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Kingdom Hearts: The Tirain Pieces RP

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  On 1/19/2014 at 11:29 PM, Ultimus Grid said:

Ovan and Detok shout:  "Heartless!"  a second after they showed up.  One of the Large Shadows charged at the guys, but they jumped back away from each other to evade it.  Ovan lands and runs, trying to reach Detok's side.  But he crashes into an invisible barrier and falls on his back.  He quickly gets up and slams his fists on the wall.  Confused, he shouts:  "Detok!  Do you know what's going on?  I can't get through to you!" 


Detok puts his hands on an invisible wall, examining and what to think of it.  After a miniute, he says:  "  As far as I can tell, there's an invisible barrier separating us.  It appears this is something else the Heartless can do.  Or maybe by another person.  In any case, looks like we have to fight with whoever we're with at the moment."  Ovan:  "But I fight better with you!"  Detok:  "You have to adapt and cooperate with the people in the same place with you.  I know you can do it."  Ovan closes his eyes out of anger from the thought of it.  Calming down,  he opens them and says:  "Alright, fine."


Ovan stares at the Heartless he has to fight and summons Trica.  Pointing it towards them, he says:  "So, which one is first?"



Detok turns around and looks at the Heartless in his area.  He also sees Fiora here and summons Quantis.  Getting into a fencing position, he says:  "It appears we're partners in this fight Fiora.  Let's do our best to rid of these pests."  Detok dashes and thrusts into one of the Possessors.  He runs back to his spot, thinking of how to deal with the rest of the enemies. 

Brandon quickly summoned his True Challenge keyblade. "Darn, i wasn't expecting them to arrive right away. Alright then, LETS BRING IT!" He quickly turned to Ovan. "Follow my lead Ovan


  On 1/19/2014 at 11:37 PM, Daniel Black said:

Suddenly, barries appeared dividing the groups, then a bunch of strange creatures, like the ones in the dream appeared. For Kyle this was the first time facing the heartless since that dream. "Dammit... now what...." Kyle was talking when him, unconciousnesly, moved his arm back and with a move of his wrist, summoned his keyblade. "... Oh right..." he said while turning around to see who was with him, one was Ovan, the other he didn´t knew his name.. "So.. both of you, any plan under your sleeves?" he said sarcastically. 

Brandon quickly summoned his True Challenge keyblade. "Darn, i wasn't expecting them to arrive right away. Alright then, LETS BRING IT!" He quickly turned to Ovan and Kyle. "Follow my lead guys, When i finish my attack, i'll yell for Ovan to continue the barrage on the heartless, and then Ovan will finish his attack and yell for Kyle to follow up. We'll continue to this in quick succession so they'll get little to no chances at hitting us, you guys ready?"


Brandon ran up to one of Red Nocturnes and did a 5 hit combo in the air, and finished with a spin attack, killing it and then quickly fired 2 Blizzard shots at the other one, also finishing it. He then threw his keyblade at one of the professors and quickly summoned it back, then finished off his barrage by doing a sliding dash attack at it, sending it flying through the air near Ovan. "OVAN, ITS YOUR TURN!"

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Ovan thought:  Okay then. and shouted: " RIGHT!" and charges forward.  He jumps and stabs through the sent Possessor, does an overhead 4 hit strike on a second one, and crashes down on a third.  He runs to the fourth Possessor, does an upward, downward, and diagonal slash on it.  Ovan finishes by swinging and flinging the possessor, sending it to Kyle and shouts:  "Kyle, you're up!"

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"Right!" Kyle said while running towards the launched Possessor, doing an upward, and diagonal slide on it, finishing it up, then he turned his attention to the two large shadows. "C´mon it´s time to work this out" Kyle said while holding his hands at the keyblade then, electricity began to charge on the point of the keyblade, with a swing, Kyle focused on the enemy and then "lightning bolt!!". Said this he launched an orb of electricity towards the enemy´s ground. The impact caused a electric shock on them paralizing both. "Now together!!" Kyle shouted to Ovan and the other guy (Brandon).

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  On 1/20/2014 at 12:11 AM, Daniel Black said:

"Right!" Kyle said while running towards the launched Possessor, doing an upward, and diagonal slide on it, finishing it up, then he turned his attention to the two large shadows. "C´mon it´s time to work this out" Kyle said while holding his hands at the keyblade then, electricity began to charge on the point of the keyblade, with a swing, Kyle focused on the enemy and then "lightning bolt!!". Said this he launched an orb of electricity towards the enemy´s ground. The impact caused a electric shock on them paralizing both. "Now together!!" Kyle shouted to Ovan and the other guy (Brandon).

"RIGHT!" Brandon rushed to the enemies and did a 7 hit combo at one of the enemies. "NOW OVAN!"

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Ovan:  "Alright!" Ovan dashes, and does a spinning slash between both Shadows and did 4 stabs to each of them.  Then he jumps behind them, uses the land to push him forward and slash through the Large Shadows.  Ovan shouts to Kyle:  "Finish it man!"

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"Got it!" Kyle said as he jumped and doing a spin he hit over one of them and with the same impulse, he did a horizontal slash to the second one. Both enemies began to fade away at the same time Kyle crashed over ground. "nggg.... well.... good idea... bad landing... " he muttered. 

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Fiora nodded. "Let's do this." She slashed at one of the Possessors, and another one hovered over her. She felt it sapping her energy slowly... She swiped at it, managing to knock it away, then rolled towards a Large Armor and attacked it.

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Detok lunged at the Large Shadow Fiora attack and swung down hard.  He moves onto another one, charging towards it and doing a stabbing thrust.  He stops for a moment to rest.  But one of the shadows snuck up on Detok from behind and struck him with its claw.  He falls on his left knee from the hit.  Detok retaliated by slashing it upward.  He falls back on the knee and thought:  Ugh.  Despite looking weak, those larger shadows are stronger.  Should've known I can't rest, even for a moment.  I must be more vigilant.

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  On 1/20/2014 at 12:11 AM, Daniel Black said:

"Right!" Kyle said while running towards the launched Possessor, doing an upward, and diagonal slide on it, finishing it up, then he turned his attention to the two large shadows. "C´mon it´s time to work this out" Kyle said while holding his hands at the keyblade then, electricity began to charge on the point of the keyblade, with a swing, Kyle focused on the enemy and then "lightning bolt!!". Said this he launched an orb of electricity towards the enemy´s ground. The impact caused a electric shock on them paralizing both. "Now together!!" Kyle shouted to Ovan and the other guy (Brandon).

(Just now seeing this, due to being busy and unable to read all the post till now, but I don't think you have Thunder or any of it's variations yet... I'll let it slide for now, but don't do it again.) 


The team of Ovan, Kyle, and Brandon finished their enemies first, and did so incredibly well. The barrier behind them, forcing them to fight opened, allowing them to escape and rest.


  On 1/23/2014 at 2:06 AM, Black Star said:

Fiora nodded. "Let's do this." She slashed at one of the Possessors, and another one hovered over her. She felt it sapping her energy slowly... She swiped at it, managing to knock it away, then rolled towards a Large Armor and attacked it.


Detok and Fiora had only six Large Shadow's left, but Detok took a pretty bad hit. The Large Shadows were obviously dangerous to the small group as they were now, not too terribly strong yet, but they were far from outmatched.


  On 1/19/2014 at 11:08 PM, Yuffie Kisaragi said:

(Of course we have the most amount of enemies immune to my fire...)


Osiris was in her hand in an instant, and her back was to Brooklyn's. She held it out carefully, like a fencer. "Don't we just have the luck of the Irish," Mes commented sarcastically. She lunged outward at a Possessor, stabbing it, then ripping her keyblade out, and slicing down on it again. It disintegrated in a flash of darkness. Mes returned to her starting pose. She didn't want to overinvest herself, that'd probably get her killed. And death was generally a bad thing.

"My thought exactly." Brooklyn replied, taking his usual starting position, he mowed down the other Possessors with quick, vertical strikes, and then being hit by a fireball from a Red Nocturne. "I-it shoots fire..." Brooklyn thought, being sent reeling by the blast., he used the shot to send him at one of the Large Shadows, and killed it. "Watch out for the red ones, they have ranged attacks." Brooklyn called to Mes, sending a shot that was going for Mes from one of the Red Nocturnes back at itself, destroying it. Three Red Nocturnes and four Large Shadows' remained.

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  On 1/23/2014 at 4:16 AM, Ultimus Grid said:

Detok lunged at the Large Shadow Fiora attack and swung down hard.  He moves onto another one, charging towards it and doing a stabbing thrust.  He stops for a moment to rest.  But one of the shadows snuck up on Detok from behind and struck him with its claw.  He falls on his left knee from the hit.  Detok retaliated by slashing it upward.  He falls back on the knee and thought:  Ugh.  Despite looking weak, those larger shadows are stronger.  Should've known I can't rest, even for a moment.  I must be more vigilant.

Fiora cast a Cure spell on Detok. That's right... I have magic now, too. She thought, then slashed at another Large Shadow. Another came up from behind her, but she managed to barely dodge its attack, and stab through it. "Are you okay?" She asked Detok.

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Mes flipped over Brooklyn, stabbing downward into an upcoming large shadow. She finished it off with a quick jab, and it dissolved into darkness. "Range... that's always fun." She muttered in response, deflecting another fireball off her blade back to it's sender, destroying it. She followed up with a lunge at a large shadow. It backed up, but left itself vulnerable for a diagonal slice. She did so, and sequentially did a backflip, kicking it in the face, then jumped forward, stabbing it with momentum. "Only a few more." Mes said.

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  On 1/28/2014 at 5:56 AM, Black Star said:

Fiora cast a Cure spell on Detok. That's right... I have magic now, too. She thought, then slashed at another Large Shadow. Another came up from behind her, but she managed to barely dodge its attack, and stab through it. "Are you okay?" She asked Detok.

 Four Large Shadows loomed still, their yellow eyes staring at the two hungrily. 
  On 1/29/2014 at 1:19 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said:

Mes flipped over Brooklyn, stabbing downward into an upcoming large shadow. She finished it off with a quick jab, and it dissolved into darkness. "Range... that's always fun." She muttered in response, deflecting another fireball off her blade back to it's sender, destroying it. She followed up with a lunge at a large shadow. It backed up, but left itself vulnerable for a diagonal slice. She did so, and sequentially did a backflip, kicking it in the face, then jumped forward, stabbing it with momentum. "Only a few more." Mes said.

Brooklyn smirked. "She might be as decent a fighter as I am..." He thought, blocking and striking down another Large Shadow and Red Nocturne in a single sweep, then following it with a fireball deflection and slash through two Red Nocturnes. "One left of each, Mes, you thinkin' like I am?"

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Feeling rejuvenated, Detok stood up and looked to Fiora, replying:  "I'm fine now, thanks to you.  You certainly have an incredible gift."  He turns to the leftover Heartless and says:  "It appears our remaining 'guests' still desire some action.  Shall we end this party?"  Detok runs to a Large Shadow and does a three-hit thrust into it.  Then he tackles a second one, giving it a left hook, a rightward slash, and finishes with a fist/keyblade slam.

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Mes glanced towards Brooklyn, and spotted the glint of adrenaline in his eyes. "Of course." She said, returning his grin. She held her keyblade in fencing stance again, and waited for Brooklyn's cue.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 12:11 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said:

Mes glanced towards Brooklyn, and spotted the glint of adrenaline in his eyes. "Of course." She said, returning his grin. She held her keyblade in fencing stance again, and waited for Brooklyn's cue.

"Alright!" Brooklyn exclaimed, taking stance, and at the moment, the two of them turned and clashed their blades, a smirk on their faces, the pushed off, hitting the barriers with their feet and jumping into the air after pushing off of them, flying high into the sky, Mes went slightly above Brooklyn, and swung downward, as Brooklyn blocked the slash, sending him to the ground, he lanced through the Red Nocturne with a stabbing motion, and sticking his blade into the ground in the process, the  Large Shadow swiped at Brooklyn, who just pivoted around with his wrist and moved around without touching the ground, dodging the attacks, when Mes appears from above and strikes down the Large Shadow, as well as knock's Brooklyn's Keyblade from the ground with a swipe from above, sending Brooklyn into a backflip, which he landed effectively. "That went better than I thought it would, nicely done."

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  On 1/29/2014 at 3:25 AM, Ultimus Grid said:

Feeling rejuvenated, Detok stood up and looked to Fiora, replying:  "I'm fine now, thanks to you.  You certainly have an incredible gift."  He turns to the leftover Heartless and says:  "It appears our remaining 'guests' still desire some action.  Shall we end this party?"  Detok runs to a Large Shadow and does a three-hit thrust into it.  Then he tackles a second one, giving it a left hook, a rightward slash, and finishes with a fist/keyblade slam.

"Right." Fiora nodded, rapidly slashing at one Large Shadow with her Keyblade. She then ran towards another, slashing through it quickly, and destroying it. "There's only one left!" She shouted back to Detok. "We've almost got this!"

Edited by Black Star

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Detok shouts to Fiora:  "Almost?  My dear, with this next move, our victory is assured!"  He runs to the last heartless and slide kicks it, knocking it on the back.  Detok does a flurry of kicks and slashing the Large Shadow four times with each hand twice.  To end it off, Detok swings and knocks the creature towards Fiora, shouting:  "It's all yours Fiora!"

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  On 2/3/2014 at 3:20 AM, Ultimus Grid said:

Detok shouts to Fiora:  "Almost?  My dear, with this next move, our victory is assured!"  He runs to the last heartless and slide kicks it, knocking it on the back.  Detok does a flurry of kicks and slashing the Large Shadow four times with each hand twice.  To end it off, Detok swings and knocks the creature towards Fiora, shouting:  "It's all yours Fiora!"

"Right!" Fiora jumped towards the Heartless, and slashed it straight through the middle. It burst into darkness, eventually leaving no remains behind. "Heh, looks like we did it!" Fiora smiled in relief, glad they'd won. "Great job, Detok!"

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  On 1/30/2014 at 12:30 AM, Crona said:

"Alright!" Brooklyn exclaimed, taking stance, and at the moment, the two of them turned and clashed their blades, a smirk on their faces, the pushed off, hitting the barriers with their feet and jumping into the air after pushing off of them, flying high into the sky, Mes went slightly above Brooklyn, and swung downward, as Brooklyn blocked the slash, sending him to the ground, he lanced through the Red Nocturne with a stabbing motion, and sticking his blade into the ground in the process, the  Large Shadow swiped at Brooklyn, who just pivoted around with his wrist and moved around without touching the ground, dodging the attacks, when Mes appears from above and strikes down the Large Shadow, as well as knock's Brooklyn's Keyblade from the ground with a swipe from above, sending Brooklyn into a backflip, which he landed effectively. "That went better than I thought it would, nicely done."

  On 2/3/2014 at 3:59 AM, Black Star said:

"Right!" Fiora jumped towards the Heartless, and slashed it straight through the middle. It burst into darkness, eventually leaving no remains behind. "Heh, looks like we did it!" Fiora smiled in relief, glad they'd won. "Great job, Detok!"

And with that, the barriers also dropped for Detok and Fiora, as well as Brooklyn and Mes. After they walked out, the groups all collapsed from exhaustion. "Man, I'm exhausted. Today's been active, too." Brooklyn said, yawning. The day had actually went by quickly: it was now twilight, and soon time for dinner. The groups retrete back into the house for a well-deserved rest and meal, although... Everyone hid or refused to look at Brandon as he ate. The next morning...


"Alright! We just have two last basics to cover before we're done: how we're going to travel and our armor!" Brooklyn announced to the group. "First, our form of travel." Brooklyn said, summoning Black Tempest, he threw it into the air, and it transformed into an odd flying object (

  SPOILERS: Click to reveal

) which returned to Brooklyn and allowed him to mount it, his eyes showed excitement as he outright said "I can't believe that actually worked..." He got on the vehicle, the controls were almost natural as he moved around a bit. "Alright, you all try!"


(Okay, yall are picking from TAV's Keyblade Gliders, except you may make some minor alterations, should you choose. You may bring in an original, if you have one in-picture, but for those of us without one, use a stock TAV glider and modifie accordingly.)

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  On 2/3/2014 at 4:40 AM, Crona said:

And with that, the barriers also dropped for Detok and Fiora, as well as Brooklyn and Mes. After they walked out, the groups all collapsed from exhaustion. "Man, I'm exhausted. Today's been active, too." Brooklyn said, yawning. The day had actually went by quickly: it was now twilight, and soon time for dinner. The groups retrete back into the house for a well-deserved rest and meal, although... Everyone hid or refused to look at Brandon as he ate. The next morning...


"Alright! We just have two last basics to cover before we're done: how we're going to travel and our armor!" Brooklyn announced to the group. "First, our form of travel." Brooklyn said, summoning Black Tempest, he threw it into the air, and it transformed into an odd flying object (

  SPOILERS: Click to reveal

) which returned to Brooklyn and allowed him to mount it, his eyes showed excitement as he outright said "I can't believe that actually worked..." He got on the vehicle, the controls were almost natural as he moved around a bit. "Alright, you all try!"


(Okay, yall are picking from TAV's Keyblade Gliders, except you may make some minor alterations, should you choose. You may bring in an original, if you have one in-picture, but for those of us without one, use a stock TAV glider and modifie accordingly.)

(Ok, im choosing VENTUS'S KEYBLADE GLIDER. It has a Dark blue color scheme on the sides, and silver for the rest of it).


Brandon summoned True Challenge and threw it into the air, and it turned into a Blue Silver glider. "Sweet!" Then it lost energy and fell on top of Fiora, pushing her to the ground. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!" He ran over to her and turned his keyblade back into normal form and desummoned it. He gave her a potion and held her up. "I'm so sorry."

Edited by spiderfreak1011

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(I'll go with Aqua's, but with red instead of blue, and white instead of gray.)



  On 2/3/2014 at 4:50 AM, spiderfreak1011 said:

(Ok, im choosing VENTUS'S KEYBLADE GLIDER. It has a Dark blue color scheme on the sides, and silver for the rest of it).


Brandon summoned True Challenge and threw it into the air, and it turned into a Blue Silver glider. "Sweet!" Then it lost energy and fell on top of Fiora, pushing her to the ground. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!" He ran over to her and turned his keyblade back into normal form and desummoned it. He gave her a potion and held her up.

Fiora drank the potion and got back up. "Yeah... I'm okay..." She smiled faintly. Not really... She thought to herself, but didn't want to upset Brandon. She threw Light's Embrace into the air, and it turned into her own Keyblade glider. She looked around it, admiring it.

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(Aw shucks.  Terra's glider for Detok, with black, brown and green;  black bended bars next to the engine(?), brown bat wings and two green eyes on the wings;  Ventus' glider for Ovan, but more "shield" shaped, V shaped blue wings, white body, and sky blue engine, booster, thing. .....)


Ovan and Detok say:  "Wow."  on what happened.  Smiling, Ovan spins out Trica, throws it to up to his right.  It transforms into it's glider form, landing next to Ovan and sparkling with intensity.  Ovan hops on and says:  "Now this is what I call awesome!"


Detok summons Quantis and looks at it.  He twirls it in his right hand, throws and twirls it in his left.  He jumps up and throws Qauntis to his left side in the air.  It changes into a sort of bike like Glider and he lands in the seat.  Grinning, Detok says:  "Oh, there are just more amusing surprises with the Keyblade."

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Mes grinned as she watched everybody else's gliders come in. "Alright, guys, check this out!" She summoned Osiris, and threw it into the air. It spun, then came back to her as a keyblade glider. (Aqua style for her, but with gold instead of black, purple instead of blue, and blue instead of black) Mes hopped on, and did a loop in the air. "Whoo!" She yelled joyously, smiling. She leveled the glider out next to Brooklyn, and smiled at him. "Race ya!" She said, challenging him.

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  On 2/3/2014 at 11:47 PM, Yuffie Kisaragi said:

Mes grinned as she watched everybody else's gliders come in. "Alright, guys, check this out!" She summoned Osiris, and threw it into the air. It spun, then came back to her as a keyblade glider. (Aqua style for her, but with gold instead of black, purple instead of blue, and blue instead of black) Mes hopped on, and did a loop in the air. "Whoo!" She yelled joyously, smiling. She leveled the glider out next to Brooklyn, and smiled at him. "Race ya!" She said, challenging him.

Brooklyn gave a small grin off as Mes challenged him to a race. "I'm in, when your ready."

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"On the count of three..." Mes started, looking at Brooklyn with the spark of challenge in her eyes. "Three... two... one!" Mes took off in her scooter like glider. She flew straight into the woods, swishing between trees, getting within a hair's width of crashing, but increasing speed still. Her deep violet hair flew behind her, wind flowing around her at high speeds. She loved the adrenaline, the feeling of going fast.

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