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Space Cowboy

Possible KH3 NEWS?

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Credits to KH Insider and PSXEtreme.com


Sony is having a big unvealing of some new game next month, but we don't know what it is. Some people are speculating that it's KH3 (it's kinda what I think to). What do you guys think?


Here is the link to the original article:


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I'm guessing it's something not related to KH because:


1. KH3 nor the two mystery games have been announced in Japan yet.

2. KH3 said not to be in development until FF Versus XIII is completed.

3. There are other games besides KH.


But that's just me.

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As I've said probably 50 times:



Square Enix and Disney are companies. Companies need to make money. Putting KH3 on the PS3 would not make them a lot of money.


Besides, Disney has explicitly stated that they don't like putting their games on Sony systems.

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As I've said probably 50 times:



Square Enix and Disney are companies. Companies need to make money. Putting KH3 on the PS3 would not make them a lot of money.


Besides, Disney has explicitly stated that they don't like putting their games on Sony systems.


Then can you explain why there are KH games on the ps2 and psp?


Also, I thought Disney didnt want there games as downloadable content.

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Wait didn't Nomura said that when ff13 versus comes out kh3 will? Or did he means how many sales of ff13 versus depends on it?


Anyway F.E.A.R 3 is coming out October 1st, CAN'T WAIT!!! (at least that's what gamestop says) I doubt they will remake FF7 for PS3, besides the original download. So I will put my money on ff13 versus (they had forever to work on it) otherwise a new kh game.

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As I've said probably 50 times:



Square Enix and Disney are companies. Companies need to make money. Putting KH3 on the PS3 would not make them a lot of money.


Besides, Disney has explicitly stated that they don't like putting their games on Sony systems.


Then can you explain why there are KH games on the ps2 and psp?


Also, I thought Disney didnt want there games as downloadable content.



Came after the development began on BBS.

Plus, PS3 on the KH3 = horrid sales

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