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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN SIGN-UPS!)

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Rikku, it's in the rules....just go check those out.



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Edited by Neko-chan

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We have an idea for captivation, but were not sure if we should use it


If we use it, we are

(Spoiler alert) (we don't know how to make that spoiler tab) we are going to kill them off by Flashpoints operation, pretty soon too, so... Yeahhhh... Is that ok or too much?


I also have an idea for another human character, the head doctor/ scientist for flashpoint, is that going over the top with what you said before?

Edited by Felix...x?

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We need a captivation ability. We need someone to be a captivator protagonist.

Eventually people of the Mekakusuki Dan will be killed. I am going to make an antagonist eventually. The Mekakusuki Dan is sided with the humans since Antagonist do not just fight against the Mekakusuki....they also fight against the humans.

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Do you think we should however, Unversed. If you do then later tonight if I have the chance I'll make it. However if I don't have the chance to tonight then the roleplay will be made over the weekend. 

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Hmm....I'm not quiet sure now. I want to start, but if there's not enough people being the bad guys or the good guys then maybe we need to even them out somehow. What do you think Neko-chan?

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I'd say we give it another week, then we should start the RP with or without a captivation person & if there's not that many characters to start or an uneven number we'll just make up the rest like you said, Hows that get ya Neko-chan? 

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Name- Yuki Saimin 

Age- 16

Gendertrap- Male

Appearance- Yuki has semi-messy white hair, and wears a pale blue jacket over an equally pale yellow shirt and white pants. His eyes, depending on the light can vary from blue, to an icy blue, to even purple.

Biography- When Yuki was in middle school, he decided to go with the flow of things. His "friends", or that is, the people he tried so hard to be like were all in relationships so he tried to do similarly. These "friends" couldn't help but laugh as they watched him approach the most popular girl in school and they couldn't believe their eyes when she fell for him so easily. Yuki had to move far away for high school. He had grown used to girls fawning over him and enjoyed messing with the girls he attracted. Now that summer had come, he's ready for anything.


Mekakushi Dan member number- I

Ability- Captivation

Weapon(OPTIONAL)- Thin Kunai and Senbon.

Themes- I come up with music as I go


~In a Daze~

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Character Sheets:
Name- Kana Kiroko
Age- 16
Gender- Female

  SPOILERS: Click to reveal

Biography- Kana left her family after her mother died and her father left her. She discovered her power after she left. After discovering someone else had her ability, she used it for evil. She was going to destroy Kurumi. That was her idea.
Mekakushi Dan member number(UP TO NINE)- ANTAGONIST #4
Weapon- Several daggers

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In a Daze~~

Edited by Neko-chan

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Name: codename "Set"


Gender: male

Appearance: middle aged, balding slightly. Has one eye patch, due to a failed self experiment, always wears a monical on his remaining eye, usually in a waist coat and lab coat

Bio: like most agents of flashpoint, most of his past is shrouded in mystery, what is known about him is in the files of the organization, ' is one of the founding members of Flashpoint, chief of the science and research department, is quoted with "enjoying his studies with abundant zeal" his main goal is confidential, what is even more perplexing is that he appears to be capable to use the Focus eye skill, using it mainly for aiding in research.

Personality: unknown, can be suspected a bit I humane

Member: random

Ability: antagonist focus

Weapon: scalpels, bone saw, medical equipment


In a daze

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Name: Kage Ilved (ilved)


Gender: female

Appearance: Straight black hair that comes down to her hips, and cobalt blue eyes. Always wears a jacket and jeans.

Biography(When you obtained your power and what happened to you after that)- She was nine when her family was crossing the Paciffic. The shore was in sight when the ship scraped a rock, causing it to begin to sink rapidly. Kage was lost in the crowd as her family floated away, unaware of her absence. Kage watched them, thinking they had betrayed her. As the ship capsized she jumped as far as she could, hitting the freezing cold water with a smack. As she gasped for breath below the surface she realized that she could breath under the water. She was able to swim for shore under the waves to conserve enough energy for the stretch that lay between her and land. Kage never tried to find her parents. She was found and sent to an orphanage, who in turn sent her to a school. Her heart has stayed cold, and although she conceals her hatred well, she is furious with anyone who has the hope she lost.

Personality- cold and apathetic, sometimes snarky and sarcastic as well.

Antagonist 9

Ability(Unless all are taken)- Awakening

Weapon(OPTIONAL)- Kage uses blades that come out of her shoes and a knife concealed in a pen. She likes weapons that are small and easily disguised.

Theme(COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!)- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S40PGcU3Uw8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DS40PGcU3Uw8

Battle Theme(COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!)- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YHj5jWXavSY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYHj5jWXavSY

I generally try not to do themes from the same place, but they both fit so well...

in a daze ( I think I got the majority of the errors now, sorry.)

Edited by Scattered Dream

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