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KHBbS Something odd about Eraqus! An error?

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Look closely to Eraqus. When he starts his Mark of Mastery exam, he has scars on his face. He greets Terra and Aqua and speaks about Master Xehanort.


Later in the game, Master Eraqus tells Ventus how he got his scars: Xehanort attacked him... 


but... that doesn't make any SENSE! Why would Eraqus still befriend of Xehanort, even after he made those deep scars? Is that an model error? Or... did Eraqus lost his memory after the combat and then realized?


I have no clue!

Edited by Marcomax

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No he obviously didn't forget . But he did forgive . I do think he should've always kept an eye on MX though since he did know from experience what he was capable of . I mean , come on , he dropped off a half dead Ven for Eraqus to take in bc he was STILL trying to forge the X-blade and whatnot and that was somewhat recent  .I think i would at the very least keep a watchful eye . But because they were longtime friends I think Eraqus just wanted to believe in MX which turned out to be a huge mistake .

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I direct you to Xehanort's letter in BBS.


Please accept my deepest gratitude for the invitation to witness your pupils' accession to the office of true Keyblade Master. It was a heavy mantle our Master placed upon your shoulders naming you Successor, but you have nonetheless persevered and raised two Masters yourself. I know it cannot be easy. I did you terrible harm in the past over a petty difference in opinion, and just a few years ago selfishly thrust my own burdens upon you. I think of you like a younger brother, and yet, fool that I am, I have never availed myself of countless opportunities to apologize or thank you for opening your home to the boy. Yet not once have you blamed me; on the contrary, here you are inviting me to such an important ceremony. I intend to be there to offer you all my blessings.

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Same reason why Sora is still friends with Riku

All that shit Riku did to him in KH1 and he is still friends with him

Forgiveness is the answer.


And if history repeats itself: that would mean someone is going to save Xehanort, oh, how sweeto~

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The reason why Eraquas blindly accepts Xehanort's apology is because the writers needed to convince us that Xehanort is actually good at this whole "planning" thing, and the only way to do that is to have characters act in often irrational, and unquestioning, fashions. You'll find that, upon examination, Xehanort's plan relies exclusively on everyone being as dumb as a post, with no ability to question or interpret events around them. Even if Eraquas did buy the idea that Xehanort was sincerely sorry for blasting his face off, he should still be suspicious when elements of darkness start appearing during his test, given that his ol' buddy is the only one powerful enough to do it. But he doesn't question it, or think about it, because if he did, Xehanort would be exposed for not really being that clever to begin with.


Had the writers not included the scene where Xehanort attacks Eraquas, this would have been a different story altogether.

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