Guest Posted October 15, 2013 On 10/1/2013 at 8:28 PM, Ultimus Grid said: Ovan held his shield and dashed forward. He rammed into three Dusks' and ran to his right. He slashed down on one and another. He spins towards another and throws his shield at one more. He catches his shield and thought: I wonder if Detock is going through this?TEAM MOB FIGHT Nobody Mob: Dusk'sEnemy Number: 35Allotted number killed per post: 7Number Left: 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted October 19, 2013 Ovan dashed and rammed into a dusk. Another one came behind and struck him with its' head. Ovan went down to ground from the hit. He took a second to get up and shrug off the hit. He turns to the dusk that attacked him and throws his shield at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 20, 2013 Fiora sliced through one of the Dusks with her halo, then tossed it at another. She slashed through two more that tried attacking her, then dodged out of the way of another one and destroyed it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 21, 2013 (edited) On 10/19/2013 at 4:21 AM, Ultimus Grid said: Ovan dashed and rammed into a dusk. Another one came behind and struck him with its' head. Ovan went down to ground from the hit. He took a second to get up and shrug off the hit. He turns to the dusk that attacked him and throws his shield at it. On 10/20/2013 at 11:28 PM, Black Star said: Fiora sliced through one of the Dusks with her halo, then tossed it at another. She slashed through two more that tried attacking her, then dodged out of the way of another one and destroyed it. (Now Xalaru needs to post...) TEAM MOB FIGHT Nobody Mob: Dusk'sEnemy Number: 35Allotted number killed per post: 7Number Left: 0 After the last of the Nobodies was defeated, the groop was joined by Detok. As if by some magic, the people were once again healed and had their energy's restored, and the voice began to speak again. You have all done well for this. You are prepared to o- Suddenly, the glass pane underneath the fighter's feet cracked, then shattered. They fell far, alarmingly far, the glass from the tower seemed like it was going to crush them as they fell, but it dissolved after some time. Eventually, a pitch-black void, lacking all light, even from above is all that can be seen. The young Keyblade Wielders hit another platform, and quite hard, the plume of darkness that enveloped them at the moment of landing only signified the impact, yet all the wielders were-by a miracle-all unharmed, so much so as to say that they felt no pain from the landing, almost as if they landed on their bed or a trampoline instead. They stood up as the darkness gathered tightly, assuming a form. The creature that formed looked like that of a black man, short, stalky legs, a large hole in it's chest, and a large head with two glowing yellow eyes. Next, though, a Nobody-like entry portal, a large, white figure erupted out of the hole, it had a large, spiky body, a zipper that ran from below the pelvis up to the neck, a nobody symbol on the head, and a long scarf that was made of many pieces sticking out at the end. But the next instance would be the most frighting. A large, rouge, amber, and burgundy portal appeared, ushering in great force, like that of a hurricane from above, it took up a large portion and was far above the Nobody and heartless, the portal may very well had been for that of a god, or what you would think of to be the size of a god, as it took up the space that could only be assumed to be the platform they were on. The Nobody, Heartless, and all the Keywielders looked above, staring intensely at the portal to see what would erupt from it. After moments of waiting, it started to emerge... The head of this beast was larger than the portal it were trying to emerge from, as it had to use it's colossal hands to just peer through the hole, ripping the hole open even further, it's dark reddish-purple hands and dark grin that could barely be seen beyond the hole struck such a feeling of fear, dismay, and sorrow that the average person would rather die right then and there than have to be killed by it. The heartless and nobody attempted an escape, the Heartless tried to melt away and the Nobody teleport, but the creature gripped them each in one of it's colossal hands, and dragged them into the portal it existed in. What could only be described next was slightly disturbing. The creature consumed the Heartless and Nobody bit by bit, tearing off the arms or legs of the creature it set it's hunger upon next bits and pieces of both of it's meals fell to the floor, and after it finished, a loud burp could be heard from it. What... What is that? The voice, with a astounded sound wonders. I've never seen the like of this creature before! I... You have to fight it... Once it noticed you, it will probably attack you... I'm sorry to put you through this... I... The voice was cut off, the beast turned it's attention to the Keyslingers It's grim, silver eyes peered down on them. You would think it wouldn't be able to see them, but it started to reach down to Ovan... It's time for the first Boss Battle! Io describe the creature, it's hands look like that of Cloud's gauntlet, only in shades of reddish-purple and black, it;s head is similar in design to the Heartless Ship from KH1 that Ansem used, only more freaky than it already it, and more human like. Boss Battle is where your stats REALLY come into play. Attacks are Turn-based, the fastest entity on the field goes first(If a Player and a Boss are equal, the Player goes first), and slowest last, obviously. In this case, here is the order Fiora(Which is a surprise)------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes(Just to make it easier of you, Ultimus)------------->Detok----------->Ovan and then it repeats. Since Axel's fastest, he makes the first move. Edited October 21, 2013 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted October 21, 2013 (Don't count me out just yet! I just couldn't respond earlier, because I was camping and recovering from falling off a cliff and such. But could you edit that really quick and then I can reply?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 21, 2013 On 10/21/2013 at 12:51 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said: (Don't count me out just yet! I just couldn't respond earlier, because I was camping and recovering from falling off a cliff and such. But could you edit that really quick and then I can reply?) (OK, and are you OK? I put you into the saves till you could post, so if you're OK enough I can, but you don't have to.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted October 21, 2013 (Yeah, I'm fine. While I did fall off a cliff, I got really lucky, and didn't severely injure myself. Just some rest, and Ishould recover fine.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 21, 2013 On 10/21/2013 at 1:43 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said: (Yeah, I'm fine. While I did fall off a cliff, I got really lucky, and didn't severely injure myself. Just some rest, and Ishould recover fine.) (Done.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 21, 2013 (Dangit Crona you're scaring me with what you're saying about these new enemy types...) Fiora gazed at the new beast, dazed by the creature. She noticed it was about to grab one of the other people that helped her out earlier. "No!" She threw her halo at the beast's hand, hoping to distract it. She ran to where the halo landed, and tried to block the hand with it. Sure, the hand was much larger, but she still had a shot at success, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 21, 2013 On 10/21/2013 at 1:58 AM, Black Star said: (Dangit Crona you're scaring me with what you're saying about these new enemy types...) Fiora gazed at the new beast, dazed by the creature. She noticed it was about to grab one of the other people that helped her out earlier. "No!" She threw her halo at the beast's hand, hoping to distract it. She ran to where the halo landed, and tried to block the hand with it. Sure, the hand was much larger, but she still had a shot at success, right? (For future reference, I will Bold the person who has the attack Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan (Wait for a Class 2.) Unknown Beast: HP: 739 MP: 5 CRG: 0 The enemy fires a laser from it's fingers at Ovan and hits! HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 2 Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted October 21, 2013 (edited) Mes gritted her teeth at the arrival of the new beast. She gripped her scythe, and looked in awe of it. One of the others threw her halo at it, and seemed to damage the beast slightly. The terrifying creature fired a laser at another of her "friends". "Hey big 'n' ugly! Over here!" Mes yelled up at the beast, before running forward to it, jumping up, and slicing with all her strength at it's weird gauntlet-like hand. Edited October 21, 2013 by Yuffie Kisaragi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 21, 2013 On 10/21/2013 at 2:53 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said: Mes gritted her teeth at the arrival of the new beast. She gripped her scythe, and looked in awe of it. One of the others threw her halo at it, and seemed to damage the beast slightly. The terrifying creature fired a laser at another of her "friends". "Hey big 'n' ugly! Over here!" Mes yelled up at the beast, before running forward to it, and slicing her scythe down upon it's foot with all her strength. (It's arms and head are the only things visible/hittable) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted October 21, 2013 (edited) (Since this is turned based, would using an item, magic (when it comes), attacking or defending take up the whole turn?) Detock: I looked around and knew I was somewhere different. I saw a large monster I never saw before. I also saw some people too, even....Ovan? Ovan: I got on my left knee after that monsters' attack. I turned left and saw Detock! I shout to him: "Detock! You're here too?!" Detock: "Yeah, wherever 'here' is. But now's not the time to talk. We have something to dispose of first." I ran, thrusting at the creatures' head and jump back to my previous spot. Ovan: "Right!" I said and used a potion on myself while getting up. Edited October 22, 2013 by Ultimus Grid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) On 10/21/2013 at 2:09 PM, Yuffie Kisaragi said: (Edited.) Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 729 MP: 5 CRG: 1 Mes hit for CRITICAL damage! On 10/21/2013 at 10:21 PM, Ultimus Grid said: (Since this is turned based, would using an item, magic (when it comes), attacking or defending take up the whole turn?) Detock: I looked around and knew I was somewhere different. I saw a large monster I never saw before. I also saw some people too, even....Ovan? Ovan: I got on my left knee after that monsters' attack. I turned left and saw Detock! I shout to him: "Detock! You're here too?!" Detock: "Yeah, wherever 'here' is. But now's not the time to talk. We have something to dispose of first." I ran, thrusting at the creatures' head and jump back to my previous spot. Ovan: "Right!" I said and used a potion on myself while getting up. I shout: "Shield Charger!",charging at the monsters' head and arms. (Yes, Potions/healing is one turn, but generally, until your HP goes up[Or you have bad luck, like you did with that shot again] I go in a pattern with Monster-Based enemy's; they usually don't attack the same target every time) Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 728 MP: 5 CRG: 1 HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Edited October 22, 2013 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 22, 2013 Fiora focused on the beast's head. Hitting it there should be much more effective than going for its arms, right...? She asked herself silently, and threw her halo, hitting the creature straight in the eye. She caught the halo as it fell back down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 22, 2013 On 10/22/2013 at 1:25 AM, Black Star said: Fiora focused on the beast's head. Hitting it there should be much more effective than going for its arms, right...? She asked herself silently, and threw her halo, hitting the creature straight in the eye. She caught the halo as it fell back down. Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan SPECIAL ACTION: Eye K.O. on the Unknown Enemy! Damage multiplied! Fiora hit for CRITICAL damage! Unknown Beast: HP: 293(...) MP: 5 CRG: 1 The enemy's attention was on Mes, after she called it out, but Fiora's blow damaged it's eye(And with a BS amount of luck)dealt huge damage to it. The creature is stunned! HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 22, 2013 On 10/22/2013 at 1:34 AM, Crona said: Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan SPECIAL ACTION: Eye K.O. on the Unknown Enemy! Damage multiplied! Fiora hit for CRITICAL damage! Unknown Beast: HP: 293(...) MP: 5 CRG: 1 The enemy's attention was on Mes, after she called it out, but Fiora's blow damaged it's eye(And with a BS amount of luck)dealt huge damage to it. The creature is stunned! HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan (And you said Fiora would just be doing 1 damage the whole time. ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted October 22, 2013 Mes grinned at her comrade as she took out one of the creature's eyes. "Excellente!" She called out. Mes felt a large amount of power within her, and smiled maliciously at the beast. The bloodthirsty girl took a step back, before running forward. Mes launched straight up toward the creature's head, and yelled out, "Scythe Recoil Rock!" Mes started slicing at the creature's face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 22, 2013 On 10/22/2013 at 2:33 AM, Yuffie Kisaragi said: Mes grinned at her comrade as she took out one of the creature's eyes. "Excellente!" She called out. Mes felt a large amount of power within her, and smiled maliciously at the beast. The bloodthirsty girl took a step back, before running forward. Mes launched straight up toward the creature's head, and yelled out, "Scythe Recoil Rock!" Mes started slicing at the creature's face. (I should probably weaken the crit damage from here on in, but I won't...) Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 263 MP: 5 CRG: 1 HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted October 22, 2013 Detock: Once again, I ran and thrust at the monsters' head, now that a part of it is injured. I jump back to my space and thought: This thing sure can endure multiple blows. But it has to go down sometime. Ovan: I watched how the girl with the scythe attacked this boss of a monster. I thought: Huh. She has an attack like that? Hm, I wonder.... I dashed towards' the monsters' head, shouting: "Shield Charger!" (for real this time), and struck at it as hard as I could. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 23, 2013 On 10/22/2013 at 4:04 AM, Ultimus Grid said: Detock: Once again, I ran and thrust at the monsters' head, now that a part of it is injured. I jump back to my space and thought: This thing sure can endure multiple blows. But it has to go down sometime. Ovan: I watched how the girl with the scythe attacked this boss of a monster. I thought: Huh. She has an attack like that? Hm, I wonder.... I dashed towards' the monsters' head, shouting: "Shield Charger!" (for real this time), and struck at it as hard as I could. (I had originally planned to do this last night, but the post didn't go through...) Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 256 MP: 5 CRG: 1 HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Invin(2 Turns) Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted October 24, 2013 Fiora eyed the beast. "Hitting the eye seemed to do well... But it'll probably guard its eye better now." She muttered, trying to find a spot that would be an easy target. She jumped up and sliced through its arm three times with her halo, hoping to be able to do slight damage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 24, 2013 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 255 MP: 5 CRG: 1 HP Status: Fiora: 8 Mes: 3 Ovan: 5 Invin(2 Turns) Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan The enemy is no longer stunned! It's rage is targeted at Mes and Fiora! (Rage Targeting by enemy's means they will take priority in attacking you, rather than an overall order. Sometimes, this can be helpful to your team, sometimes this will be hurtful. In any case, be careful during Boss Fights; if your not, you could wind up KOed.) The Unknown Enemy used the Large Laser on Mes and Fiora (This could potentially KO both of you... Bad luck can really provide horror for both of you.) First Result: Mes Mes is hit and hit! She takes 1 damage! Next up, Fiora Fioria is hit! She is hit for 1 Damage! (Phew...) Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Unknown Beast: HP: 255 MP: 5 CRG: 2 HP Status: Fiora: 7 Mes: 2 Ovan: 5 Invin(2 Turns) Detok: 5 Fiora------------->Unknown Enemy------------>Mes------------->Detok----------->Ovan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted October 25, 2013 Mes was knocked back to the ground by the laser. She got up, cricked her neck, and picked her scythe back up. If this think thought it could get rid of her that easy, then it was sorely mistaken. She launched back at it, straight up towards its face, continuing her flurry of slashes, slicing whatever she could, with as much newfound strength she could manage. She could feel her hatred within her, boiling up and out onto this creature of darkness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites