good thing we showed up, huh? Ayuck!


Riku: (smirks) Well, I gotta hand it to Mickey; he sure knows how to fold them.


Kairi: I'm so glad you guys are here!


Sora: Yeah, me too! It's been so long! In fact-- (quickly gets up and joins the two) -- How about we take care of this together? Like old times?


Donald: Sounds good!


Goofy: Alright!


Sora: Ok! But remember Donald, you gotta watch your Curaga spells.


Riku: Yeah, don't heal yourself when Sora needs to be healed. (to himself) Selfish prick.


Donald: I heard that! (scowls at Riku)


Sora: And Goofy: Uh... just be yourself.


Goofy: Ok. (rubs nose)


Sora: Oh yeah, and try not to almost die again. (summons Keyblade)


(Heartless advance again, SDG ready themselves)


Sora: Heh. The boys are back in town! Let's go!


(SDG are about to attack...)


-- END --


An unexpected hand of help comes in the form of Disney's Castles' top wizard and knight as they and Sora team up to take down this incoming threat. But how, I ask, should they do it? This is a momentous occasion; the SDG group have been separated for so long. So, what should they pull out from their bag of tricks?


What Team Attack should SDG use?


A} Trinity Limit


B} Sora Uses Master Form


C} A Brand New Attack


The fate of our heroes now possibly, but not entirely, lies in your hands. Vote wisely, my pussy willows. CIAO! (Hops onto a Gummi Ship and flies off)


Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go! Bye!

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Yes, yes, back again for ano--OH GOD, THIS IS KILLING ME! Look, at the moment, I am waiting to go get my copy of 1.5, so this chapter is going to shorter than usual. Sorry, but if I have to wait longer than I have to for that game, I'm Sanji kicking another hole in my wall.  EPISODE 5: Friends In SERIOUS Need So after their first challenge on their glorious adventure, Sora, Riku, and Kairi are now headed to the one place that they believe Aladdin and Jasmine might be: The Cave Of Wonders. At this time, their friend Carpet has decided to help them again, giving them a ride to the Cave, and landing right near the entrance. (Sora, Riku, and Kairi hop off Carpet) Sora: Thanks, Carpet! See you soon! Carpet: (Thinking) Good luck, dumbasses(Waves tassel innocently, flies away) Sora: Heh. Carpet's such a cool guy. Riku: But didn't he buck us off after he gave us a ride the last time? Sora: What? I don't remember that. Riku: Of course not... (holds memory wipe bottle behind self) What? I didn't do nothing! (throws bottle to the side) Um, anyways, the trio now make their way to the Entrance. (Sora, Riku, and Kairi walk to front of entrance)Cave Of Wonders Guardian: Halt! Who goes there?! Riku: Oh, we're doing this? Sora: Wow, I didn't know it could talk. Hey, um, Mr. Tiger Head? We need to go... uh... inside you. (Wakko-esque voice) GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY! Kairi: Huh? What was that?  Oh, I forgot to mention. At certain times in the story, there's going to be certain calls that play in certain situations, like say, if there's an innuendo. Riku: As if this couldn't get any stupider... Sora: So, Mr. Guardian, do you think you can hold us all in your mouth? GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY! Riku And Kairi: Sora, knock it off! Sora: Sorry... CoW Guardian: Only those who are worthy may enter this cave. You must first undergo a test. Riku: What kind of test? (ground begins to rumble, CoW's mouth closes and eyes go dark) Sora: Oh geez... I think I know what's coming... (Horde of over a thousand Heartless appear, surrounding the three)Riku: Oh no! (summons Keyblade) Sora: And I thought the Mark Of Mastery would be tough! (also summons Keyblade) Kairi: (gulps, summons Keyblade last) P-please don't kill me... (Heartless close in on three)Sora: Hey, wait, guys! I got an idea! Riku: What is it? Sora: Um, well.... (quickly goes over to Riku and whispers in his ear) Riku: I see... well, in this kind of situation, I guess we don't have a choice. Kairi: What? What are you two doing? Sora: Just hold still Kairi! (Sora and RIku grab Kairi and hold her by the stomach, her butt facing forward) Kairi: Hey! What's going on?! Riku: Just sit tight and use your rainbow butt powers! Kairi: What?! Sora: The Heartless are getting closer! Riku: Grr, dammit, how did you use that power before? Kairi: I don't know! It just happened! Sora: Firaga, can you help us out here? Alright then. Take these (tosses a pouch to Sora) Sora: (catches pouch) What's in here?In that bag is an endless supply of Rainbow Fruit. It's the "ammo" for Kairi's Rainbow Runs Gun. Riku: (holds back a giggle) Rainbow Runs? Kairi: Aw come on! (Heartless are about to pounce) Sora: No time! (takes out a fruit and shoves it in Kairi's mouth, puts pouch in back pocket) Chew and swallow! Kairi: (chews and swallows fruit, stomach starts to rumble) Ok... here it comes... Riku: Ready! Sora: Aim! (Sora and Riku point Kairi's butt at the Heartless) S&R: FIRE! (Kairi yells and shoots her Rainbow Runs Gun, the beams hitting right in the center of the horde)Sora: Keep firing!  (Sora and Riku hold off the Heartless a little more, blasting the beams in all directions) (Heartless keep coming) Riku: Dammit, there's too many! (Giant Shadow appears behind them and slashes at them, knocking them back) All: AHH! (SRK land five feet away from their last location, Kairi's butt now depleted of her beams) Sora: (sitting up) Quick, Kairi, you need to eat another Rainbow Fruit. Kairi: Agh... my stomach can only take so much of that at a time. Another one and I think my insides will explode. (clutches stomach in pain) Riku: No... They're still coming! (points at horde of Heartless running for them) (SRK close their eyes and wait to be killed) ???: NOT SO FAST! (Krillin-esque voice) DEUS EX MACHINA! (??? attack Heartless horde with a shield type weapon and uses Curaga on SRK while stopping most of the horde with a giant Thundaga spell) Sora: What... (gasp) Donald! Goofy! (Donald and Goofy appear in front of SRK) Kairi: Oh thank goodness! Riku: Heh. What a suprise. Sora: Donald, Goofy, what are you doing here? Donald: (turning back) Apparantly, saving your behinds. Goofy: (turning back as well) Plus, when we heard you guys went off by yourselves, we got worried. Donald: His Majesty suggested we should go look for you. Goofy: Good thing we showed up, huh? Ayuck! Riku: (smirks) Well, I gotta hand it to Mickey; he sure knows how to fold them. Kairi: I'm so glad you guys are here! Sora: Yeah, me too! It's been so long! In fact-- (quickly gets up and joins the two) -- How about we take care of this together? Like old times? Donald: Sounds good! Goofy: Alright! Sora: Ok! But remember Donald, you gotta watch your Curaga spells. Riku: Yeah, don't heal yourself when Sora needs to be healed. (to himself) Selfish prick. Donald: I heard that! (scowls at Riku) Sora: And Goofy: Uh... just be yourself. Goofy: Ok. (rubs nose) Sora: Oh yeah, and try not to almost die again. (summons Keyblade) (Heartless advance again, SDG ready themselves) Sora: Heh. The boys are back in town! Let's go! (SDG are about to attack...) An unexpected hand of help comes in the form of Disney's Castles' top wizard and knight as they and Sora team up to take down this incoming threat. But how, I ask, should they do it? This is a momentous occasion; the SDG group have been separated for so long. So, what should they pull out from their bag of tricks? What Team Attack should SDG use? A} Trinity Limit B} Sora Uses Master Form C} A Brand New Attack The fate of our heroes now possibly, but not entirely, lies in your hands. Vote wisely, my pussy willows. CIAO! (Hops onto a Gummi Ship and flies off) Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go! Bye!


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Oh geeze if the fate of things lie in our hands with choices like those it will never end well. But still.......I choose C, a brand spanking new attack. Kairi became Nyan Cat so maybe Sora will turn into the I'mma firin mah lazer dude.

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Alright, bitches and bitches and bitches, welcome back to the madness. Sorry I'm late for updates tonight, I had business to take care of yester--okay, I was playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5.... LOOK, IF YOU HAVE/HAD IT, YOU'D UNDERSTAND! THIS IS THE REASON WE'RE ON THIS SITE! .. (sigh) Okay, enough ranting. I have a feeling that I'll update this show on another day other than Wednesday. Today is actually a good day of the week for me. Or Friday. Depends. Anyways, let's get to this week's show. Btw, since the total number of votes for what attack SDG were going to use tied for A and C, they're going to use both!


-- EPISODE 5: Like Old Times


THURSDAY, THURSDAY, THURSDAY! Today, one of the most knock down, drag em up brawls in history is going to take place right HERE! It's gonna be an old fashioned melee! A Donny Brook! A Pier Sixer!


Sora: That's right, we're skipping over Pier Five, but we're not quite there at Pier Seven.


Donald: Cuz they're tough bastards over there.


Goofy: By the way, uh, how are we supposed to take out all these Heartless?

Sora: The usual?

Goofy: Ya mean where Donald uses up all our items and never heals us?


Donald: Oh, ha-ha.


Sora: No, I meant Trinity Limit!

Goofy: Oh. Okay, sure! Ayuck!


Donald: Let's do it!


Sora: Okay! 


(Sora, Donald, and Goofy glow with light as they fly off the ground, Donald casts Magnega, causing all the Heartless to swirl around in a big tornado, then Sora shoots light out of his Keyblade, Donald shoots magic beams, while Goofy's shield reflects both their blasts to increase their range. Then, they all go off on a frenzy, Sora slashing away with his Keyblade, Donald swinging around and casting magic with his staff, and Goofy smashing and bashing with his shield)


Sora: (backflips) Light!


(Sora, Donald, and Goofy come together and combine their weapons, causing a giant flash of light to flash over the battlefield, eliminating all Heartless)


Goofy: We did it!


Donald: Alright!


Sora: Heh. (swings Keyblade over shoulder) Nothin' to it.


(A Twilight Thorn appears behind them, shakes the ground a little)


Sora: Uh-oh. Spoke too soon! 


Goofy: Gawrsh, we haven't fought one of these, have we?


Donald: We need a new attack! Sora, any ideas?!


Sora: Hmm... (thinks) ... Ooh, I got it!


(Twilight Thorn stretches over SDG, summoning Creepers to surround them)


Donald: Reflectga! (draws it all Creepers)


Goofy: Come on! (Uses Whirli-Goof to kill all Creepers)


Sora: Okay, now for the big guy! (Sora uses Superglide to fly to the front of the Thorn's face, D&G following)


(Donald gets on Sora's back)


Sora: Goofy!


Goofy: Right! (flies high in the air and falls down with shield facing down, turning himself into a burning meteor, goes straight through Thorn's body)


TT: (staggers back)


Donald: (casts rockets to fire at TT, staggering him back even more)


Sora: Alright, Donald, get ready to fly!


Donald: Okay!


(Sora picks up Donald and thrusts him at the TT, Donald casts Stopga on it)


Donald: Now, Sora!


Sora: Right! (flies forward and uses Ars Arcanum followed by Ragnarok and ending with Zatetsuken, landing right by Donald and Goofy) 


(TT falls back and dies)


(Riku and Kairi run up to them)


Kairi: Wow, guys, that was so amazing!


Riku: Yeah. Who knew you wise guys could do something like that.


Sora: Heh. What'd you expect? We're a pretty good team after all. Dont you think (puts hands behind head)


Riku: Like I've said before, you never did pick the brightest friends.


Donald: Hey, now, what does that say about you then?! (points at Riku)


Riku: ... Uh... now that I think about it... 


Kairi: Guys, uh, not to be rude, but I think we can go inside the Cave Of Wonders now.

Sora: Oh yeah, that's right! We still need to find Aladdin and Jasmine! Come on guys!


(Everybody speeds back to the entrance and enters the Tiger Head's mouth)


-- END --


Alrighty then, now we find ourselves in the Cave Of Wonders, that for some reason gets a new design with each new game... and guess what? It's getting another one! YOU, my friends, are going to decide what happens next in this thrilling adventure, and your job is to select the first action that Sora and the gang do while in the CoW.


(Alarm sounds)


Oh! Do you hear that! It's time for a special segment on the Bullshit Chronicles: The Bullshit Grab Bag! That means that this time around, I'm not going to post any choices for what comes next. Every single one of you gets to make up your own scenario, no matter what it is! I hope you enjoy this opportunity, because I only give out Grab Bags every so often in this series, as you will come to now. 

Now then, remember to vote, hug your mothers, kiss your dogs, and filp your tables. It's time for me to (tail pops up near me) Hi, tail! It out of here! (I grab tail, it pulls me away as a rimshot plays)


If anyone knows where that pun is from, you get an official Bullshit Chronicles Badge Of Coolness. Now keep in mind, though, the Grab Bag option I choose has to be something that hasn't happened yet in this series. No repeats of the Rainbow Runs Gun or the Godzilla fight, for instance. Other than that, though, go nuts. :)

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Maybe the CoW (Heehee it's a cow) could actually be the insides of a giant tiger this time. It eats them, they end up in the stomach, then they find their way to the "exit"...

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God F**king dammit, there should have been a cameo where I could have made a cameo when Kairi was in trouble xD

Oh well... How about when they enter the CoW, they end up in KH13 instead? 

Edited by Javelin434

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I say that Jafar forces them to race him in an unfair slide race where they must collect 50 coins and make it to the finish line first, and every time they come in contact with Jafar, they loose all their coins.

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