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What is the Kingdom Hearts Cast doing right now?

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The cast of kh has been waiting around doing not much except for the occasional spin off.... What do you think they have been doing


Object of the game, come up with things a group of superpowered keybladers who are teenaged would do to combat boredom

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Namine is staring at her drawings, pondering about how many fanboys she seems to have irl...xD

Followed by drawing a mess of soriku, axroku, and every other yaoi

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1. Eating a normal meal that does not include potions, elixirs, ethers, sea salt ice cream, paopu fruit, or gummi parts of any sort.


2. Trying to catch up on all the school work they have missed the past year.


3. Competing in a Just Dance competition against every Ansem figure

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Fighting in the fandom war drinking game, every time they get a pairing of them, they do a shot of vodka,


Sora and riku are currently singing Irish bar songs to random pedestrians


Lea and roxas are in the hospital from alcholol poisoning,


Kairi is a bit buzzed and Namine is giggling nonstop for some reason

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