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The Protagonist

Anime vs Video games.

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So which do you rather(whichever you choose would be the one you had to live with not ever finding out about the other) and why and ?There is no definite answer to which is better its all based on opinions anyway.


For me it has to be Video games because i started playing video games around 6(or earlier) so I have childhood memories of them and I can't intereact with an Anime,all I can do is watch.With games I feel more immersed in the story as sometimes I maybe able to make my own character and him/her in the story or I can have control of what a certain character does or how the story ends,I don't think that would be possible with and Anime.Plus I can have the best of both worlds with Jrpgs(which is my fav genre btw) and VN novels.


Now,I don't think there any jackasses on this site who stereotype people so feel free to express yourself and go into detail.(for you newcomers)I dunno why I typed this because I don't think there were any in the first place,just got of a few sites where people where stereo typing and so I think it had an effect(as in for some reason I typed this little peace at the end here) on me xD


Anyway what do you guys think?

Edited by Keyblade Master101

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I guess they're both awesome in their own ways, and to tell the truth, i'm really not good at picking one thing over the other like this. I also really have no clue how I'd choose that, and i don't worry about it. The good thing is to enjoy them both for me

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I would choose video games.  A lot of the shows I watch aren't anime and I'm not obsessed with it.  I would be happy with the shows I watch that aren't anime and video games.  

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As much as I love both forms of media, I choose video games simply for the Kingdom Hearts series. I mean seriously, if I hadn't ever played video games, I would have never found Kingdom Hearts, and if I hadn't found Kingdom Hearts, I wouldn't be here in this site! Plus, this site is where I met my Dearly Beloved Inori! :)

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Video Games... I've been a hardcore gamer at heart played many different video games on many different consoles including handhelds, but that doesn't mean I haven't watch a ton of Anime, I just enjoy Video Games more.

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Most of the anime I've watched has been based off of video games... In fact, I can only think of two that I watched that weren't.


So definitely video games. Playing is more fun than watching. Plus, plenty of games have anime style art, story, humor, etc. So you can get the best of both worlds.

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Videogames by far! There are just so many problems with a lot of anime that would be impossible to transfer into videogames like a main character who cries for 11 out of 13 episodes then becomes the savior of the universe or stupid stuff like "I've known you for 5 seconds but that's ok! I'll protect you all my life!" Videogames don't usually have silly stuff like that. And a ton of anime have HUGE plotholes to a much larger extent than videogames do.


There's really only one anime I'd call a masterpiece. 

Edited by Winner's Proof

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Video games since when I like a certain Anime I only like it until they end, and plus I love so many Western shows over Anime. Video games are just much more fun.




Video games because weeabooism should be classified as a stage 3 cancer.


Oh god, it's a religion. 

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While I'm mostly a gamer and I could've biasly chosed video games based on my absolute love for Kingdom Hearts only.


I would say that recently anime became a little bit more appealing to me than video games in terms of community


At least in anime you can still like whatever you want (Even frickin Hentai) without people trying to murder you for liking a competing studio(Unless you talk about the big three:Naruto,One Piece and Bleach,then you can never win)


Unlike in video games where you get Console wartards and psychos like the Sonic Fanbase and the Final Fantasy fanbase that won't rest until they kill you for having a different taste with some common sense

Edited by Metal Snake

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I love both Anime and Video games to death, but if i really had to choose.....................I think i'd go with video games honestly. They're so much fun, and as entertaining as it is to watch Anime, i really like Video games more then Anime.

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Video games, definitely. They're a lot more immersive, there are a lot more I like (I only like 6 or 7 anime series, not counting different side-series like Naruto and Naruto Shippuden), and they made me who I am today. Of course, it'd suck to give up Naruto, Soul Eater, and Sword Art. D:

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