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KHBbS Birth by Sleep theory

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 Ok, here's my theory about the upcoming new Kingdom Hearts game for PS3 Birth by Sleep.

In the trailer we see three guys holding keyblades and wearing armor, Terra Aqua and Ven. We see them fighting with an old man named master Xehanort and his apprentice named Chasers. We are also introduced to the character's master, Master Eraqus. If you look at each character you'll see that they resemble something from previous KH characters. Terra looks like Xehanort from KH2(the only differance is their hair color), Aqua looks like Riku, Ven like Sora's nobody Roxas, Master Xehanort like Xigbar, Chasers' like Riku's dark form, and Master Eraqus like Xaldin.

 So here's what I think happens in the game. Ven is Sora's father, Aqua is Riku's father. Both Ven, Aqua, and Chasers die in the final battle while Terra, Master Xehanort, and Eraqus clash and there is no victor. Ansem the wise later finds them later haveing lost their memories, except for Terra who remembers the name Xehanort, and takes them in. Later Xehanort discover's that he's really Terra but Braig and Dilan don't remember who they are.

 Also in a scene in KH2 Final Mix we see Xemnas go into the room of sleep and talk to Aqua's armor. And later Axel explains to Zexion that there must also be a room of awakaning, and that's where Ven's frozen body probably is.



Edited by User17k

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WHAT! So you're saying Birth by Sleep ALREADY came out?

Wait wait wait wait.....you think Birth by sleep is a upcoming ps3 game....?Are you sure your a kingdom hearts fan?Do you even play the games?


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Well done.

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when i see this....erm... eh. i can't tell if its a troll. i thought it was a troll at first, but then the person seemed clueless that bbs even came out.


and to User17k. that vid you saw of ventus aqua and terra, is more than five years old if it was a CG. but if it was a legit trailer, then its three years old.  Birth by sleep came out in 2010. one question, how much do you even know of the kingdom hearts series?


and where did you get the info that Vanitas's name was CHASERS?

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