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Lu Xun

Do you consider yourself lucky?

Do you consider yourself lucky?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you consider yourself lucky?

    • Yes, I'm the luckiest person I know
    • Sure, things always seem to be going pretty well for me
    • Sort of, I'm lucky in some things, not so much in others
    • No, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all
    • There's no such thing as luck, it's meaningless superstition

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I think I fall into the category of unlucky individuals. There have been many occasion where I think to myself, "the worst thing that can happen is so and so," then so and so usually ends up happening.

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I was born into a financially well-to-do family, in a powerful country, in an area where almost anything we need is in any direction, with a diverse and tolerant attitude, in a time period that's currently not in a war and where things like internet and anesthesia exist.


We can afford our needs without worry of being in the doghouse.  I go to a decent university that's a twenty-minute commute away, without fear of debt because they can pay for my tuition out of their own pocket.  My parents allow me to live with them so I can focus on my studies and my career path without the worry of rent or whether the fridge has food.  Said fridge has plenty of food.  I'm typing this on a laptop they bought for me because they can afford it and they know I'll put it to good use.  They support my path instead of forcing me to become a doctor or an engineer.  Most of the people in my life are kind, competent, and willing to encourage me and give me the tools I need so I can be successful.


I was not born with any notable disabilities, diseases, or anything to my knowledge that would make my daily and long-term functionality more difficult than it needs to be.  I was blessed with good genes so things like diet and exercise aren't an eternity of suffering.  They also make it hard for me to get sick.  I have okay looks.  I've never broken a bone.  I've never been hospitalized, nor has anyone directly close to me been short of pregnancy and a charley horse.  No one directly close to me has ever died, either.


Not everything is a-okay but I have it pretty damn good.  And you have no idea how thankful I am for it.

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