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I guess according to Nomura, it's time to get a new outfit going for the gang, but are we, the fans of KH, ready to see a mature Sora in a new outfit after 7 years of the KH2 outfit we've accustomed ourselves to?In my honest opinion, Sora's outfit should remain the same through this final game in the Xehanort Saga. Give him a new outfit in the next arc as I'm not ready whatsoever to see anything aside from the black and yellow outfit Sora has been wearing in the real time. Plus with their first teaser for KH3 holding the iconic garb for Sora it'll honestly be really hard to see another outfit on him after that teaser even.

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I want Sora to have pants. It can be basically the same outfit, just put some legs on the shorts, and make his shoes ever so slightly smaller. Those two things alone will automatically make him look older. Maybe make him wear his hood once or twice sometime in the game.

Riku needs long sleeves. He's worn shirts that show his entire arms for the past 7 games, so it's time to change his look a bit by putting sleeves on him.

Kairi, she just needs to get a bit taller. Her outfit is already pretty good, it doesn't need to change a lot.

In the event Aqua and Ventus get an outfit change when they come back, then Ventus also needs pants, and perhaps make the coloring of his outfit darken a bit.

Aqua, maybe merge her armor a bit more with her default outfit. Lose the baggy sleeves on the arms, extend the gloves to become more like gauntlets. Maybe her hair can grow a bit longer.

Mickey, I doubt Mickey will change any.

Goofy and Donald, I don't know.

Lea... using his outfit from BBS as a starting point, you can just make a bit more mature version of that. Perhaps lose the bandana, but keep the hair. Make the tank top a t-shirt, maybe. But seriously, leave the hair as it is.

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I guess according to Nomura, it's time to get a new outfit going for the gang, but are we, the fans of KH, ready to see a mature Sora in a new outfit after 7 years of the KH2 outfit we've accustomed ourselves to?


In my honest opinion, Sora's outfit should remain the same through this final game in the Xehanort Saga. Give him a new outfit in the next arc as I'm not ready whatsoever to see anything aside from the black and yellow outfit Sora has been wearing in the real time. Plus with their first teaser for KH3 holding the iconic garb for Sora it'll honestly be really hard to see another outfit on him after that teaser even.

Nah, I like to see both Sora and the others in new outfits in each new main series game and since this will be the final chapter in the Xehanort Saga, I think Kingdom Hearts III especially deserves that treatment most of all :].



I really wish sora and Riku got there're DDD outfits in the real world... Especially Riku ehhhhh...

But I don't know I've gotten use to the black outfit too.

You mean like this lol :]-http://artisticallywayward.deviantart.com/art/Kingdom-Hearts-Dream-Drop-Distance-Riku-292973642 :]?

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i beg to differ. i think sora would look great in a new outfit. and lets not forget how great soras outfits were in the past. i think it will look great. and why not some optional outfit dlc?

Edited by benj0818

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I'd like it if everybody got new outfits. Especially Lea, he can't wear the cout anymore. And I'm not sure do I want to see something like his clothes in BBS on him in KH3, they did fit him as a kid but now that he's older, I'm not sure.. Though I don't know what kind of outfit would look good then.

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I'm all for a new outfit.  He got a new one in KH2 when everyone was "all used to the KH1" one, clinging to the past isn't a good enough reason to stop change.  He's had it for the past few years so it's time for a change and making the game stand apart as the awaited numbered title than another handheld midquel/prequel.  I don't think he'd look way more mature though, it's probably be a very similar style with more belts.  Cause yano.  His pants may fall down during all those battles.  


EDIT: But dear lord I don't want damn outfit DLC.  Milking it.  

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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I would like to see sora in a new outfit but it kinda bothers me that if nomura knew he was gunna give sora a new outfit he didn't put sora with kh2 outfit on KH3D don't get me wrong I liked the 3D outfit but would had been cool to use sora with kh2 outfit but im guessing we will play with sora's kh2 outfit for a while like in KH2 we used sora with kh1 outfit when he wakes up

Edited by Riku_Way_to_dawn

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honestly i dont really care what sora wears in kh3 cuz if its nomura then he will probably design some pretty good outfits. 

i just want riku's hair to grow or at least cut it shorter in the back cuz the way his hair looks when he is older looks kinda awkward lol. 

as far as other characters from bbs go i dont really see a story-wise way they could change their clothes cuz well aqua's been in the RoD and Ventus is asleep in CO so their outfits changing would be like midgame. but if they do change then i dont really care. its a numbered title so nomura might change all the costumes anyway. 

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For goodness sake, Nomura, give Sora longer pants! And give Riku something sexy. :3


In all seriousness, I love Sora's KH2 outfit very much, but I wouldn't mind a new outfit for KH3. Some longer pants would be nice, like Roxas's. But as long as it's not one color like 3D. I hated that outfit, but Riku's was great. I have faith in Nomura. He'll either keep or change things, and I'll probably be happy with it either way.

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thats really cool


but yea i want some new outfits but i dont see how ur tired of Sora's KH2 outfit when we only got to use it once i just wanna see Riku's new outfit idrk about Sora's


Nah, it's not like im tired of it or anything, it's my favourite outfit so far :] but I think with each new KH main series game like the followings, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, should each of the main series' Characters again like the followings, Sora, Riku, Kairi and Mickey wear a new outfit each new game to help give the games a sense of refreshment when it comes to them wearing their clothes and going on adventures with the others :], for example, I want to see Mickey wear a white version of his clothing from KHII in KHIII like he wore a black version in KH BBS :].

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I'd prefer if Sora didnt get new clothes in KH3. We've only played as KH2 Sora in 1 game(actually 1.1 sort of because of the credits of KH3D), and have only seen in it cutscenes in 2 games(BBS and KH3D), while KH1 Sora has been in the majority.

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Hey there guys, Austin here. I changed over to an account more fitting to my thoughts. 


Anyway, I'm seeing a good mix of opinions here and I whole heartedly accept them all. I do like the way of thinking when it comes to why Sora's KH2 outfit should remain. I do feel that it'd be fair if Sora's KH2 outfit got to be used for this title as he only used it one time and that was KH2. I didn't like the idea of seeing KH1 Sora gameplay wise, when overall we enjoyed KH2 Sora's appearance more. It'd be nice to see it used one last time.  Honestly, I dun get the point in giving Sora and Ven pants, their shorts are really freaking awesome. They should stick to the shorts.

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I don't know what they'll do in regards to Sora and Riku's clothes, but I do hope for the love of bananas that they get Lea out of that coat. They don't even really have to do much........he can keep the black boots and pants, but maybe have the coat open, with the sleeves ripped off and a cool tank underneath. That way it's paying homage to both his past as Axel and his future as Lea.

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